module Sudoku.Problem (problem, range) where import Prelude hiding ((&&), (||), not, and, or, all, any) import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Data.Array (Array, (!)) import qualified Data.Array as Array import Data.Word import Ersatz import Sudoku.Cell type Index = (Word8,Word8) type Grid = Array Index Cell data Env = Env { envCellArray :: Grid -- ^ The puzzle. , envValues :: [Cell] -- ^ The possible values for any cell. } deriving Show problem :: (Applicative m, MonadState s m, HasSAT s) => Array Index Word8 -> m Grid problem initValues = do cellArray <- Array.listArray range <$> replicateM (Array.rangeSize range) exists runReaderT problem' $ Env cellArray (map encode [1..9]) -- Assert all initial values. forM_ (Array.assocs initValues) $ \(idx, val) -> when (1 <= val && val <= 9) $ assert $ (cellArray ! idx) === encode val return cellArray problem' :: (MonadState s m, HasSAT s) => ReaderT Env m () problem' = do legalValues mapM_ allDifferent (subsquares ++ horizontal ++ vertical) -- | Assert that each cell must have one of the legal values. legalValues :: (MonadState s m, HasSAT s) => ReaderT Env m () legalValues = mapM_ legalValue . Array.elems =<< asks envCellArray where legalValue cell = do values <- asks envValues assert $ any (cell ===) values -- | Assert that each cell in a group must have a different value. allDifferent :: (MonadState s m, HasSAT s) => [(Word8,Word8)] -> ReaderT Env m () allDifferent indices = do cellArray <- asks envCellArray let pairs = [ (cellArray ! a, cellArray ! b) | a <- indices, b <- indices, a /= b ] forM_ pairs $ \(cellA, cellB) -> assert (cellA /== cellB) -- | The valid index range for the grid. range :: (Index,Index) range = ((0,0),(8,8)) subsquares, horizontal, vertical :: [[Index]] -- | The index group for each subsquare. subsquares = do sqY <- [0..2] sqX <- [0..2] let top = 3*sqY left = 3*sqX return [ (y,x) | y <- [], x <- [left..left+2] ] -- | The index group for each line. horizontal = do line <- [0..8] return [ (line,x) | x <- [0..8] ] -- | The index group for each column. vertical = do column <- [0..8] return [ (y,column) | y <- [0..8] ]