{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_lens
#define MIN_VERSION_lens(x,y,z) 1
-- |
-- Copyright :  © Edward Kmett 2010-2014, Johan Kiviniemi 2013
-- License   :  BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability :  experimental
-- Portability: non-portable
module Ersatz.Problem
  -- * SAT
  , HasSAT(..)
  , runSAT, runSAT', dimacsSAT
  , literalExists
  , assertFormula
  , generateLiteral
  -- * QSAT
  , HasQSAT(..)
  , runQSAT, runQSAT', qdimacsQSAT
  , literalForall
  -- * DIMACS pretty printing
  , DIMACS(..)
  , QDIMACS(..)
  , WDIMACS(..)
  , dimacs, qdimacs, wdimacs
  ) where

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char8
import Blaze.Text
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
#if !(MIN_VERSION_lens(4,0,0))
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy
import Data.Default
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
import Data.Int
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Typeable
import Ersatz.Internal.Formula
import Ersatz.Internal.Literal
import Ersatz.Internal.StableName
import System.IO.Unsafe

-- SAT Problems

data SAT = SAT
  { _lastAtom  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int      -- ^ The id of the last atom allocated
  , _formula   :: !Formula                 -- ^ a set of clauses to assert
  , _stableMap :: !(HashMap (StableName ()) Literal)  -- ^ a mapping used during 'Bit' expansion
  } deriving Typeable

class HasSAT s where
  sat :: Lens' s SAT

  lastAtom :: Lens' s Int
  lastAtom f = sat $ \ (SAT a b c) -> fmap (\a' -> SAT a' b c) (f a)

  formula :: Lens' s Formula
  formula f = sat $ \ (SAT a b c) -> fmap (\b' -> SAT a b' c) (f b)

  stableMap :: Lens' s (HashMap (StableName ()) Literal)
  stableMap f = sat $ \ (SAT a b c) -> SAT a b <$> f c

instance HasSAT SAT where
  sat = id

instance Show SAT where
  showsPrec p bf = showParen (p > 10)
                 $ showString "SAT " . showsPrec 11 (bf^.lastAtom)
                 . showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 (bf^.formula)
                 . showString " mempty"

instance Default SAT where
  -- The literal 1 is dedicated for the True constant.
  def = SAT 1 (formulaLiteral literalTrue) HashMap.empty

-- | Run a 'SAT'-generating state computation. Useful e.g. in ghci for
-- disambiguating the type of a 'MonadState', 'HasSAT' value.
runSAT :: StateT SAT m a -> m (a, SAT)
runSAT s = runStateT s def

-- | Run a 'SAT'-generating state computation in the 'Identity' monad. Useful
-- e.g. in ghci for disambiguating the type of a 'MonadState', 'HasSAT' value.
runSAT' :: StateT SAT Identity a -> (a, SAT)
runSAT' = runIdentity . runSAT

-- | Run a 'SAT'-generating state computation and return the respective
-- 'DIMACS' output. Useful for testing and debugging.
dimacsSAT :: StateT SAT Identity a -> Lazy.ByteString
dimacsSAT = toLazyByteString . dimacs . snd . runSAT'

literalExists :: (MonadState s m, HasSAT s) => m Literal
literalExists = liftM Literal $ lastAtom <+= 1
{-# INLINE literalExists #-}

assertFormula :: (MonadState s m, HasSAT s) => Formula -> m ()
assertFormula xs = formula <>= xs
{-# INLINE assertFormula #-}

generateLiteral :: (MonadState s m, HasSAT s) => a -> (Literal -> m ()) -> m Literal
generateLiteral a f = do
  let sn = unsafePerformIO (makeStableName' a)
  use (stableMap.at sn) >>= \ ml -> case ml of
    Just l -> return l
    Nothing -> do
      l <- literalExists
      stableMap.at sn ?= l
      f l
      return l
{-# INLINE generateLiteral #-}

-- QSAT Problems

-- | A (quantified) boolean formula.
data QSAT = QSAT
  { _universals :: !IntSet -- ^ a set indicating which literals are universally quantified
  , _qsatSat    :: SAT     -- ^ The rest of the information, in 'SAT'
  } deriving (Show,Typeable)

class HasSAT t => HasQSAT t where
  qsat       :: Lens' t QSAT
  universals :: Lens' t IntSet
  universals f = qsat ago where
    ago (QSAT u s) = f u <&> \u' -> QSAT u' s

instance HasSAT QSAT where
  sat f (QSAT u s) = QSAT u <$> f s

instance HasQSAT QSAT where
  qsat = id

instance Default QSAT where
  def = QSAT IntSet.empty def

-- | Run a 'QSAT'-generating state computation. Useful e.g. in ghci for
-- disambiguating the type of a 'MonadState', 'HasQSAT' value.
runQSAT :: StateT QSAT m a -> m (a, QSAT)
runQSAT s = runStateT s def

-- | Run a 'QSAT'-generating state computation in the 'Identity' monad. Useful
-- e.g. in ghci for disambiguating the type of a 'MonadState', 'HasQSAT' value.
runQSAT' :: StateT QSAT Identity a -> (a, QSAT)
runQSAT' = runIdentity . runQSAT

-- | Run a 'QSAT'-generating state computation and return the respective
-- 'QDIMACS' output. Useful for testing and debugging.
qdimacsQSAT :: StateT QSAT Identity a -> Lazy.ByteString
qdimacsQSAT = toLazyByteString . qdimacs . snd . runQSAT'

literalForall :: (MonadState s m, HasQSAT s) => m Literal
literalForall = do
   l <- lastAtom <+= 1
   universals.contains l .= True
   return $ Literal l
{-# INLINE literalForall #-}

-- Printing SATs

-- | DIMACS file format pretty printer
-- This is used to generate the problem statement for a given 'SAT' 'Ersatz.Solver.Solver'.

