{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import qualified DocTests.All import qualified Test.DocTest.Driver as DocTest import Test.Hspec import Test.Predicates main :: IO () main = do hspec predicateTests DocTest.run DocTests.All.main predicateTests :: SpecWith () predicateTests = do describe "Predicate" $ do it "describes itself" $ example $ do show anything `shouldBe` "anything" show (eq "foo") `shouldBe` "\"foo\"" show (neq "foo") `shouldBe` "≠ \"foo\"" show (gt "foo") `shouldBe` "> \"foo\"" show (geq "foo") `shouldBe` "≥ \"foo\"" show (lt "foo") `shouldBe` "< \"foo\"" show (leq "foo") `shouldBe` "≤ \"foo\"" show (just (gt "foo")) `shouldBe` "Just (> \"foo\")" show (left (gt "foo")) `shouldBe` "Left (> \"foo\")" show (right (gt "foo")) `shouldBe` "Right (> \"foo\")" show (zipP (eq 1) (eq 2) :: Predicate (Int, Int)) `shouldBe` "(1,2)" show (zip3P (eq 1) (eq 2) (eq 3) :: Predicate (Int, Int, Int)) `shouldBe` "(1,2,3)" show ( zip4P (eq 1) (eq 2) (eq 3) (eq 4) :: Predicate (Int, Int, Int, Int) ) `shouldBe` "(1,2,3,4)" show ( zip5P (eq 1) (eq 2) (eq 3) (eq 4) (eq 5) :: Predicate (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) ) `shouldBe` "(1,2,3,4,5)" show (lt "foo" `andP` gt "bar") `shouldBe` "< \"foo\" and > \"bar\"" show (lt "bar" `orP` gt "foo") `shouldBe` "< \"bar\" or > \"foo\"" show (notP (gt "foo")) `shouldBe` "≤ \"foo\"" show (startsWith "fun") `shouldBe` "starts with \"fun\"" show (endsWith "ing") `shouldBe` "ends with \"ing\"" show (hasSubstr "i") `shouldBe` "has substring \"i\"" show (hasSubsequence "abc") `shouldBe` "has subsequence \"abc\"" show (caseInsensitive eq "foo") `shouldBe` "(case insensitive) \"foo\"" show (caseInsensitive startsWith "foo") `shouldBe` "(case insensitive) starts with \"foo\"" show (caseInsensitive endsWith "foo") `shouldBe` "(case insensitive) ends with \"foo\"" show (matchesRegex "foo" :: Predicate String) `shouldBe` "/foo/" show (matchesCaseInsensitiveRegex "foo" :: Predicate String) `shouldBe` "/foo/i" show (containsRegex "foo" :: Predicate String) `shouldBe` "contains /foo/" show (containsCaseInsensitiveRegex "foo" :: Predicate String) `shouldBe` "contains /foo/i" show (isEmpty :: Predicate [()]) `shouldBe` "empty" show (nonEmpty :: Predicate [()]) `shouldBe` "non-empty" show (sizeIs (gt 5) :: Predicate [()]) `shouldBe` "size > 5" show (elemsAre [gt 5, eq 5] :: Predicate [Int]) `shouldBe` "[> 5,5]" show (unorderedElemsAre [gt 5, eq 5] :: Predicate [Int]) `shouldBe` "(any order) [> 5,5]" show (each (gt 5) :: Predicate [Int]) `shouldBe` "each (> 5)" show (contains (gt 5) :: Predicate [Int]) `shouldBe` "contains (> 5)" show (containsAll [gt 5] :: Predicate [Int]) `shouldBe` "contains all of [> 5]" show (containsOnly [gt 5] :: Predicate [Int]) `shouldBe` "contains only [> 5]" show (keys (contains (eq "foo")) :: Predicate [(String, String)]) `shouldBe` "keys (contains (\"foo\"))" show ( contains (eq "foo" `zipP` eq "bar") :: Predicate [(String, String)] ) `shouldBe` "contains ((\"foo\",\"bar\"))" show ( keys (unorderedElemsAre [eq 1, eq 2, eq 3]) :: Predicate [(Int, String)] ) `shouldBe` "keys ((any order) [1,2,3])" show (values (elemsAre [eq "one", eq "two"]) :: Predicate [(Int, String)]) `shouldBe` "values ([\"one\",\"two\"])" show (approxEq 1.0 :: Predicate Double) `shouldBe` "≈ 1.0" show (finite :: Predicate Double) `shouldBe` "finite" show (infinite :: Predicate Double) `shouldBe` "infinite" show (positive :: Predicate Double) `shouldBe` "positive" show (negative :: Predicate Double) `shouldBe` "negative" show (nonPositive :: Predicate Double) `shouldBe` "non-positive" show (nonNegative :: Predicate Double) `shouldBe` "non-negative" show (nAn :: Predicate Double) `shouldBe` "NaN" show (is even :: Predicate Int) `shouldSatisfy` ("custom predicate at " `isPrefixOf`) show ($(qIs [|even|]) :: Predicate Int) `shouldBe` "even" show (with length (gt 5) :: Predicate String) `shouldSatisfy` ("property at " `isPrefixOf`) show ($(qWith [|length|]) (gt 5) :: Predicate String) `shouldBe` "length: > 5" it "matches patterns" $ example $ do let p = $(qMatch [p|Just (Left _)|]) show p `shouldBe` "Just (Left _)" accept p (Just (Left "foo")) `shouldBe` True accept p (Just (Right "foo")) `shouldBe` False accept p Nothing `shouldBe` False it "checks types" $ example $ do let p1 :: Typeable a => Predicate a p1 = typed @String anything p2 :: Typeable a => Predicate a p2 = typed @String (eq "foo") show (p1 :: Predicate String) `shouldBe` "anything :: [Char]" show (p1 :: Predicate Int) `shouldBe` "anything :: [Char]" accept p1 "foo" `shouldBe` True accept p1 "bar" `shouldBe` True accept p1 () `shouldBe` False accept p1 (5 :: Int) `shouldBe` False show (p2 :: Predicate String) `shouldBe` "\"foo\" :: [Char]" show (p2 :: Predicate Int) `shouldBe` "\"foo\" :: [Char]" accept p2 "foo" `shouldBe` True accept p2 "bar" `shouldBe` False accept p2 (5 :: Int) `shouldBe` False