{- TODO haddock doesn't quite work correctly with LINE pragmas https://github.com/haskell/haddock/issues/441 for now we can work around this by deleting the pragmas before upload to hackage seems to be on its way to being fixed with `.hie` files (enable `-fwrite-ide-info`) https://github.com/haskell/haddock/commit/8bc3c2990475a254e168fbdb005af93f9397b19c -} -- | Datatypes corresponding to the constants in [input-event-codes.h](https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/include/uapi/linux/input-event-codes.h). -- See [the Linux Kernel documentation](https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/input/event-codes.html) for full details, noting that all names have been mechanically transformed into CamelCase. module Evdev.Codes ( EventType(..) , SyncEvent(..) , Key ( .. , KeyHanguel , KeyCoffee , KeyDirection , KeyBrightnessZero , KeyWimax , BtnMisc , BtnMouse , BtnTrigger , BtnGamepad , BtnSouth , BtnEast , BtnNorth , BtnWest , BtnDigi , BtnWheel , KeyBrightnessToggle , BtnTriggerHappy ) , RelativeAxis(..) , AbsoluteAxis(..) , SwitchEvent(..) , MiscEvent(..) , LEDEvent(..) , RepeatEvent(..) , SoundEvent(..) , DeviceProperty(..) ) where #include -- | Each of these corresponds to one of the contructors of 'Evdev.EventData'. So you're unlikely to need to use these directly (C doesn't have ADTs - we do). {#enum define EventType { EV_SYN as EvSyn, EV_KEY as EvKey, EV_REL as EvRel, EV_ABS as EvAbs, EV_MSC as EvMsc, EV_SW as EvSw, EV_LED as EvLed, EV_SND as EvSnd, EV_REP as EvRep, EV_FF as EvFf, EV_PWR as EvPwr, EV_FF_STATUS as EvFfStatus} deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) #} -- | Synchronization events {#enum define SyncEvent { SYN_REPORT as SynReport, -- | Used to separate packets of simultaneous events SYN_CONFIG as SynConfig, SYN_MT_REPORT as SynMtReport, SYN_DROPPED as SynDropped} --TODO handle SYN_DROPPED automatically for streams deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) #} -- | Keys and buttons {#enum define Key { KEY_RESERVED as KeyReserved, KEY_ESC as KeyEsc, KEY_1 as Key1, KEY_2 as Key2, KEY_3 as Key3, KEY_4 as Key4, KEY_5 as Key5, KEY_6 as Key6, KEY_7 as Key7, KEY_8 as Key8, KEY_9 as Key9, KEY_0 as Key0, KEY_MINUS as KeyMinus, KEY_EQUAL as KeyEqual, KEY_BACKSPACE as KeyBackspace, KEY_TAB as KeyTab, KEY_Q as KeyQ, KEY_W as KeyW, KEY_E as KeyE, KEY_R as KeyR, KEY_T as KeyT, KEY_Y as KeyY, KEY_U as KeyU, KEY_I as KeyI, KEY_O as KeyO, KEY_P as KeyP, KEY_LEFTBRACE as KeyLeftbrace, KEY_RIGHTBRACE as KeyRightbrace, KEY_ENTER as KeyEnter, KEY_LEFTCTRL as KeyLeftctrl, KEY_A as KeyA, KEY_S as KeyS, KEY_D as KeyD, KEY_F as KeyF, KEY_G as KeyG, KEY_H as KeyH, KEY_J as KeyJ, KEY_K as KeyK, KEY_L as KeyL, KEY_SEMICOLON as KeySemicolon, KEY_APOSTROPHE as KeyApostrophe, KEY_GRAVE as KeyGrave, KEY_LEFTSHIFT as KeyLeftshift, KEY_BACKSLASH as KeyBackslash, KEY_Z as KeyZ, KEY_X as KeyX, KEY_C as KeyC, KEY_V as KeyV, KEY_B as KeyB, KEY_N as KeyN, KEY_M as KeyM, KEY_COMMA as KeyComma, KEY_DOT