{- | Description: Sample estimator model for sensor fusion Many kinds of vehicles have a collection of sensors for measuring where they are and where they're going, which may include these sensors and others: - accelerometers - gyroscopes - GPS receiver - pressure altimeter - 3D magnetometer Each of these sensors provides some useful information about the current physical state of the vehicle, but they all have two obnoxious problems: 1. No one sensor provides all the information you want at the update rate you need. GPS gives you absolute position, but at best only ten times per second. Accelerometers can report measurements at high speeds, hundreds to thousands of times per second, but to get position you have to double-integrate the measurement samples. 2. Every sensor is lying to you. They measure some aspect of the physical state, plus some random error. If you have to integrate these measurements, as with acceleration for instance, then the error accumulates over time. If you take the derivative, perhaps because you have position but you need velocity, the derivative amplifies the noise. This is an ideal case for a state-space estimation algorithm. Once you've specified the kinetic model of the physical system, and modeled each of your sensors, and identified the noise parameters for everything, the estimation algorithm is responsible for combining all the measurements. The estimator will decide how much to trust each sensor based on how much confidence it has in its current state estimate, and how well that state agrees with the current measurement. This module implements a system model for sensor fusion. With appropriate noise parameters, it should work for a wide variety of vehicle types and sensor platforms, whether on land, sea, air, or space. However, it has been implemented specifically for quad-copter autopilots. As a result the state vector may have components your system does not need, or be missing ones you do need. -} module Numeric.Estimator.Model.SensorFusion where import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Data.Distributive import Data.Foldable import Data.Traversable import Linear import Numeric.Estimator.Augment import Numeric.Estimator.Quaternion import Numeric.Estimator.Model.Coordinate import Numeric.Estimator.Model.Pressure import Numeric.Estimator.Model.Symbolic import Prelude hiding (foldl1) -- | A collection of all the state variables needed for this model. data StateVector a = StateVector { stateOrient :: !(Quaternion a) -- ^ quaternions defining attitude of body axes relative to local NED , stateVel :: !(NED a) -- ^ NED velocity - m/sec , statePos :: !(NED a) -- ^ NED position - m , stateGyroBias :: !(XYZ a) -- ^ delta angle bias - rad , stateWind :: !(NED a) -- ^ NED wind velocity - m/sec , stateMagNED :: !(NED a) -- ^ NED earth fixed magnetic field components - milligauss , stateMagXYZ :: !(XYZ a) -- ^ XYZ body fixed magnetic field measurements - milligauss } deriving Show instance Additive StateVector where zero = pure 0 instance Applicative StateVector where pure v = StateVector { stateOrient = pure v , stateVel = pure v , statePos = pure v , stateGyroBias = pure v , stateWind = pure v , stateMagNED = pure v , stateMagXYZ = pure v } v1 <*> v2 = StateVector { stateOrient = stateOrient v1 <*> stateOrient v2 , stateVel = stateVel v1 <*> stateVel v2 , statePos = statePos v1 <*> statePos v2 , stateGyroBias = stateGyroBias v1 <*> stateGyroBias v2 , stateWind = stateWind v1 <*> stateWind v2 , stateMagNED = stateMagNED v1 <*> stateMagNED v2 , stateMagXYZ = stateMagXYZ v1 <*> stateMagXYZ v2 } instance Functor StateVector where fmap = liftA instance Foldable StateVector where foldMap = foldMapDefault instance Traversable StateVector where sequenceA v = StateVector <$> sequenceA (stateOrient v) <*> sequenceA (stateVel v) <*> sequenceA (statePos v) <*> sequenceA (stateGyroBias v) <*> sequenceA (stateWind v) <*> sequenceA (stateMagNED v) <*> sequenceA (stateMagXYZ v) instance Distributive StateVector where distribute f = StateVector { stateOrient = distribute $ fmap stateOrient f , stateVel = distribute $ fmap stateVel f , statePos = distribute $ fmap statePos f , stateGyroBias = distribute $ fmap stateGyroBias f , stateWind = distribute $ fmap stateWind f , stateMagNED = distribute $ fmap stateMagNED f , stateMagXYZ = distribute $ fmap stateMagXYZ f } -- | Define the control (disturbance) vector. Error growth in the inertial -- solution is assumed to be driven by 'noise' in the delta angles and -- velocities, after bias effects have been removed. This is OK becasue we -- have sensor bias accounted for in the state equations. data DisturbanceVector a = DisturbanceVector { disturbanceGyro :: !(XYZ a) -- ^ XYZ body rotation rate in rad/second , disturbanceAccel :: !