{- Copyright (C) 2011 Dr. Alistair Ward This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -} {- | [@AUTHOR@] Dr. Alistair Ward [@DESCRIPTION@] Implements 'Math.SquareRoot.Algorithmic' by a variety of methods. [@CAVEAT@] Caller may benefit from application of 'Math.Precision.simplify' before operating on the result; which though of the required accuracy, may not be the most concise rational number satisfying that criterion. -} module Factory.Math.Implementations.SquareRoot( -- * Types -- ** Type-synonyms -- ProblemSpecification, Terms, -- ** Data-types Algorithm(..) -- * Functions -- squareRootByContinuedFraction, -- squareRootByIteration, -- squareRootByTaylorSeries, -- taylorSeriesCoefficients ) where import Control.Arrow((***)) import Factory.Data.PrimeFactors((>/<), (>^)) import qualified Factory.Data.PrimeFactors as Data.PrimeFactors import qualified Factory.Math.Implementations.Factorial as Math.Implementations.Factorial import qualified Factory.Math.Power as Math.Power import qualified Factory.Math.Precision as Math.Precision import qualified Factory.Math.SquareRoot as Math.SquareRoot import qualified Factory.Math.Summation as Math.Summation import qualified ToolShed.Defaultable -- | The number of terms in a series. type Terms = Int -- | The algorithms by which the /square-root/ has been implemented. data Algorithm = BakhshaliApproximation -- ^ <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_computing_square_roots#Bakhshali_approximation> | ContinuedFraction -- ^ <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_computing_square_roots#Continued_fraction_expansion>. | HalleysMethod -- ^ <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halley%27s_method>. | NewtonRaphsonIteration -- ^ <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_method>. | TaylorSeries Terms -- ^ <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_computing_square_roots#Taylor_series>. deriving (Eq, Read, Show) instance ToolShed.Defaultable.Defaultable Algorithm where defaultValue = NewtonRaphsonIteration -- | Returns an improved estimate for the /square-root/ of the specified value, to the required precision, using the supplied initial estimate.. type ProblemSpecification operand = Math.SquareRoot.Estimate -> Math.Precision.DecimalDigits -- ^ The required precision. -> operand -- ^ The value for which to find the /square-root/. -> Math.SquareRoot.Result instance Math.SquareRoot.Algorithmic Algorithm where squareRootFrom _ _ _ 0 = 0 squareRootFrom _ _ _ 1 = 1 squareRootFrom algorithm estimate@(x, decimalDigits) requiredDecimalDigits y | decimalDigits >= requiredDecimalDigits = x | requiredDecimalDigits <= 0 = error $ "Factory.Math.Implementations.SquareRoot.squareRootFrom:\tinvalid number of required decimal digits; " ++ show requiredDecimalDigits | y < 0 = error $ "Factory.Math.Implementations.SquareRoot.squareRootFrom:\tthere's no real square-root of " ++ show y | otherwise = ( case algorithm of ContinuedFraction -> squareRootByContinuedFraction _ -> squareRootByIteration algorithm ) estimate requiredDecimalDigits y instance Math.SquareRoot.Iterator Algorithm where step BakhshaliApproximation y x | dy == 0 = x -- The estimate was precise. | otherwise = x' - dx' -- Correct the estimate. where dy, dydx, dx, x', dydx', dx' :: Math.SquareRoot.Result dy = Math.SquareRoot.getDiscrepancy y x dydx = 2 * x dx = dy / dydx x' = x + dx -- Identical to Newton-Raphson iteration. dydx' = 2 * x' dx' = Math.Power.square dx / dydx' {- * /Halley's/ method; <http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HalleysMethod.html> > X(n+1) = Xn - f(Xn) / [f'(Xn) - f''(Xn) * f(Xn) / 2 * f'(Xn)] > => Xn - (Xn^2 - Y) / [2Xn - 2 * (Xn^2 - Y) / 2 * 2Xn] where Y = X^2, f(X) = X^2 - Y, f'(X) = 2X, f''(X) = 2 > => Xn - 1 / [2Xn / (Xn^2 - Y) - 1 / 2Xn] -} step HalleysMethod y x | dy == 0 = x -- The estimate was precise. | otherwise = x - dx -- Correct the estimate. where dy, dydx, dx :: Math.SquareRoot.Result dy = negate $ Math.SquareRoot.getDiscrepancy y x -- Use the estimate to determine the error in 'y'. dydx = 2 * x -- The gradient, at the estimated value 'x'. dx = recip $ dydx / dy - recip dydx -- step NewtonRaphsonIteration y x = (x + toRational y / x) / 2 -- This is identical to the /Babylonian Method/. -- step NewtonRaphsonIteration y x = x / 2 + toRational y / (2 * x) -- Faster. step NewtonRaphsonIteration y x = x / 2 + (toRational y / 2) / x -- Faster still. step (TaylorSeries terms) y x = squareRootByTaylorSeries