module Ersatz.Variable
( Variable(..)
, GVariable(..)
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Ersatz.Internal.Literal
import Ersatz.Problem
import GHC.Generics
class GVariable f where
gexists :: (MonadState s m, HasSAT s) => m (f a)
gforall :: (MonadState s m, HasQSAT s) => m (f a)
instance GVariable U1 where
gexists = return U1
gforall = return U1
instance (GVariable f, GVariable g) => GVariable (f :*: g) where
gexists = liftM2 (:*:) gexists gexists
gforall = liftM2 (:*:) gforall gforall
instance Variable a => GVariable (K1 i a) where
gexists = liftM K1 exists
#ifndef HLINT
gforall = liftM K1 forall
instance GVariable f => GVariable (M1 i c f) where
gexists = liftM M1 gexists
gforall = liftM M1 gforall
class Variable t where
exists :: (MonadState s m, HasSAT s) => m t
#ifndef HLINT
forall :: (MonadState s m, HasQSAT s) => m t
#ifndef HLINT
default exists :: (MonadState s m, HasSAT s, Generic t, GVariable (Rep t)) => m t
exists = liftM to gexists
default forall :: (MonadState s m, HasQSAT s, Generic t, GVariable (Rep t)) => m t
forall = liftM to gforall
instance Variable Literal where
exists = literalExists
#ifndef HLINT
forall = literalForall
instance (Variable a, Variable b) => Variable (a,b)
instance (Variable a, Variable b, Variable c) => Variable (a,b,c)
instance (Variable a, Variable b, Variable c, Variable d) => Variable (a,b,c,d)
instance (Variable a, Variable b, Variable c, Variable d, Variable e) => Variable (a,b,c,d,e)
instance (Variable a, Variable b, Variable c, Variable d, Variable e, Variable f) => Variable (a,b,c,d,e,f)
instance (Variable a, Variable b, Variable c, Variable d, Variable e, Variable f, Variable g) => Variable (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)