(XYZ a) -- ^ XYZ body acceleration in meters\/second\/second } deriving Show instance Applicative DisturbanceVector where pure v = DisturbanceVector { disturbanceGyro = pure v , disturbanceAccel = pure v } v1 <*> v2 = DisturbanceVector { disturbanceGyro = disturbanceGyro v1 <*> disturbanceGyro v2 , disturbanceAccel = disturbanceAccel v1 <*> disturbanceAccel v2 } instance Functor DisturbanceVector where fmap = liftA instance Foldable DisturbanceVector where foldMap = foldMapDefault instance Traversable DisturbanceVector where sequenceA v = DisturbanceVector <$> sequenceA (disturbanceGyro v) <*> sequenceA (disturbanceAccel v) instance Distributive DisturbanceVector where distribute f = DisturbanceVector { disturbanceGyro = distribute $ fmap disturbanceGyro f , disturbanceAccel = distribute $ fmap disturbanceAccel f } -- * Model initialization -- | Initial covariance for this model. initCovariance :: Fractional a => StateVector (StateVector a) initCovariance = kronecker $ fmap (^ (2 :: Int)) $ StateVector { stateOrient = pure 0.1 , stateVel = pure 0.7 , statePos = ned 15 15 5 , stateGyroBias = pure $ 1 * deg2rad , stateWind = pure 8 , stateMagNED = pure 0.02 , stateMagXYZ = pure 0.02 } where deg2rad = realToFrac (pi :: Double) / 180 -- | When the sensor platform is not moving, a three-axis accelerometer -- will sense an approximately 1g acceleration in the direction of -- gravity, which gives us the platform's orientation aside from not -- knowing the current rotation around the gravity vector. -- -- At the same time, a 3D magnetometer will sense the platform's -- orientation with respect to the local magnetic field, aside from not -- knowing the current rotation around the magnetic field line. -- -- Putting these two together gives the platform's complete orientation -- since the gravity vector and magnetic field line aren't collinear. initAttitude :: (Floating a, HasAtan2 a) => XYZ a -- ^ initial accelerometer reading -> XYZ a -- ^ initial magnetometer reading -> a -- ^ local magnetic declination from true North -> Quaternion a -- ^ computed initial attitude initAttitude (XYZ accel) (XYZ mag) declination = foldl1 quatMul $ map (uncurry rotateAround) [ (ez, initialHdg) , (ey, initialPitch) , (ex, initialRoll) ] where initialRoll = arctan2 (negate (accel ^._y)) (negate (accel ^._z)) initialPitch = arctan2 (accel ^._x) (negate (accel ^._z)) magX = (mag ^._x) * cos initialPitch + (mag ^._y) * sin initialRoll * sin initialPitch + (mag ^._z) * cos initialRoll * sin initialPitch magY = (mag ^._y) * cos initialRoll - (mag ^._z) * sin initialRoll initialHdg = arctan2 (negate magY) magX + declination rotateAround axis theta = Quaternion (cos half) $ pure 0 & el axis .~ (sin half) where half = theta / 2 -- | Compute an initial filter state from an assortment of initial -- measurements. initDynamic :: (Floating a, HasAtan2 a) => XYZ a -- ^ initial accelerometer reading -> XYZ a -- ^ initial magnetometer reading -> XYZ a -- ^ initial magnetometer bias -> a -- ^ local magnetic declination from true North -> NED a -- ^ initial velocity -> NED a -- ^ initial position -> StateVector a -- ^ computed initial state initDynamic accel mag magBias declination vel pos = (pure 0) { stateOrient = initQuat , stateVel = vel , statePos = pos , stateMagNED = initMagNED , stateMagXYZ = magBias } where initMagXYZ = mag - magBias initQuat = initAttitude accel initMagXYZ declination initMagNED = fst (convertFrames initQuat) initMagXYZ -- TODO: re-implement InertialNav's calcEarthRateNED -- * Model equations -- | This is the kinematic sensor fusion process model, driven by -- accelerometer and gyro measurements. processModel :: Fractional a => a -- ^ time since last process model update -> AugmentState StateVector DisturbanceVector a -- ^ prior (augmented) state -> AugmentState StateVector DisturbanceVector a -- ^ posterior (augmented) state processModel dt (AugmentState state dist) = AugmentState state' $ pure 0 where state' = state -- Discretization of @qdot = 0.5 * <0, deltaAngle> * q@. -- -- * /Strapdown Inertial Navigation Technology, 2nd Ed/, section 11.2.5 (on -- pages 319-320) gives qdot and its analytic discretization, without proof. -- * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discretization derives the general form of -- discretization. -- * http://www.euclideanspace.com/physics/kinematics/angularvelocity/QuaternionDifferentiation2.pdf -- derives qdot from angular momentum. { stateOrient = stateOrient state `quatMul` deltaQuat , stateVel = stateVel state + deltaVel , statePos = statePos state + fmap (* dt) (stateVel state + fmap (/ 2) deltaVel) -- remaining state vector elements are unchanged by the process model } -- Even fairly low-order approximations introduce error small enough -- that it's swamped by other filter errors. deltaQuat = approxAxisAngle 3 $ xyzToVec3 $ fmap (* dt) $ disturbanceGyro dist - stateGyroBias state deltaVel = fmap (* dt) $ body2nav state (disturbanceAccel dist) + g g = ned 0 0 9.80665 -- NED gravity vector - m/sec^2 -- | Compute the local air pressure from the state vector. Useful as a -- measurement model for a pressure sensor. statePressure :: Floating a => StateVector a -> a statePressure = heightToPressure . negate . (^._z) . nedToVec3 . statePos -- | Compute the true air-speed of the sensor platform. Useful as a -- measurement model for a true air-speed sensor. stateTAS :: Floating a => StateVector a -> a stateTAS state = distance (stateVel state) (stateWind state) -- | Compute the expected body-frame magnetic field strength and -- direction, given the hard-iron correction and local -- declination-adjusted field from the state vector. Useful as a -- measurement model for a 3D magnetometer. stateMag :: Num a => StateVector a -> XYZ a stateMag state = stateMagXYZ state + nav2body state (stateMagNED state) -- * Helpers -- | Convert body-frame to navigation-frame given the orientation from -- this state vector. body2nav :: Num a => StateVector a -> XYZ a -> NED a body2nav = fst . convertFrames . stateOrient -- | Convert navigation-frame to body-frame given the orientation from -- this state vector. nav2body :: Num a => StateVector a -> NED a -> XYZ a nav2body = snd . convertFrames . stateOrient