{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} module Fadno.Note (Note(..),pitch,dur ,HasNote(..),toPair,(|:) ,Mono(..),maybeMono,mono,mono',mPitch,unMono,catMonos,_M ,rest,isRest ,Spelling(..),fromChroma,toChroma,spelling ,PitchRep(..),prPitch,prOctave,(@:),pitchRep ,sumDurs,mapTime ,tied,tied',legato,legato',merge ,transpose,transpose' ,(%) ) where import Control.Lens import Control.Arrow import Data.Ratio import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Data.Traversable import Data.Function import Data.Foldable -- | Note = pitch and duration. data Note p d = Note { _pitch :: p, _dur :: d } deriving (Eq,Generic) $(makeLenses ''Note) instance (Show p, Show d) => Show (Note p d) where show (Note p d) = show p ++ "|:" ++ show d instance Bifunctor Note where bimap f g (Note a b) = Note (f a) (g b) instance Field1 (Note a b) (Note a' b) a a' instance Field2 (Note a b) (Note a b') b b' -- | Hand-rolled class providing monomorphic lenses. class HasNote s p d | s -> p d where note :: Lens' s (Note p d) fromNote :: (HasNote n p d) => n -> s notePitch :: Lens' s p notePitch = note.pitch noteDur :: Lens' s d noteDur = note.dur instance HasNote (Note p d) p d where note = ($) fromNote = view note -- iso with pair toPair :: Iso' (Note p d) (p,d) toPair = iso (\(Note p d) -> (p,d)) (uncurry Note) infixl 5 |: -- | 'Note' smart constructor. (|:) :: p -> d -> Note p d (|:) = Note -- | Monophonic pitch functor, i.e. Maybe with a sum monoid. data Mono p = Rest | M { _mPitch :: p } deriving (Eq,Ord,Functor) instance (Show p)=>Show (Mono p) where show Rest = "Rest" show (M p) = "M " ++ show p makeLenses ''Mono makePrisms ''Mono instance Num p => Semigroup (Mono p) where Rest <> b = b a <> Rest = a (M a) <> (M b) = M (a + b) instance Num p => Monoid (Mono p) where mempty = Rest -- | Mono/Maybe isomorphism. maybeMono :: Iso' (Maybe a) (Mono a) maybeMono = iso toMono toMaybe where toMono Nothing = Rest toMono (Just a) = M a toMaybe Rest = Nothing toMaybe (M a) = Just a -- | Mono 'HasNote' mono :: HasNote n (Mono p) d => p -> d -> n mono p = fromNote . mono' p -- | Mono 'Note'. mono' :: p -> d -> Note (Mono p) d mono' p = Note (M p) -- | Mono eliminator unMono :: b -> (a -> b) -> Mono a -> b unMono b _ Rest = b unMono _ f (M a) = f a -- | cf 'catMaybe'. Grab all non-rest values. catMonos :: Foldable f => f (Mono a) -> [a] catMonos = foldMap (unMono [] pure) -- | 'Note' from duration, given 'Monoid' pitch. -- Interoperates with 'chord' and 'mono'. -- Useful for batch duration conversion. rest :: (HasNote n p d, Monoid p) => d -> n rest = fromNote . rest' rest' :: Monoid p => d -> Note p d rest' = Note mempty isRest :: (Monoid p, Eq p, HasNote n p d) => n -> Bool isRest = (mempty ==) . view notePitch -- | Chroma as enharmonic names. data Spelling = C|Cs|Db|D|Ds|Eb|E|F|Fs|Gb|G|Gs|Ab|A|As|Bb|B deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Enum,Ord,Bounded,Generic) -- | Convert to 'Spelling' with 0==C, using 'Cs','Eb','Fs','Gs','Bb' enharmonics. fromChroma :: Integral a => a -> Spelling fromChroma 0 = C fromChroma 1 = Cs fromChroma 2 = D fromChroma 3 = Eb fromChroma 4 = E fromChroma 5 = F fromChroma 6 = Fs fromChroma 7 = G fromChroma 8 = Gs fromChroma 9 = A fromChroma 10 = Bb fromChroma 11 = B fromChroma n | n > 11 = fromChroma $ n `mod` 12 | otherwise = fromChroma $ n `mod` 12 + 12 -- | 'Spelling' to 0-11. toChroma :: Integral a => Spelling -> a toChroma C = 0 toChroma Cs = 1 toChroma Db = 1 toChroma D = 2 toChroma Ds = 3 toChroma Eb = 3 toChroma E = 4 toChroma F = 5 toChroma Fs = 6 toChroma Gb = 6 toChroma G = 7 toChroma Gs = 8 toChroma Ab = 8 toChroma A = 9 toChroma As = 10 toChroma Bb = 10 toChroma B = 11 -- | 'Spelling'-to-chroma degenerate 'Iso'. spelling :: Integral a => Iso' a Spelling spelling = iso fromChroma toChroma -- | Represent pitch as chroma and octave. -- It's a full 'Num', 'Integral' instance, so negative octave values OK. -- Instances use C4 == 60. data PitchRep = PitchRep { _prPitch :: Spelling, _prOctave :: Int } deriving (Eq,Bounded,Generic) instance Show PitchRep where show (PitchRep s o) = show s ++ "@:" ++ show o $(makeLenses ''PitchRep) infixl 6 @: (@:) :: Spelling -> Int -> PitchRep (@:) = PitchRep instance Num PitchRep where fromInteger i = fromChroma i @: ((fromIntegral i `div` 12) - 1) a * b = fromIntegral (toInteger a * toInteger b) a + b = fromIntegral (toInteger a + toInteger b) abs = fromIntegral . abs . toInteger signum = fromIntegral . signum . toInteger negate = fromIntegral . negate . toInteger instance Enum PitchRep where toEnum = fromInteger . fromIntegral fromEnum = fromIntegral . toInteger instance Ord PitchRep where a <= b = fromIntegral a <= fromIntegral b instance Real PitchRep where toRational (PitchRep s o) = (((fromIntegral o + 1) * 12) + toChroma s) % 1 instance Integral PitchRep where toInteger = truncate . toRational a `quotRem` b = (fromInteger *** fromInteger) (toInteger a `quotRem` toInteger b) -- | Iso to integrals. pitchRep :: Integral a => Iso' a PitchRep pitchRep = iso fromIntegral (fromIntegral . toInteger) -- -- Utilities -- -- | compute total duration of notes sumDurs :: (Num d, HasNote a p d, Traversable t) => t a -> d sumDurs = sumOf (traverse.noteDur) -- | map notes to arrival time mapTime :: (Num d, Ord d, HasNote a p d, Traversable t) => t a -> [(d,a)] mapTime = toList . snd . mapAccumL (\t n -> (t + view noteDur n,(t,n))) 0 -- | merge same-pitch notes tied :: (Eq p,Num d,HasNote a p d,Traversable t, Traversable u,Snoc (u a) (u a) a a,Monoid (u a)) => t a -> u a tied = merge ((==) `on` view notePitch) tied' :: (Eq p,Num d,HasNote a p d,Traversable t) => t a -> [a] tied' = tied -- | merge rests with prior note legato :: (Eq p,Monoid p,Num d,HasNote a p d,Traversable t, Traversable u,Snoc (u a) (u a) a a,Monoid (u a)) => t a -> u a legato = merge $ \_ n -> view notePitch n == mempty legato' :: (Eq p,Monoid p,Num d,HasNote a p d,Traversable t) => t a -> [a] legato' = legato -- | merge notes meeting some comparison by accumulating durations merge :: (Num d,HasNote a p d,Traversable t, Traversable u,Snoc (u a) (u a) a a,Monoid (u a)) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> t a -> u a merge cmp = acc mempty . toListOf traverse where acc rs [] = rs acc (rs :> r) (n:ns) | cmp r n = acc (rs |> over noteDur (+ view noteDur n) r) ns acc rs (n:ns) = acc (rs |> n) ns -- | Pitch addition transpose :: (Num p,HasNote a p d,Traversable t) => p -> t a -> t a transpose by = over (traverse.notePitch) (+by) -- | Pitch addition over a functor transpose' :: (Num p,Functor f, HasNote a (f p) d,Traversable t) => p -> t a -> t a transpose' by = over (traverse.notePitch.mapped) (+by)