as KeyDot, KEY_SLASH as KeySlash, KEY_RIGHTSHIFT as KeyRightshift, KEY_KPASTERISK as KeyKpasterisk, KEY_LEFTALT as KeyLeftalt, KEY_SPACE as KeySpace, KEY_CAPSLOCK as KeyCapslock, KEY_F1 as KeyF1, KEY_F2 as KeyF2, KEY_F3 as KeyF3, KEY_F4 as KeyF4, KEY_F5 as KeyF5, KEY_F6 as KeyF6, KEY_F7 as KeyF7, KEY_F8 as KeyF8, KEY_F9 as KeyF9, KEY_F10 as KeyF10, KEY_NUMLOCK as KeyNumlock, KEY_SCROLLLOCK as KeyScrolllock, KEY_KP7 as KeyKp7, KEY_KP8 as KeyKp8, KEY_KP9 as KeyKp9, KEY_KPMINUS as KeyKpminus, KEY_KP4 as KeyKp4, KEY_KP5 as KeyKp5, KEY_KP6 as KeyKp6, KEY_KPPLUS as KeyKpplus, KEY_KP1 as KeyKp1, KEY_KP2 as KeyKp2, KEY_KP3 as KeyKp3, KEY_KP0 as KeyKp0, KEY_KPDOT as KeyKpdot, KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU as KeyZenkakuhankaku, KEY_102ND as Key102nd, KEY_F11 as KeyF11, KEY_F12 as KeyF12, KEY_RO as KeyRo, KEY_KATAKANA as KeyKatakana, KEY_HIRAGANA as KeyHiragana, KEY_HENKAN as KeyHenkan, KEY_KATAKANAHIRAGANA as KeyKatakanahiragana, KEY_MUHENKAN as KeyMuhenkan, KEY_KPJPCOMMA as KeyKpjpcomma, KEY_KPENTER as KeyKpenter, KEY_RIGHTCTRL as KeyRightctrl, KEY_KPSLASH as KeyKpslash, KEY_SYSRQ as KeySysrq, KEY_RIGHTALT as KeyRightalt, KEY_LINEFEED as KeyLinefeed, KEY_HOME as KeyHome, KEY_UP as KeyUp, KEY_PAGEUP as KeyPageup, KEY_LEFT as KeyLeft, KEY_RIGHT as KeyRight, KEY_END as KeyEnd, KEY_DOWN as KeyDown, KEY_PAGEDOWN as KeyPagedown, KEY_INSERT as KeyInsert, KEY_DELETE as KeyDelete, KEY_MACRO as KeyMacro, KEY_MUTE as KeyMute, KEY_VOLUMEDOWN as KeyVolumedown, KEY_VOLUMEUP as KeyVolumeup, KEY_POWER as KeyPower, KEY_KPEQUAL as KeyKpequal, KEY_KPPLUSMINUS as KeyKpplusminus, KEY_PAUSE as KeyPause, KEY_SCALE as KeyScale, KEY_KPCOMMA as KeyKpcomma, KEY_HANGEUL as KeyHangeul, -- KEY_HANGUEL as KeyHanguel, (alias of KEY_HANGEUL) KEY_HANJA as KeyHanja, KEY_YEN as KeyYen, KEY_LEFTMETA as KeyLeftmeta, KEY_RIGHTMETA as KeyRightmeta, KEY_COMPOSE as KeyCompose, KEY_STOP as KeyStop, KEY_AGAIN as KeyAgain, KEY_PROPS as KeyProps, KEY_UNDO as KeyUndo, KEY_FRONT as KeyFront, KEY_COPY as KeyCopy, KEY_OPEN as KeyOpen, KEY_PASTE as KeyPaste, KEY_FIND as KeyFind, KEY_CUT as KeyCut, KEY_HELP as KeyHelp, KEY_MENU as KeyMenu, KEY_CALC as KeyCalc, KEY_SETUP as KeySetup, KEY_SLEEP as KeySleep, KEY_WAKEUP as KeyWakeup, KEY_FILE as KeyFile, KEY_SENDFILE as KeySendfile, KEY_DELETEFILE as KeyDeletefile, KEY_XFER as KeyXfer, KEY_PROG1 as KeyProg1, KEY_PROG2 as KeyProg2, KEY_WWW as KeyWww, KEY_MSDOS as KeyMsdos, -- KEY_COFFEE as KeyCoffee, (alias of KEY_SCREENLOCK) KEY_SCREENLOCK as KeyScreenlock, KEY_ROTATE_DISPLAY as KeyRotateDisplay, -- KEY_DIRECTION as KeyDirection, (alias of KEY_ROTATE_DISPLAY) KEY_CYCLEWINDOWS as KeyCyclewindows, KEY_MAIL as KeyMail, KEY_BOOKMARKS as KeyBookmarks, KEY_COMPUTER as KeyComputer, KEY_BACK as KeyBack, KEY_FORWARD as KeyForward, KEY_CLOSECD as KeyClosecd, KEY_EJECTCD as KeyEjectcd, KEY_EJECTCLOSECD as KeyEjectclosecd, KEY_NEXTSONG as KeyNextsong, KEY_PLAYPAUSE as KeyPlaypause, KEY_PREVIOUSSONG as KeyPrevioussong, KEY_STOPCD as