essence-of-live-coding-0.2.5: General purpose live coding framework
Safe HaskellNone



Support functions to call common live coding functionalities like launching and reloading from a ghci or cabal repl session.

You typically don't need to import this module in your code, but you should load it in your interactive session, ideally by copying the file `essence-of-live-coding/.ghci` to your project, adjusting it to your needs and launching cabal repl.



Retrieving launched programs from the foreign store

possiblyLaunchedProgram :: Launchable m => Proxy m -> IO (Either SomeException (Maybe (LaunchedProgram m))) Source #

Try to retrieve a LiveProgram of a given type from the Store, handling all IO exceptions. Returns 'Right Nothing' if the store didn't exist.

sync :: Launchable m => LiveProgram m -> IO () Source #

Try to load a LiveProgram of a given type from the Store. If the store doesn't contain a program, it is (re)started.

launchAndSave :: Launchable m => LiveProgram m -> IO () Source #

Launch a LiveProgram and save it in the Store.

save :: Launchable m => LaunchedProgram m -> IO () Source #

Save a LiveProgram to the store.

stopStored :: Launchable m => Proxy m -> IO () Source #

Try to retrieve a LaunchedProgram from the Store, and if successful, stop it.

GHCi commands


liveinit :: Monad m => p -> m String Source #

Initialise a launched program in the store, but don't start it.

livestep :: Monad m => p -> m [Char] Source #

Run one program step, assuming you have a launched program in a variable launchedProgram.


livelaunch :: Monad m => p -> m [Char] Source #

Launch or restart a program and save its reference in the store.

livereload :: Monad m => p -> m String Source #

Reload the code and do hot code swap and migration.

livestop :: Monad m => p -> m [Char] Source #

Stop the program.