{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
-- | Lifting primitive Monad types to effectful computations.
-- We only allow a single Lifted Monad because Monads aren't commutative
-- (e.g. Maybe (IO a) is functionally distinct from IO (Maybe a)).
module Control.Eff.Lift ( Lift (..)
                       , lift
                       , runLift
                       , catchDynE
                       ) where

import Control.Eff
import qualified Control.Exception as Exc

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Lifting: emulating monad transformers
newtype Lift m a = Lift (m a)

-- | We make the Lift layer to be unique, using SetMember
lift :: (SetMember Lift (Lift m) r) => m a -> Eff r a
lift = send . Lift

-- | The handler of Lift requests. It is meant to be terminal:
-- we only allow a single Lifted Monad.
runLift :: Monad m => Eff '[Lift m] w -> m w
runLift (Val x) = return x
runLift (E u q) = case prj u of
                  Just (Lift m) -> m >>= runLift . qApp q
                  Nothing -> error "Impossible: Nothing cannot occur"

-- | Catching of dynamic exceptions
-- See the problem in
-- http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/misc.html#catch-MonadIO
catchDynE :: forall e a r.
             (SetMember Lift (Lift IO) r, Exc.Exception e) =>
             Eff r a -> (e -> Eff r a) -> Eff r a
catchDynE m eh = interpose return h m
   -- Polymorphic local binding: signature is needed
   h :: Lift IO v -> Arr r v a -> Eff r a
   h (Lift em) k = lift (Exc.try em) >>= \x -> case x of
         Right x0 -> k x0
         Left  e -> eh e