## Changelog See full history at: #### (2014-08-18) * Updated homepage URLs, fay-lang.org was 301'd #### (2014-06-17) * Don't cache the `main` thunk in the generated `main` call. ### (2014-06-14) * Add default case for UTCTime in Fay.Convert using the aeson instances. Note that this serializes to a json string so you won't be able to deserialize it as a separate type (such as Date) when using `Automatic` in Fay. * Added `Fay.Config.defaultConfigWithSandbox` that reads the `HASKELL_PACKAGE_SANDBOX` environment variable. Client libraries can use this instead of manually reading from `getEnvironment`. #### (2014-05-23) * Allow `optparse-applicative 0.9.*` #### (2014-05-09) * Allow `mtl 2.2.*` #### (2014-05-08) * Allow `haskell-names 0.4.*` #### (2014-05-08) * Allow `transformers >= 0.4.1 && < 0.5` ## (2014-04-29) * Adds support for LambdaCase and MultiWayIf * Modules have moved around a lot and several modules have been un-exposed. From now on you will probably only need to deal with at most `Fay` (which re-exports a lot of things), `Fay.Config`, `Fay.Types.CompileError`, `Fay.Convert`, and `Fay.Types.CompileResult`. Please let us know if you would like us to expose more things * Config: * `CompileConfig` has been renamed to `Config` and is now located in `Fay.Config`. * `CompileConfig` has become a temporary type alias for `Config`. * `Fay.Compiler.Config` is deprecated, import `Fay` or `Fay.Config` instead. * The `data-default` instance for `Config` is deprecated, use `defaultConfig` instead. * compiling * `compileFileWithState` is deprecated, use `compileFileWithResult` which returns a `Fay.Types.CompileResult` instead. As a consequence `CompileState` is also deprecated from public consumption. * `compileFile`, `compileFromToAndGenerateHtml` no longer return a triple with the sourcemap, use `compileFileWithResult` if you want access to this. * Importing `Fay.Types` has been deprecated, import `Fay` instead. * `readFromFay` has been rewritten using `syb` instead of `pretty-show` (Thanks to Michael Sloan and Chris Done) * This introduces the following breaking changes: * `readFromFay` has a `Data` constraint instead of `Show`. * Drops support for Rational and Integer (see below for migration steps). The reason is that neither was serialized in a way that would roundtrip for all values. Also, for similar reasons, fromRational is potentially divergent for aeson's new use of the Scientific type. * And adds the following features: * You can now write custom `Show` instances targeting GHC for types shared with Fay. * Better performance. * Allows the serialization and deserialization to be customized on a per-type basis, via encodeFay and decodeFay. * To migrate code using Rational or Integer, use encodeFay and pass an argument e.g. `(\f x -> maybe (f x) myIntegerToValueConversion (cast x))` and likewise to decodeFay. Bugfixes: * Mltiple guards on a pattern in a case expression skipped everything but the first guard. To fix this an optimization we had on pattern conditions was disabled. Dependency bumps: * Allow Cabal 1.20 and 1.21 Internal: * Test cases are now using `tasty` instead of `test-framework`. To run cases in parallel use `fay-tests --num-threads=N` (see `fay-tests --help` for more info). * Added a test group for desugaring. #### (2014-04-14) * Allow `haskell-src-exts 1.15.*` ### 0.19.2 (2014-04-10) * Fixes a bug where arrays used with empty data decls would be deserialized into a Fay list instead of kept as is. #### (2014-04-07) * Fix optimizations that were not applied and add codegen test cases. #### (2014-03-17) * Allow `optparse-applicative 0.8.*` ### 0.19.1 (2014-03-13) * Added Data.Char to fay-base Dependency bumps: * Allow `Cabal 1.19.*` * Allow `process 1.2.*` #### (2014-01-30) Bugfixes: * Don't export transcoding information for fay-base packages when compiling with --no-stdlib * Better error messages when forgetting the type signature in an FFI declaration #### (2014-01-15) Dependency bumps: * Allow `aeson 0.7.*` ## 0.19 (2014-01-14) * Made import Prelude is implicit, but note that RebindableSyntax implies NoImplicitPrelude. * Allow FFI declarations in let and where statements: `let f :: X; f = ffi "..."` and `where f :: X; f = ffi "..."` Bugfixes: * Removed extra tag that was generated by --html-wrapper * FFI expressions in top level declarations now produce identical code to a normal top level FFI declaration * Don't export Data.Ratio and Debug.Trace when using --no-stdlib Dependency bumps: * Allow text 1.1 * Allow attoparsec 0.11 **Note: added source mappings returned by `Fay:compileFile` and friends meaning it should have been a major bump. Sorry about this!** #### (2013-12-14) * Add parsing of Integer to Fay.Convert (note that the runtime doesn't have arbitrary precision Integers) * Allow text 1.0.* #### (2013-11-26) * Add support for indirect application of newtypes (such as `p = NewType; foo = p x` and `bar = NewType $ y`) #### (2013-11-22) * Fix a bug where records with the same name as top level modules wouldn't be initialized correctly. * Fail when using enum syntax on unsupported literal types (for instance ['a'..'z']) ### 0.18.1 (2013-11-07) * Add support for TupleSections #### (2013-10-28) Bugfixes: * Disallow unsupported patterns in where/let declarations instead of `<>`ing on them Minor: * Put upper bounds on all dependencies #### (2013-10-25) Bugfixes: * Allow `//` as an operator name (added flag to `hse-cpp`) * Don't transcode function values when using an EmptyDataDecl #### (2013-10-23) Minor: * Allow `optparse-applicative == 0.7.