terms y x step algorithm _ _ = error $ "Factory.Math.Implementations.SquareRoot.step:\tinappropriate algorithm; " ++ show algorithm convergenceOrder BakhshaliApproximation = Math.Precision.quarticConvergence convergenceOrder ContinuedFraction = Math.Precision.linearConvergence convergenceOrder HalleysMethod = Math.Precision.cubicConvergence convergenceOrder NewtonRaphsonIteration = Math.Precision.quadraticConvergence convergenceOrder (TaylorSeries terms) = terms -- The order of convergence, per iteration, equals the number of terms in the series on each iteration. {- | * Uses /continued-fractions/, to iterate towards the principal /square-root/ of the specified positive integer; <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solving_quadratic_equations_with_continued_fractions>, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalized_continued_fraction#Roots_of_positive_numbers>, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_computing_square_roots#Continued_fraction_expansion>. <http://www.myreckonings.com/Dead_Reckoning/Online/Materials/General%20Method%20for%20Extracting%20Roots.pdf> * The convergence <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rate_of_convergence> of the /continued-fraction/ is merely /1st order/ (linear). -} squareRootByContinuedFraction :: Real operand => ProblemSpecification operand squareRootByContinuedFraction (initialEstimate, initialDecimalDigits) requiredDecimalDigits y = initialEstimate + (convergents initialEstimate !! Math.Precision.getTermsRequired (10 ^^ negate initialDecimalDigits) requiredDecimalDigits) where convergents :: Math.SquareRoot.Result -> [Math.SquareRoot.Result] convergents x = iterate ((Math.SquareRoot.getDiscrepancy y x /) . ((2 * x) +)) 0 {- | * The constant coefficients of the /Taylor-series/ for a /square-root/; <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_computing_square_roots#Taylor_series>. * @ ((-1)^n * factorial(2*n)) / ((1 - 2*n) * 4^n * factorial(n^2)) @. -} taylorSeriesCoefficients :: Fractional f => [f] taylorSeriesCoefficients = zipWith ( \powers n -> let doubleN = 2 * n product' = Data.PrimeFactors.product' (recip 2) {-arbitrary-} 10 {-arbitrary-} in uncurry (/) . ( fromIntegral . product' *** fromIntegral . (* ((1 - doubleN) * powers)) . product' ) $ Math.Implementations.Factorial.primeFactors doubleN >/< Math.Implementations.Factorial.primeFactors n >^ 2 ) ( iterate (* negate 4) 1 -- (-4)^n ) [0 :: Integer ..] -- n {- | * Returns the /Taylor-series/ for the /square-root/ of the specified value, to any requested number of terms. * <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_computing_square_roots#Taylor_series>. * The convergence of the series is merely /linear/, in that each term increases the precision, by a constant number of decimal places, equal to the those in the original estimate. * By feeding-back the improved estimate, to form a new series, the order of convergence, on each successive iteration, becomes proportional to the number of terms; > Terms Convergence > ===== =========== > 2 terms /quadratic/ > 3 terms /cubic/ -} squareRootByTaylorSeries :: Real operand => Terms -- ^ The number of terms of the infinite series, to evaluate. -> operand -- ^ The value for which the /square-root/ is required. -> Math.SquareRoot.Result -- ^ An initial estimate. -> Math.SquareRoot.Result squareRootByTaylorSeries _ _ 0 = error "Factory.Math.Implementations.SquareRoot.squareRootByTaylorSeries:\talgorithm can't cope with estimated value of zero." squareRootByTaylorSeries terms y x | terms < 2 = error $ "Factory.Math.Implementations.SquareRoot.squareRootByTaylorSeries:\tinvalid number of terms; " ++ show terms | otherwise = Math.Summation.sumR' . take terms . zipWith (*) taylorSeriesCoefficients $ iterate (* relativeError) x where relativeError :: Math.SquareRoot.Result relativeError = pred $ toRational y / Math.Power.square x -- Pedantically, this is the error in y, which is twice the magnitude of the error in x. -- | Iterates from the estimated value, towards the /square-root/, a sufficient number of times to achieve the required accuracy. squareRootByIteration :: Real operand => Algorithm -> ProblemSpecification operand squareRootByIteration algorithm (initialEstimate, initialDecimalDigits) requiredDecimalDigits y = iterate (Math.SquareRoot.step algorithm y) initialEstimate !! Math.Precision.getIterationsRequired (Math.SquareRoot.convergenceOrder algorithm) initialDecimalDigits requiredDecimalDigits