KeyStopcd, KEY_RECORD as KeyRecord, KEY_REWIND as KeyRewind, KEY_PHONE as KeyPhone, KEY_ISO as KeyIso, KEY_CONFIG as KeyConfig, KEY_HOMEPAGE as KeyHomepage, KEY_REFRESH as KeyRefresh, KEY_EXIT as KeyExit, KEY_MOVE as KeyMove, KEY_EDIT as KeyEdit, KEY_SCROLLUP as KeyScrollup, KEY_SCROLLDOWN as KeyScrolldown, KEY_KPLEFTPAREN as KeyKpleftparen, KEY_KPRIGHTPAREN as KeyKprightparen, KEY_NEW as KeyNew, KEY_REDO as KeyRedo, KEY_F13 as KeyF13, KEY_F14 as KeyF14, KEY_F15 as KeyF15, KEY_F16 as KeyF16, KEY_F17 as KeyF17, KEY_F18 as KeyF18, KEY_F19 as KeyF19, KEY_F20 as KeyF20, KEY_F21 as KeyF21, KEY_F22 as KeyF22, KEY_F23 as KeyF23, KEY_F24 as KeyF24, KEY_PLAYCD as KeyPlaycd, KEY_PAUSECD as KeyPausecd, KEY_PROG3 as KeyProg3, KEY_PROG4 as KeyProg4, KEY_DASHBOARD as KeyDashboard, KEY_SUSPEND as KeySuspend, KEY_CLOSE as KeyClose, KEY_PLAY as KeyPlay, KEY_FASTFORWARD as KeyFastforward, KEY_BASSBOOST as KeyBassboost, KEY_PRINT as KeyPrint, KEY_HP as KeyHp, KEY_CAMERA as KeyCamera, KEY_SOUND as KeySound, KEY_QUESTION as KeyQuestion, KEY_EMAIL as KeyEmail, KEY_CHAT as KeyChat, KEY_SEARCH as KeySearch, KEY_CONNECT as KeyConnect, KEY_FINANCE as KeyFinance, KEY_SPORT as KeySport, KEY_SHOP as KeyShop, KEY_ALTERASE as KeyAlterase, KEY_CANCEL as KeyCancel, KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN as KeyBrightnessdown, KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP as KeyBrightnessup, KEY_MEDIA as KeyMedia, KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE as KeySwitchvideomode, KEY_KBDILLUMTOGGLE as KeyKbdillumtoggle, KEY_KBDILLUMDOWN as KeyKbdillumdown, KEY_KBDILLUMUP as KeyKbdillumup, KEY_SEND as KeySend, KEY_REPLY as KeyReply, KEY_FORWARDMAIL as KeyForwardmail, KEY_SAVE as KeySave, KEY_DOCUMENTS as KeyDocuments, KEY_BATTERY as KeyBattery, KEY_BLUETOOTH as KeyBluetooth, KEY_WLAN as KeyWlan, KEY_UWB as KeyUwb, KEY_UNKNOWN as KeyUnknown, KEY_VIDEO_NEXT as KeyVideoNext, KEY_VIDEO_PREV as KeyVideoPrev, KEY_BRIGHTNESS_CYCLE as KeyBrightnessCycle, KEY_BRIGHTNESS_AUTO as KeyBrightnessAuto, -- KEY_BRIGHTNESS_ZERO as KeyBrightnessZero, (alias of KEY_BRIGHTNESS_AUTO) KEY_DISPLAY_OFF as KeyDisplayOff, KEY_WWAN as KeyWwan, -- KEY_WIMAX as KeyWimax, (alias of KEY_WWAN) KEY_RFKILL as KeyRfkill, KEY_MICMUTE as KeyMicmute, -- BTN_MISC as BtnMisc, (alias of BTN_0) BTN_0 as Btn0, BTN_1 as Btn1, BTN_2 as Btn2, BTN_3 as Btn3, BTN_4 as Btn4, BTN_5 as Btn5, BTN_6 as Btn6, BTN_7 as Btn7, BTN_8 as Btn8, BTN_9 as Btn9, -- BTN_MOUSE as BtnMouse, (alias of BTN_LEFT) BTN_LEFT as BtnLeft, BTN_RIGHT as BtnRight, BTN_MIDDLE as BtnMiddle, BTN_SIDE as BtnSide, BTN_EXTRA as BtnExtra, BTN_FORWARD as BtnForward, BTN_BACK as BtnBack, BTN_TASK as BtnTask, BTN_JOYSTICK as BtnJoystick, -- BTN_TRIGGER as BtnTrigger, (alias of BTN_JOYSTICK) BTN_THUMB as BtnThumb, BTN_THUMB2 as BtnThumb2, BTN_TOP as BtnTop, BTN_TOP2 as BtnTop2, BTN_PINKIE as BtnPinkie, BTN_BASE as BtnBase, BTN_BASE2 as BtnBase2, BTN_BASE3 as BtnBase3, BTN_BASE4 as BtnBase4, BTN_BASE5 as BtnBase5, BTN_BASE6 as