# faktory\_worker\_haskell [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/freckle/faktory_worker_haskell.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/freckle/faktory_worker_haskell) Haskell client and worker process for the Faktory background job server. Architecture overview from [Ruby client README](https://github.com/contribsys/faktory_worker_ruby#readme): ``` +--------------------+ | | | Faktory | | Server | +---------->>>>| +>>>>--------+ | | | | | | | | | +--------------------+ | +-----------------+ +-------------------+ | | | | | Client | | Worker | | pushes | | pulls | | jobs | | jobs | | | | | | | | | +-----------------+ +-------------------+ ``` - Client - an API any process can use to push jobs to the Faktory server. - Worker - a process that pulls jobs from Faktory and executes them. - Server - the Faktory daemon which stores background jobs in queues to be processed by Workers. This package contains only the client and worker parts. The server part is [here](https://github.com/contribsys/faktory/) ## Installation - Hackage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/faktory - Stackage: *Coming soon* ## Faktory Documentation See the [wiki](//github.com/contribsys/faktory/wiki) for more details. ## Usage ### Job Any value can be a "Job" that is pushed and pulled to and from Faktory via its `ToJSON` and `FromJSON` instances: ```haskell newtype MyJob = MyJob { myJobMessage :: String } deriving stock Generic deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON) ``` ### Worker ```haskell workerMain = runWorkerEnv $ \job -> -- Process your Job here putStrLn $ myJobMessage job -- If any exception is thrown, the job will be marked as Failed in Faktory -- and retried. Note: you will not otherwise hear about any such exceptions, -- unless you catch-and-rethrow them yourself. ``` ### Producer `Producer` wraps `Client` for push-only usage. ```haskell producerMain = do producer <- newProducerEnv jobId <- perform mempty producer $ MyJob "Hello world" print jobId closeProducer producer ``` ### Configuration When using `envSettings`, the following variables will be used: - `FAKTORY_PROVIDER`: the name of another environment variable where the connection string can be found. Defaults to `FAKTORY_URL`. - `FAKTORY_URL` (or whatever you named in `FAKTORY_PROVIDER`): connection string to the Faktory server. Format is `tcp(+tls)://(:password@)host:port(/namespace)`. Defaults to `tcp://localhost:4719`. `namespace` is prependend to queue names on job submission and worker consumption. When using `envWorkerSettings`, the following variables are also used: - `FAKTORY_QUEUE`: the name of the queue to consume from. Default is "default". - `FAKTORY_WORKER_ID`: the Id to use for this Worker. Default is to assign a random one. ## Examples See the [examples](./examples). To run them: 1. Run a local Faktory server ```console docker run --rm \ --publish 7419:7419 \ --publish 7420:7420 \ contribsys/faktory ``` 1. Run the consumer example ```console % stack exec faktory-example-consumer Starting consumer loop ``` (Assumes you've built the project.) 1. Submit a Job through the producer example ```console % stack exec faktory-example-producer hello world Pushed job: "ljcjlbexbgun" ``` *NOTE*: if you submit "BOOM" as a Job, the processing loop will raise an exception, so you can see how a Failed Job looks in Faktory. 1. See that your Job was processed back in the consumer ```console % stack exec faktory-example-consumer Starting consumer loop hello world ``` ## Development & Tests ```console stack build --dependencies-only --test --no-run-tests stack build --pedantic --test --no-run-tests stack build --pedantic --test ``` *NOTE*: `FactorySpec` requires a local Faktory server is running, and it will flush all Jobs from this server as part of running the tests. --- [CHANGELOG](./CHANGELOG.md) | [LICENSE](./LICENSE)