{- | * Support for [PortMidi](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/PortMidi) With this module, you can add cells which receive and send MIDI events. You don't need to initialise PortMidi, or open devices, this is all done by @essence-of-live-coding@ using the "LiveCoding.Handle" mechanism. -} {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module LiveCoding.PortMidi where -- base import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad (void, forM, join) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO)) import Data.Either (fromRight) import Data.Foldable (traverse_, find) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import GHC.Generics import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol, symbolVal, KnownSymbol) -- transformers import Control.Monad.Trans.Class -- PortMidi import Sound.PortMidi -- essence-of-live-coding import LiveCoding -- essence-of-live-coding-PortMidi import LiveCoding.PortMidi.Internal -- * The 'PortMidiT' monad transformer {- | Monad transformer adding PortMidi-related effects to your monad. This transformer adds two kinds of effects to your stack: * PortMidi exceptions (See 'EOLCPortMidiError') * Automatic initialisation of PortMidi devices (using 'HandlingStateT') -} newtype PortMidiT m a = PortMidiT { unPortMidiT :: ExceptT EOLCPortMidiError (HandlingStateT m) a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO) instance MonadTrans PortMidiT where lift = PortMidiT . lift . lift {- | Exceptions that can occur while doing livecoding with PortMidi. There are two kinds of exceptions: * Internal PortMidi exceptions (see 'PMError') * When a device is not correctly specified by name and input/output configuration -} data EOLCPortMidiError -- | An internal error occurred in the PortMidi library = PMError PMError -- | There is no device of that name | NoSuchDevice -- | There is a device of that name, but it doesn't support input | NotAnInputDevice -- | There is a device of that name, but it doesn't support output | NotAnOutputDevice -- | There are multiple devices of the same name | MultipleDevices deriving (Data, Generic, Show) instance Finite EOLCPortMidiError deriving instance Data PMError deriving instance Generic PMError instance Finite PMError -- ** Constructing values in 'PortMidiT' -- | Given an exception value, throw it immediately. throwPortMidi :: Monad m => EOLCPortMidiError -> PortMidiT m arbitrary throwPortMidi = PortMidiT . throwE -- | Like 'throwPortMidi', but as a 'Cell'. throwPortMidiC :: Monad m => Cell (PortMidiT m) EOLCPortMidiError arbitrary throwPortMidiC = arrM throwPortMidi -- | Given a monadic action that produces a value or a 'PMError', -- run it as an action in 'PortMidiT'. -- Typically needed to lift PortMidi backend functions. liftPMError :: Monad m => m (Either PMError a) -> PortMidiT m a liftPMError = PortMidiT . ExceptT . fmap (left PMError) . lift -- | Given a cell with existing handles, lift it into 'PortMidiT'. liftHandlingState :: Monad m => Cell (HandlingStateT m) a b -> Cell (PortMidiT m) a b liftHandlingState = hoistCell $ PortMidiT . lift -- ** Running values in 'PortMidiT' {- | Run a cell containing PortMidi effects. @'runPortMidiC' cell@ goes through the following steps: 1. Initialize the MIDI system 2. Run @cell@, until possibly an exception occurs 3. Shut the MIDI system down 4. Throw the exception in 'CellExcept' -} runPortMidiC :: MonadIO m => Cell (PortMidiT m) a b -> CellExcept a b (HandlingStateT m) EOLCPortMidiError runPortMidiC cell = try $ proc a -> do _ <- liftCell $ handling portMidiHandle -< () hoistCell unPortMidiT cell -< a {- | Repeatedly run a cell containing PortMidi effects. Effectively loops over 'runPortMidiC', and prints the exception after it occurred. -} loopPortMidiC :: MonadIO m => Cell (PortMidiT m) a b -> Cell (HandlingStateT m) a b loopPortMidiC cell = foreverC $ runCellExcept $ do e <- runPortMidiC cell once_ $ liftIO $ do putStrLn "Encountered PortMidi exception:" print e threadDelay 1000 return e {- | Execute the 'PortMidiT' effects'. This returns the first occurring exception. For details on how to automatically start and garbage collect handles, such as the PortMidi backend and devices, see "LiveCoding.HandlingState". You will rarely need this function. Look at 'runPortMidiC' and 'loopPortMidiC' instead. -} runPortMidiT :: PortMidiT m a -> HandlingStateT m (Either EOLCPortMidiError a) runPortMidiT PortMidiT { .. } = runExceptT unPortMidiT -- * Input- and output streams -- | A stream associated to a PortMidi input device newtype PortMidiInputStream = PortMidiInputStream { unPortMidiInputStream :: PMStream } -- | A stream associated to a PortMidi output device newtype PortMidiOutputStream = PortMidiOutputStream { unPortMidiOutputStream :: PMStream } -- | A marker to specify which kind of device to search data DeviceDirection = Input | Output {- | Look up a PortMidi device by its name and direction. You will rarely need this function. Consider 'readEventsC' and 'writeEventsC' instead. -} lookupDeviceID :: MonadIO m => String -> DeviceDirection -> m (Either EOLCPortMidiError DeviceID) lookupDeviceID nameLookingFor inputOrOutput = do nDevices <- liftIO countDevices -- This is a bit of a race condition, but PortMidi has no better API devices <- forM [0..nDevices-1] $ \deviceID -> do deviceInfo <- liftIO $ getDeviceInfo deviceID return (deviceInfo, deviceID) let allDevicesWithName = filter ((nameLookingFor ==) . name . fst) devices inputDevices = filter (input . fst) allDevicesWithName outputDevices = filter (output . fst) allDevicesWithName return $ case (inputOrOutput, inputDevices, outputDevices) of (_, [], []) -> Left NoSuchDevice (Input, [], _ : _) -> Left NotAnInputDevice (Output, _ : _, []) -> Left NotAnOutputDevice (Input, [(_, deviceID)], _) -> Right deviceID (Output, _, [(_, deviceID)]) -> Right deviceID _ -> Left MultipleDevices -- | A 'Handle' that opens a 'PortMidiInputStream' of the given device name. portMidiInputStreamHandle :: MonadIO m => String -> Handle m (Either EOLCPortMidiError PortMidiInputStream) portMidiInputStreamHandle name = Handle { create = runExceptT $ do deviceID <- ExceptT $ lookupDeviceID name Input fmap PortMidiInputStream $ withExceptT PMError $ ExceptT $ liftIO $ openInput deviceID -- TODO I don't get the error from closing here. -- Actually I really want ExceptT in the monad , destroy = either (const $ return ()) $ liftIO . void . close . unPortMidiInputStream } -- | Read all events from the 'PortMidiInputStream' that accumulated since the last tick. readEventsFrom :: MonadIO m => Cell (PortMidiT m) PortMidiInputStream [PMEvent] readEventsFrom = arrM $ liftPMError . liftIO . readEvents . unPortMidiInputStream {- | Read all events from the input device of the given name. Automatically opens the device. This is basically a convenient combination of 'portMidiInputStreamHandle' and 'readEventsFrom'. -} readEventsC :: MonadIO m => String -> Cell (PortMidiT m) arbitrary [PMEvent] readEventsC name = proc _ -> do pmStreamE <- liftHandlingState $ handling $ portMidiInputStreamHandle name -< () pmStream <- hoistCell PortMidiT exceptC -< pmStreamE readEventsFrom -< pmStream -- | A 'Handle' that opens a 'PortMidiOutputStream' of the given device name. portMidiOutputStreamHandle :: MonadIO m => String -> Handle m (Either EOLCPortMidiError PortMidiOutputStream) portMidiOutputStreamHandle name = Handle { create = runExceptT $ do deviceID <- ExceptT $ lookupDeviceID name Output -- Choose same latency as supercollider, see https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/blob/18c4aad363c49f29e866f884f5ac5bd35969d828/lang/LangPrimSource/SC_PortMIDI.cpp#L416 -- Thanks Miguel Negrão fmap PortMidiOutputStream $ withExceptT PMError $ ExceptT $ liftIO $ openOutput deviceID 0 , destroy = either (const $ return ()) $ liftIO . void . close . unPortMidiOutputStream } -- | Write all events to the 'PortMidiOutputStream'. writeEventsTo :: MonadIO m => Cell (PortMidiT m) (PortMidiOutputStream, [PMEvent]) () writeEventsTo = arrM writer where writer (PortMidiOutputStream { .. }, events) = writeEvents unPortMidiOutputStream events & liftIO & liftPMError & void {- | Write all events to the output device of the given name. Automatically opens the device. This is basically a convenient combination of 'portMidiOutputStreamHandle' and 'writeEventsTo'. -} writeEventsC :: MonadIO m => String -> Cell (PortMidiT m) [PMEvent] () writeEventsC name = proc events -> do portMidiOutputStreamE <- liftHandlingState $ handling (portMidiOutputStreamHandle name) -< () portMidiOutputStream <- hoistCell PortMidiT exceptC -< portMidiOutputStreamE writeEventsTo -< (portMidiOutputStream, events) -- | All devices that the PortMidi backend has connected. data PortMidiDevices = PortMidiDevices { inputDevices :: [DeviceInfo] , outputDevices :: [DeviceInfo] } -- | Retrieve all PortMidi devices. getPortMidiDevices :: IO PortMidiDevices getPortMidiDevices = do nDevices <- countDevices devices <- mapM getDeviceInfo [0..nDevices-1] return PortMidiDevices { inputDevices = filter input devices , outputDevices = filter output devices } -- | Print input and output devices separately, one device per line. prettyPrintPortMidiDevices :: PortMidiDevices -> IO () prettyPrintPortMidiDevices PortMidiDevices { .. } = do putStrLn "\nPortMidi input devices:" putStrLn $ unlines $ printName <$> inputDevices putStrLn "\nPortMidi output devices:" putStrLn $ unlines $ printName <$> outputDevices where printName dev = "- \"" ++ name dev ++ "\""