{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Database.Esqueleto.TextSearchSpec (main, spec) where import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Text (Text, pack) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO)) import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLogger(..), runStderrLoggingT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadThrow, ResourceT, runResourceT) import Database.Esqueleto ( SqlExpr , Value(..) , from , select , set , unValue , update , val , where_ , (=.) , (^.) ) import Database.Persist (PersistField(..), entityKey, get, insert) import Database.Persist.Postgresql ( ConnectionString , SqlPersistT , runMigration , runSqlConn , transactionUndo , withPostgresqlConn ) import Database.Persist.TH (mkMigrate, mkPersist, persistUpperCase, share, sqlSettings) import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, hspec, it, shouldBe) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), choose, elements, listOf, listOf1, oneof, property) import Database.Esqueleto.TextSearch connString :: ConnectionString connString = "host=localhost port=5432 user=test dbname=test password=test" -- Test schema share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persistUpperCase| Article title Text content Text textsearch TsVector deriving Eq Show WeightsModel weights Weights deriving Eq Show WeightModel weight Weight deriving Eq Show RegConfigModel config RegConfig deriving Eq Show QueryModel query (TsQuery Lexemes) deriving Eq Show |] main :: IO () main = hspec spec to_etsvector :: SqlExpr (Value Text) -> SqlExpr (Value TsVector) to_etsvector = to_tsvector (val "english") spec :: Spec spec = do describe "TsVector" $ do it "can be persisted and retrieved" $ run $ do let article = Article "some title" "some content" def arId <- insert article update $ \a -> do set a [ArticleTextsearch =. to_etsvector (a^.ArticleContent)] ret <- fromJust <$> get arId liftIO $ articleTextsearch ret /= def `shouldBe` True it "can be persisted and retrieved with weight" $ run $ do let article = Article "some title" "some content" def arId <- insert article update $ \a -> do set a [ ArticleTextsearch =. setweight (to_etsvector (a^.ArticleContent)) (val Highest) ] ret <- fromJust <$> get arId liftIO $ articleTextsearch ret /= def `shouldBe` True describe "Weight" $ do it "can be persisted and retrieved" $ run $ do forM_ [Low, Medium, High, Highest] $ \w -> do let m = WeightModel w wId <- insert m ret <- get wId liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` Just m describe "Weights" $ do it "can be persisted and retrieved" $ run $ do let m = WeightsModel $ Weights 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 wsId <- insert m ret <- get wsId liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` Just m describe "RegConfig" $ do it "can be persisted and retrieved" $ run $ do forM_ ["english", "spanish"] $ \c -> do let m = RegConfigModel c wId <- insert m ret <- get wId liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` Just m describe "TsQuery" $ do it "can be persisted and retrieved" $ run $ do let qm = QueryModel (lexm "foo" :& lexm "bar") qId <- insert qm ret <- fromJust <$> get qId liftIO $ qm `shouldBe` ret describe "to_tsquery" $ do it "converts words to lexemes" $ run $ do lqs <- select $ return $ to_tsquery (val "english") (val ("supernovae" :& "rats")) let lq = unValue $ head lqs liftIO $ lq `shouldBe` (lexm "supernova" :& lexm "rat") describe "plainto_tsquery" $ do it "converts text to lexemes" $ run $ do lqs <- select $ return $ plainto_tsquery (val "english") (val "rats in supernovae") let lq = unValue $ head lqs liftIO $ lq `shouldBe` (lexm "rat" :& lexm "supernova") describe "queryToText" $ do it "can serialize infix lexeme" $ queryToText (lexm "foo") `shouldBe` "'foo'" it "can serialize infix lexeme with weights" $ queryToText (Lexeme Infix [Highest,Low] "foo") `shouldBe` "'foo':AD" it "can serialize prefix lexeme" $ queryToText (Lexeme Prefix [] "foo") `shouldBe` "'foo':*" it "can serialize prefix lexeme with weights" $ queryToText (Lexeme Prefix [Highest,Low] "foo") `shouldBe` "'foo':*AD" it "can serialize AND" $ queryToText ("foo" :& "bar" :& "car") `shouldBe` "'foo'&('bar'&'car')" it "can serialize OR" $ queryToText ("foo" :| "bar") `shouldBe` "'foo'|'bar'" it "can serialize Not" $ queryToText (Not "bar") `shouldBe` "!'bar'" describe "textToQuery" $ do describe "infix lexeme" $ do it "can parse it" $ textToQuery "'foo'" `shouldBe` Right (lexm "foo") it "can parse it surrounded by spaces" $ textToQuery " 'foo' " `shouldBe` Right (lexm "foo") describe "infix lexeme with weights" $ do it "can parse it" $ textToQuery "'foo':AB" `shouldBe` Right (Lexeme Infix [Highest,High] "foo") it "can parse it surrounded by spaces" $ textToQuery " 'foo':AB " `shouldBe` Right (Lexeme Infix [Highest,High] "foo") describe "prefix lexeme" $ do it "can parse it" $ textToQuery "'foo':*" `shouldBe` Right (Lexeme Prefix [] "foo") it "can parse it surrounded byb spaces" $ textToQuery " 'foo':* " `shouldBe` Right (Lexeme Prefix [] "foo") describe "prefix lexeme with weights" $ do it "can parse it" $ textToQuery "'foo':*AB" `shouldBe` Right (Lexeme Prefix [Highest,High] "foo") it "can parse it surrounded by spaces" $ textToQuery " 'foo':*AB " `shouldBe` Right (Lexeme Prefix [Highest,High] "foo") describe "&" $ do it "can parse it" $ textToQuery "'foo'&'bar'" `shouldBe` Right (lexm "foo" :& lexm "bar") it "can parse it surrounded by spaces" $ do textToQuery "'foo' & 'bar'" `shouldBe` Right (lexm "foo" :& lexm "bar") textToQuery "'foo'& 'bar'" `shouldBe` Right (lexm "foo" :& lexm "bar") textToQuery "'foo' &'bar'" `shouldBe` Right (lexm "foo" :& lexm "bar") textToQuery " 'foo'&'bar' " `shouldBe` Right (lexm "foo" :& lexm "bar") it "can parse several" $ textToQuery "'foo'&'bar'&'car'" `shouldBe` Right (lexm "foo" :& lexm "bar" :& lexm "car") describe "|" $ do it "can parse it" $ textToQuery "'foo'|'bar'" `shouldBe` Right (lexm "foo" :| lexm "bar") it "can parse several" $ textToQuery "'foo'|'bar'|'car'" `shouldBe` Right (lexm "foo" :| lexm "bar" :| lexm "car") describe "mixed |s and &s" $ do it "respects precedence" $ do textToQuery "'foo'|'bar'&'car'" `shouldBe` Right (lexm "foo" :| lexm "bar" :& lexm "car") textToQuery "'foo'&'bar'|'car'" `shouldBe` Right (lexm "foo" :& lexm "bar" :| lexm "car") describe "!" $ do it "can parse it" $ textToQuery "!'foo'" `shouldBe` Right (Not (lexm "foo")) describe "! and &" $ do it "can parse it" $ do textToQuery "!'foo'&'car'" `shouldBe` Right (Not (lexm "foo") :& lexm "car") textToQuery "!('foo'&'car')" `shouldBe` Right (Not (lexm "foo" :& lexm "car")) it "can parse it surrounded by spaces" $ do textToQuery "!'foo' & 'car'" `shouldBe` Right (Not (lexm "foo") :& lexm "car") textToQuery "!( 'foo' & 'car' )" `shouldBe` Right (Not (lexm "foo" :& lexm "car")) describe "textToQuery . queryToText" $ do it "is isomorphism" $ property $ \q -> (textToQuery . queryToText) q `shouldBe` Right q describe "@@" $ do it "works as expected" $ run $ do let article = Article "some title" "some content" def arId <- insert article update $ \a -> do set a [ArticleTextsearch =. to_etsvector (a^.ArticleContent)] let query = to_tsquery (val "english") (val "content") result <- select $ from $ \a -> do where_ $ (a^. ArticleTextsearch) @@. query return a liftIO $ do length result `shouldBe` 1 map entityKey result `shouldBe` [arId] let query2 = to_tsquery (val "english") (val "foo") result2 <- select $ from $ \a -> do where_ $ (a^. ArticleTextsearch) @@. query2 return a liftIO $ length result2 `shouldBe` 0 describe "ts_rank_cd" $ do it "works as expected" $ run $ do let vector = to_tsvector (val "english") (val content) content = "content" :: Text query = to_tsquery (val "english") (val "content") norm = val [] ret <- select $ return $ ts_rank_cd (val def) vector query norm liftIO $ map unValue ret `shouldBe` [0.1] describe "ts_rank" $ do it "works as expected" $ run $ do let vector = to_tsvector (val "english") (val content) content = "content" :: Text query = to_tsquery (val "english") (val "content") norm = val [] ret <- select $ return $ ts_rank (val def) vector query norm liftIO $ unValue (head ret) `shouldBe` 6.079271e-2 describe "NormalizationOption" $ do describe "fromPersistValue . toPersistValue" $ do let isEqual [] [] = True isEqual [NormNone] [] = True isEqual [] [NormNone] = True isEqual a b = a == b toRight (Right a) = a toRight _ = error "unexpected Left" it "is isomorphism" $ property $ \(q :: [NormalizationOption]) -> isEqual ((toRight . fromPersistValue . toPersistValue) q) q `shouldBe` True instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Arbitrary [NormalizationOption] where arbitrary = (:[]) <$> elements [minBound..maxBound] instance a ~ Lexemes => Arbitrary (TsQuery a) where arbitrary = query 0 where maxDepth :: Int maxDepth = 10 query d | d arbitrary <*> weights <*> lexString weights = listOf arbitrary and_ d = (:&) <$> query (d+1) <*> query (d+1) or_ d = (:|) <$> query (d+1) <*> query (d+1) not_ d = Not <$> query (d+1) lexString = pack <$> listOf1 (oneof $ [ choose ('a','z') , choose ('A','Z') , choose ('0','9') ] ++ map pure "-_&|ñçáéíóú") instance Arbitrary Position where arbitrary = oneof [pure Infix, pure Prefix] instance Arbitrary Weight where arbitrary = oneof [pure Highest, pure High, pure Medium, pure Low] lexm :: Text -> TsQuery Lexemes lexm = Lexeme Infix [] type RunDbMonad m = (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadThrow m) run :: (forall m. RunDbMonad m => SqlPersistT (ResourceT m) a) -> IO a run act = runStderrLoggingT . runResourceT . withPostgresqlConn connString . runSqlConn $ (initializeDB >> act >>= \ret -> transactionUndo >> return ret) initializeDB :: (forall m. RunDbMonad m => SqlPersistT (ResourceT m) ()) initializeDB = do runMigration migrateAll