BtnBase6, BTN_DEAD as BtnDead, -- BTN_GAMEPAD as BtnGamepad, (alias of BTN_A) -- BTN_SOUTH as BtnSouth, (alias of BTN_A) BTN_A as BtnA, -- BTN_EAST as BtnEast, (alias of BTN_B) BTN_B as BtnB, BTN_C as BtnC, -- BTN_NORTH as BtnNorth, (alias of BTN_X) BTN_X as BtnX, -- BTN_WEST as BtnWest, (alias of BTN_Y) BTN_Y as BtnY, BTN_Z as BtnZ, BTN_TL as BtnTl, BTN_TR as BtnTr, BTN_TL2 as BtnTl2, BTN_TR2 as BtnTr2, BTN_SELECT as BtnSelect, BTN_START as BtnStart, BTN_MODE as BtnMode, BTN_THUMBL as BtnThumbl, BTN_THUMBR as BtnThumbr, -- BTN_DIGI as BtnDigi, (alias of BTN_TOOL_PEN) BTN_TOOL_PEN as BtnToolPen, BTN_TOOL_RUBBER as BtnToolRubber, BTN_TOOL_BRUSH as BtnToolBrush, BTN_TOOL_PENCIL as BtnToolPencil, BTN_TOOL_AIRBRUSH as BtnToolAirbrush, BTN_TOOL_FINGER as BtnToolFinger, BTN_TOOL_MOUSE as BtnToolMouse, BTN_TOOL_LENS as BtnToolLens, BTN_TOOL_QUINTTAP as BtnToolQuinttap, BTN_TOUCH as BtnTouch, BTN_STYLUS as BtnStylus, BTN_STYLUS2 as BtnStylus2, BTN_TOOL_DOUBLETAP as BtnToolDoubletap, BTN_TOOL_TRIPLETAP as BtnToolTripletap, BTN_TOOL_QUADTAP as BtnToolQuadtap, -- BTN_WHEEL as BtnWheel, (alias of BTN_GEAR_DOWN) BTN_GEAR_DOWN as BtnGearDown, BTN_GEAR_UP as BtnGearUp, KEY_OK as KeyOk, KEY_SELECT as KeySelect, KEY_GOTO as KeyGoto, KEY_CLEAR as KeyClear, KEY_POWER2 as KeyPower2, KEY_OPTION as KeyOption, KEY_INFO as KeyInfo, KEY_TIME as KeyTime, KEY_VENDOR as KeyVendor, KEY_ARCHIVE as KeyArchive, KEY_PROGRAM as KeyProgram, KEY_CHANNEL as KeyChannel, KEY_FAVORITES as KeyFavorites, KEY_EPG as KeyEpg, KEY_PVR as KeyPvr, KEY_MHP as KeyMhp, KEY_LANGUAGE as KeyLanguage, KEY_TITLE as KeyTitle, KEY_SUBTITLE as KeySubtitle, KEY_ANGLE as KeyAngle, KEY_ZOOM as KeyZoom, KEY_MODE as KeyMode, KEY_KEYBOARD as KeyKeyboard, KEY_SCREEN as KeyScreen, KEY_PC as KeyPc, KEY_TV as KeyTv, KEY_TV2 as KeyTv2, KEY_VCR as KeyVcr, KEY_VCR2 as KeyVcr2, KEY_SAT as KeySat, KEY_SAT2 as KeySat2, KEY_CD as KeyCd, KEY_TAPE as KeyTape, KEY_RADIO as KeyRadio, KEY_TUNER as KeyTuner, KEY_PLAYER as KeyPlayer, KEY_TEXT as KeyText, KEY_DVD as KeyDvd, KEY_AUX as KeyAux, KEY_MP3 as KeyMp3, KEY_AUDIO as KeyAudio, KEY_VIDEO as KeyVideo, KEY_DIRECTORY as KeyDirectory, KEY_LIST as KeyList, KEY_MEMO as KeyMemo, KEY_CALENDAR as KeyCalendar, KEY_RED as KeyRed, KEY_GREEN as KeyGreen, KEY_YELLOW as KeyYellow, KEY_BLUE as KeyBlue, KEY_CHANNELUP as KeyChannelup, KEY_CHANNELDOWN as KeyChanneldown, KEY_FIRST as KeyFirst, KEY_LAST as KeyLast, KEY_AB as KeyAb, KEY_NEXT as KeyNext, KEY_RESTART as KeyRestart, KEY_SLOW as KeySlow, KEY_SHUFFLE as KeyShuffle, KEY_BREAK as KeyBreak, KEY_PREVIOUS as KeyPrevious, KEY_DIGITS as KeyDigits, KEY_TEEN as KeyTeen, KEY_TWEN as KeyTwen, KEY_VIDEOPHONE as KeyVideophone, KEY_GAMES as KeyGames, KEY_ZOOMIN as KeyZoomin, KEY_ZOOMOUT as KeyZoomout, KEY_ZOOMRESET as KeyZoomreset, KEY_WORDPROCESSOR as KeyWordprocessor, KEY_EDITOR as KeyEditor, KEY_SPREADSHEET as KeySpreadsheet, KEY_GRAPHICSEDITOR as KeyGraphicseditor, KEY_PRESENTATION as KeyPresentation, KEY_DATABASE as KeyDatabase, KEY_NEWS