*` * Fix `examples/Cont.hs` #### (2013-10-16) Bug fixes: * Regression: Work around a bug in optparse-applicative 0.6 that prevents `--strict` from being used. #### (2013-10-16) * Source maps for top level definitions, use `--sourcemap` Bug fixes: * Regression: Equality checks for (G)ADTs (`deriving Eq`) * Fix `--strict` for top level ADT values (such as `module M where g = R`) * Regression: Serialization in the presence of compression/renaming * Pass NoImplicitPrelude (and other enabled extensions) to haskell-names to resolve ambiguities when Prelude isn't imported. Minor: * Bump optparse-applicative to 0.6.* * Bump haskell-names to 0.3.1 to allow compilation with Cabal 1.14 * Ignore more declarations (useful when code sharing with GHC) ## (2013-09-24) New features: * Support for qualified imports. Note: You still can't have multiple constructors with the same name in the FFI since the `instance` field in the serialization is still unqualified. * `Automatic` transcoding now works for functions. See [Calling Fay From JavaScript](https://github.com/faylang/fay/wiki/Calling-Fay-from-JavaScript) * `--strict modulename[, ..]` generates strict and transcoding wrappers for a module's exports. See [Calling Fay From JavaScript](https://github.com/faylang/fay/wiki/Calling-Fay-from-JavaScript) * `--typecheck-only` just runs the GHC type checker with the appropriate Fay flags. * `--runtime-path FILEPATH` allows you to supply a custom runtime. Probably only useful for debugging. Bug fixes: * Don't crash when trying to get the fayToJsFun of an object without constructor.name * Fixed bug that accidentally flattened list arguments in `jsToFay` * Fix construction with RecordWildCards not taking already listed fields into account Breaking Changes: * Fay.Compiler.Debug has been removed (for now) * The interactive compilation mode has been removed (for now) Internal changes: * Migrated to haskell-src-ext's annotated AST. * Name resolution is now done using haskell-names, Fay's name resolution code is now pure and a lot simpler. ## (2013-08-27) * With the `RebindableSyntax` and `OverloadedStrings` extensions Fay will treat Haskell string literals as JavaScript Strings. Add this in all modules and import Fay.Text (from the `fay-text` package). This is *not* a breaking change, without these extensions in a module `String` will be used, as before. All modules can still interoperate normally even if only some of them use this feature. Note that you may have to define `fromInteger` when using this with Num literals. * The type signature of `Fay.FFI.ffi` (in fay) and `FFI.ffi` (in fay-base) has been generalized to `IsString s => s -> a` to support `RebindableSyntax`. * Much faster compile time (of the compiler itself) by having the executables depend on the library. Bugfixes: * The empty list and unit is now serialized to `null` when using Automatic (it used to throw an error). Minor: * Restrict upper bound on `language-ecmascript` to `< 1.0` #### (2013-08-23) * Support for tuple constructors (`(,,) 1,2,3`) Minor: * Bump `pretty-show` to `>= 1.6` * Remove the `-fdevel` flag (when compiling fay itself) #### (2013-08-21) Minor: * Bump `haskell-src-exts` to `>= 1.14` #### (2013-08-08) Bugfixes: * Allow combining multiline strings with CPP ## (2013-08-05) * New module generation, modules generate code separately in the format `My.Module.foo` instead of `My$Module$foo` * Transcoding information is also produced separately for each module * Removed `--naked`, `--dispatcher`, and `--no-dispatcher`. They are probably not needed anymore * Removed `Fay$$fayToJsUserDefined` and `Fay$$jsToFayUserDefined`, instead call `Fay$$fayToJs` and `Fay$$jsToFay` respectively * Escape semi reserved words from `Object` when printing (`constructor` -> `$constructor`). This only matters if you call Fay from JS * `Automatic` now handles lists and tuples (#251) * `Language.Fay.FFI` renamed to `Fay.FFI` (as before, Fay code can import `FFI` from `fay-base`) Minor: * Print location of parse errors * Compile with -XNoImplicitPrelude * Support for testing nested modules (module A, module A.B) * Bump `language-ecmascript to >= 0.15` (new API) * Rename/remove some CompileErrors * All tests are now included in dist Bug fixes: * Force cars in string serialization (#306) ## (2013-06-08) * Expression level FFI calls, `ffi "alert('hello!')" :: Fay ()` * Support let pattern matches * Smaller output for serialization code * --base-path flag to use a custom base (mainly for fay-prim) * Allow ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, KindSignatures * Verify that GADTs using non-record syntax works * JS->Fay function serialization * Serialization support for `()`, tuples and `Char` * Add more reserved words for Google Closure Bugfixes: * Fix a bug when an imported module contains types * Fix a bug with EModuleContents exports * Fix where clause inside pattern guards in function definitions * Fix type variables in serialization for multiple constructors * Fix EThingAll exports for types with constructors with a different name * Don't export types in EThingAll and EThingWith ### (2013-04-24) * Support for newtypes (with no runtime cost!) * --base-path flag to specify custom locations for fay-base * Fix a bug where imports shadowing local bindings would prevent the local binding from being exported ### (2013-04-21) * Fix record updates on IE <= 8 * Import tweaks, will make compilation a lot faster (4x reported) when there are a lot of imports * Parse hs sources with base fixities