as KeyNews, KEY_VOICEMAIL as KeyVoicemail, KEY_ADDRESSBOOK as KeyAddressbook, KEY_MESSENGER as KeyMessenger, KEY_DISPLAYTOGGLE as KeyDisplaytoggle, -- KEY_BRIGHTNESS_TOGGLE as KeyBrightnessToggle, (alias of KEY_DISPLAYTOGGLE) KEY_SPELLCHECK as KeySpellcheck, KEY_LOGOFF as KeyLogoff, KEY_DOLLAR as KeyDollar, KEY_EURO as KeyEuro, KEY_FRAMEBACK as KeyFrameback, KEY_FRAMEFORWARD as KeyFrameforward, KEY_CONTEXT_MENU as KeyContextMenu, KEY_MEDIA_REPEAT as KeyMediaRepeat, KEY_10CHANNELSUP as Key10channelsup, KEY_10CHANNELSDOWN as Key10channelsdown, KEY_IMAGES as KeyImages, KEY_DEL_EOL as KeyDelEol, KEY_DEL_EOS as KeyDelEos, KEY_INS_LINE as KeyInsLine, KEY_DEL_LINE as KeyDelLine, KEY_FN as KeyFn, KEY_FN_ESC as KeyFnEsc, KEY_FN_F1 as KeyFnF1, KEY_FN_F2 as KeyFnF2, KEY_FN_F3 as KeyFnF3, KEY_FN_F4 as KeyFnF4, KEY_FN_F5 as KeyFnF5, KEY_FN_F6 as KeyFnF6, KEY_FN_F7 as KeyFnF7, KEY_FN_F8 as KeyFnF8, KEY_FN_F9 as KeyFnF9, KEY_FN_F10 as KeyFnF10, KEY_FN_F11 as KeyFnF11, KEY_FN_F12 as KeyFnF12, KEY_FN_1 as KeyFn1, KEY_FN_2 as KeyFn2, KEY_FN_D as KeyFnD, KEY_FN_E as KeyFnE, KEY_FN_F as KeyFnF, KEY_FN_S as KeyFnS, KEY_FN_B as KeyFnB, KEY_BRL_DOT1 as KeyBrlDot1, KEY_BRL_DOT2 as KeyBrlDot2, KEY_BRL_DOT3 as KeyBrlDot3, KEY_BRL_DOT4 as KeyBrlDot4, KEY_BRL_DOT5 as KeyBrlDot5, KEY_BRL_DOT6 as KeyBrlDot6, KEY_BRL_DOT7 as KeyBrlDot7, KEY_BRL_DOT8 as KeyBrlDot8, KEY_BRL_DOT9 as KeyBrlDot9, KEY_BRL_DOT10 as KeyBrlDot10, KEY_NUMERIC_0 as KeyNumeric0, KEY_NUMERIC_1 as KeyNumeric1, KEY_NUMERIC_2 as KeyNumeric2, KEY_NUMERIC_3 as KeyNumeric3, KEY_NUMERIC_4 as KeyNumeric4, KEY_NUMERIC_5 as KeyNumeric5, KEY_NUMERIC_6 as KeyNumeric6, KEY_NUMERIC_7 as KeyNumeric7, KEY_NUMERIC_8 as KeyNumeric8, KEY_NUMERIC_9 as KeyNumeric9, KEY_NUMERIC_STAR as KeyNumericStar, KEY_NUMERIC_POUND as KeyNumericPound, KEY_NUMERIC_A as KeyNumericA, KEY_NUMERIC_B as KeyNumericB, KEY_NUMERIC_C as KeyNumericC, KEY_NUMERIC_D as KeyNumericD, KEY_CAMERA_FOCUS as KeyCameraFocus, KEY_WPS_BUTTON as KeyWpsButton, KEY_TOUCHPAD_TOGGLE as KeyTouchpadToggle, KEY_TOUCHPAD_ON as KeyTouchpadOn, KEY_TOUCHPAD_OFF as KeyTouchpadOff, KEY_CAMERA_ZOOMIN as KeyCameraZoomin, KEY_CAMERA_ZOOMOUT as KeyCameraZoomout, KEY_CAMERA_UP as KeyCameraUp, KEY_CAMERA_DOWN as KeyCameraDown, KEY_CAMERA_LEFT as KeyCameraLeft, KEY_CAMERA_RIGHT as KeyCameraRight, KEY_ATTENDANT_ON as KeyAttendantOn, KEY_ATTENDANT_OFF as KeyAttendantOff, KEY_ATTENDANT_TOGGLE as KeyAttendantToggle, KEY_LIGHTS_TOGGLE as KeyLightsToggle, BTN_DPAD_UP as BtnDpadUp, BTN_DPAD_DOWN as BtnDpadDown, BTN_DPAD_LEFT as BtnDpadLeft, BTN_DPAD_RIGHT as BtnDpadRight, KEY_ALS_TOGGLE as KeyAlsToggle, KEY_BUTTONCONFIG as KeyButtonconfig, KEY_TASKMANAGER as KeyTaskmanager, KEY_JOURNAL as KeyJournal, KEY_CONTROLPANEL as KeyControlpanel, KEY_APPSELECT as KeyAppselect, KEY_SCREENSAVER as KeyScreensaver, KEY_VOICECOMMAND as KeyVoicecommand, KEY_BRIGHTNESS_MIN as KeyBrightnessMin, KEY_BRIGHTNESS_MAX as KeyBrightnessMax, KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_PREV as KeyKbdinputassistPrev, KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_NEXT as KeyKbdinputassistNext, KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_PREVGROUP as KeyKbdinputassistPrevgroup, KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_NEXTGROUP as KeyKbdinputassistNextgroup, KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_ACCEPT as KeyKbdinputassistAccept, KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_CANCEL as KeyKbdinputassistCancel, -- BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY as BtnTriggerHappy, (alias of BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY1) BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY1 as BtnTriggerHappy1, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY2 as BtnTriggerHappy2, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY3 as BtnTriggerHappy3, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY4 as BtnTriggerHappy4, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY5 as BtnTriggerHappy5, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY6 as BtnTriggerHappy6, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY7 as BtnTriggerHappy7, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY8 as BtnTriggerHappy8, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY9 as BtnTriggerHappy9, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY10 as BtnTriggerHappy10, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY11 as BtnTriggerHappy11, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY12 as BtnTriggerHappy12, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY13 as BtnTriggerHappy13, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY14 as BtnTriggerHappy14, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY15 as BtnTriggerHappy15, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY16 as BtnTriggerHappy16, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY17 as BtnTriggerHappy17, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY18 as BtnTriggerHappy18, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY19 as BtnTriggerHappy19, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY20 as BtnTriggerHappy20, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY21 as BtnTriggerHappy21, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY22 as BtnTriggerHappy22, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY23 as BtnTriggerHappy23, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY24 as BtnTriggerHappy24, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY25 as BtnTriggerHappy25, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY26 as BtnTriggerHappy26, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY27 as BtnTriggerHappy27, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY28 as BtnTriggerHappy28, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY29 as BtnTriggerHappy29, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY30 as BtnTriggerHappy30, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY31 as BtnTriggerHappy31, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY32 as BtnTriggerHappy32, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY33 as BtnTriggerHappy33, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY34 as BtnTriggerHappy34, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY35 as BtnTriggerHappy35, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY36 as BtnTriggerHappy36, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY37 as BtnTriggerHappy37, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY38 as BtnTriggerHappy38, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY39 as BtnTriggerHappy39, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY40 as BtnTriggerHappy40} deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) #} pattern KeyHanguel :: Key pattern KeyHanguel = KeyHangeul pattern KeyCoffee :: Key pattern KeyCoffee = KeyScreenlock pattern KeyDirection :: Key pattern KeyDirection = KeyRotateDisplay pattern KeyBrightnessZero :: Key pattern KeyBrightnessZero = KeyBrightnessAuto pattern KeyWimax :: Key pattern KeyWimax = KeyWwan pattern BtnMisc :: Key pattern BtnMisc = Btn0 pattern BtnMouse :: Key pattern BtnMouse = BtnLeft pattern BtnTrigger :: Key pattern BtnTrigger = BtnJoystick pattern BtnGamepad :: Key pattern BtnGamepad = BtnA pattern BtnSouth :: Key pattern BtnSouth = BtnA pattern BtnEast :: Key pattern BtnEast = BtnB pattern BtnNorth :: Key pattern BtnNorth = BtnX pattern BtnWest :: Key pattern BtnWest = BtnY pattern BtnDigi :: Key pattern BtnDigi = BtnToolPen pattern BtnWheel :: Key pattern BtnWheel = BtnGearDown pattern KeyBrightnessToggle :: Key pattern KeyBrightnessToggle = KeyDisplaytoggle pattern BtnTriggerHappy :: Key pattern BtnTriggerHappy = BtnTriggerHappy1 -- | Relative changes #if defined(REL_WHEEL_HI_RES) {#enum define RelativeAxis { REL_X as RelX, REL_Y as RelY, REL_Z as RelZ, REL_RX as RelRx, REL_RY as RelRy, REL_RZ as RelRz, REL_HWHEEL as RelHwheel, REL_DIAL as RelDial, REL_WHEEL as RelWheel, REL_MISC as RelMisc, REL_RESERVED as RelReserved, REL_WHEEL_HI_RES as RelWheelHiRes, REL_HWHEEL_HI_RES as RelHWheelHiRes} deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) #} # else {#enum define RelativeAxis { REL_X as RelX, REL_Y as RelY, REL_Z as RelZ, REL_RX as RelRx, REL_RY as RelRy, REL_RZ as RelRz, REL_HWHEEL as RelHwheel, REL_DIAL as RelDial, REL_WHEEL as RelWheel, REL_MISC as RelMisc, REL_RESERVED as RelReserved} deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) #} #endif -- | Absolute changes {#enum define AbsoluteAxis { ABS_X as AbsX, ABS_Y as AbsY, ABS_Z as AbsZ, ABS_RX as AbsRx, ABS_RY as AbsRy, ABS_RZ as AbsRz, ABS_THROTTLE as AbsThrottle, ABS_RUDDER as AbsRudder, ABS_WHEEL as AbsWheel, ABS_GAS as AbsGas, ABS_BRAKE as AbsBrake, ABS_HAT0X as AbsHat0x, ABS_HAT0Y as AbsHat0y, ABS_HAT1X as AbsHat1x, ABS_HAT1Y as AbsHat1y, ABS_HAT2X as AbsHat2x, ABS_HAT2Y as AbsHat2y, ABS_HAT3X as AbsHat3x, ABS_HAT3Y as AbsHat3y, ABS_PRESSURE as AbsPressure, ABS_DISTANCE as AbsDistance, ABS_TILT_X as AbsTiltX, ABS_TILT_Y as AbsTiltY, ABS_TOOL_WIDTH as AbsToolWidth, ABS_VOLUME as AbsVolume, ABS_MISC as AbsMisc, ABS_RESERVED as AbsReserved, ABS_MT_SLOT as AbsMtSlot, ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR as AbsMtTouchMajor, ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR as AbsMtTouchMinor, ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR as AbsMtWidthMajor, ABS_MT_WIDTH_MINOR as AbsMtWidthMinor, ABS_MT_ORIENTATION as AbsMtOrientation, ABS_MT_POSITION_X as AbsMtPositionX, ABS_MT_POSITION_Y as AbsMtPositionY, ABS_MT_TOOL_TYPE as AbsMtToolType, ABS_MT_BLOB_ID as AbsMtBlobId, ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID as AbsMtTrackingId, ABS_MT_PRESSURE as AbsMtPressure, ABS_MT_DISTANCE as AbsMtDistance, ABS_MT_TOOL_X as AbsMtToolX, ABS_MT_TOOL_Y as AbsMtToolY} deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) #} -- | Stateful binary switches {#enum define SwitchEvent { SW_LID as SwLid, SW_TABLET_MODE as SwTabletMode, SW_HEADPHONE_INSERT as SwHeadphoneInsert, SW_RFKILL_ALL as SwRfkillAll, SW_RADIO as SwRadio, SW_MICROPHONE_INSERT as SwMicrophoneInsert, SW_DOCK as SwDock, SW_LINEOUT_INSERT as SwLineoutInsert, SW_JACK_PHYSICAL_INSERT as SwJackPhysicalInsert, SW_VIDEOOUT_INSERT as SwVideooutInsert, SW_CAMERA_LENS_COVER as SwCameraLensCover, SW_KEYPAD_SLIDE as SwKeypadSlide, SW_FRONT_PROXIMITY as SwFrontProximity, SW_ROTATE_LOCK as SwRotateLock, SW_LINEIN_INSERT as SwLineinInsert, SW_MUTE_DEVICE as SwMuteDevice} deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) #} -- | Miscellaneous {#enum define MiscEvent { MSC_SERIAL as MscSerial, MSC_PULSELED as MscPulseled, MSC_GESTURE as MscGesture, MSC_RAW as MscRaw, MSC_SCAN as MscScan, MSC_TIMESTAMP as MscTimestamp} deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) #} -- | LEDs {#enum define LEDEvent { LED_NUML as LedNuml, LED_CAPSL as LedCapsl, LED_SCROLLL as LedScrolll, LED_COMPOSE as LedCompose, LED_KANA as LedKana, LED_SLEEP as LedSleep, LED_SUSPEND as LedSuspend, LED_MUTE as LedMute, LED_MISC as LedMisc, LED_MAIL as LedMail, LED_CHARGING as LedCharging} deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) #} -- | Specifying autorepeating events {#enum define RepeatEvent { REP_DELAY as RepDelay, REP_PERIOD as RepPeriod} deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) #} -- | For simple sound output devices {#enum define SoundEvent { SND_CLICK as SndClick, SND_BELL as SndBell, SND_TONE as SndTone} deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) #} -- | Device properties {#enum define DeviceProperty { INPUT_PROP_POINTER as InputPropPointer, INPUT_PROP_DIRECT as InputPropDirect, INPUT_PROP_BUTTONPAD as InputPropButtonpad, INPUT_PROP_SEMI_MT as InputPropSemiMt, INPUT_PROP_TOPBUTTONPAD as InputPropTopbuttonpad, INPUT_PROP_POINTING_STICK as InputPropPointingStick, INPUT_PROP_ACCELEROMETER as InputPropAccelerometer} deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) #}