-- http://www.cfdvs.iitb.ac.in/download/Docs/verification/papers/BMC/JT.ps
class DIMACS t where
  dimacsComments :: t -> [ByteString]
  dimacsNumVariables :: t -> Int
  dimacsClauses :: t -> Set IntSet

-- | QDIMACS file format pretty printer
-- This is used to generate the problem statement for a given 'QSAT' 'Ersatz.Solver.Solver'.

-- http://www.qbflib.org/qdimacs.html
class QDIMACS t where
  qdimacsComments :: t -> [ByteString]
  qdimacsNumVariables :: t -> Int
  qdimacsQuantified :: t -> [Quant]
  qdimacsClauses :: t -> Set IntSet

-- | WDIMACS file format pretty printer
-- This is used to generate the problem statement for a given 'MaxSAT' 'Ersatz.Solver.Solver' (TODO).

-- http://maxsat.ia.udl.cat/requirements/
class WDIMACS t where
  wdimacsComments :: t -> [ByteString]
  wdimacsNumVariables :: t -> Int
  wdimacsTopWeight :: t -> Int64  -- ^ Specified to be 1 ≤ n < 2^63
  wdimacsClauses :: t -> Set (Int64, IntSet)

-- | Generate a 'Builder' out of a 'DIMACS' problem.
dimacs :: DIMACS t => t -> Builder
dimacs t = comments <> problem <> clauses
    comments = foldMap bComment (dimacsComments t)
    problem = bLine [ copyByteString "p cnf"
                    , integral (dimacsNumVariables t)
                    , integral (Set.size tClauses)
    clauses = foldMap bClause tClauses

    tClauses = dimacsClauses t

-- | Generate a 'Builder' out of a 'QDIMACS' problem.
qdimacs :: QDIMACS t => t -> Builder
qdimacs t = comments <> problem <> quantified <> clauses
    comments = foldMap bComment (qdimacsComments t)
    problem = bLine [ copyByteString "p cnf"
                    , integral (qdimacsNumVariables t)
                    , integral (Set.size tClauses)
    quantified = foldMap go tQuantGroups
      where go ls = bLine0 (q (head ls) : map (integral . getQuant) ls)
            q Exists{} = fromChar 'e'
            q Forall{} = fromChar 'a'
    clauses = foldMap bClause tClauses

    tQuantGroups = List.groupBy eqQuant (qdimacsQuantified t)
        eqQuant :: Quant -> Quant -> Bool
        eqQuant Exists{} Exists{} = True
        eqQuant Forall{} Forall{} = True
        eqQuant _ _ = False
    tClauses = qdimacsClauses t

-- | Generate a 'Builder' out of a 'WDIMACS' problem.
wdimacs :: WDIMACS t => t -> Builder
wdimacs t = comments <> problem <> clauses
    comments = foldMap bComment (wdimacsComments t)
    problem = bLine [ copyByteString "p wcnf"
                    , integral (wdimacsNumVariables t)
                    , integral (Set.size tClauses)
                    , integral (wdimacsTopWeight t)
    clauses = foldMap (uncurry bWClause) tClauses

    tClauses = wdimacsClauses t

bComment :: ByteString -> Builder
bComment bs = bLine [ fromChar 'c', fromByteString bs ]

bClause :: IntSet -> Builder
bClause ls = bLine0 (map integral (IntSet.toList ls))

bWClause :: Int64 -> IntSet -> Builder
bWClause w ls = bLine0 (integral w : map integral (IntSet.toList ls))

bLine0 :: [Builder] -> Builder
bLine0 = bLine . (++ [fromChar '0'])

bLine :: [Builder] -> Builder
bLine bs = mconcat (List.intersperse (fromChar ' ') bs) <> fromChar '\n'

-- | An explicit prenex quantifier
data Quant
  = Exists { getQuant :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int }
  | Forall { getQuant :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int }
  deriving Typeable

instance DIMACS SAT where
  dimacsComments _ = []
  dimacsNumVariables s = s^.lastAtom
  dimacsClauses = satClauses

instance QDIMACS QSAT where
  qdimacsComments _ = []
  qdimacsNumVariables q = q^.lastAtom + padding
      -- "The innermost quantified set is always of type 'e'" per QDIMACS
      -- standard. Add an existential atom if the last one is universal.
        | Just (i, _) <- IntSet.maxView (q^.universals), i == q^.lastAtom = 1
        | otherwise = 0
  -- "Unbound atoms are to be considered as being existentially quantified in
  -- the first (i.e., the outermost) quantified set." per QDIMACS standard.
  -- Skip the implicit first existentials.
  qdimacsQuantified q
    | IntSet.null (q^.universals) = []
    | otherwise = quants [head qUniversals..lastAtom'] qUniversals
      lastAtom'   = qdimacsNumVariables q
      qUniversals = IntSet.toAscList (q^.universals)

      quants :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Quant]
      quants []     _  = []
      quants (i:is) [] = Exists i : quants is []
      quants (i:is) jjs@(j:js)
        | i == j    = Forall i : quants is js
        | otherwise = Exists i : quants is jjs
  qdimacsClauses = satClauses

satClauses :: HasSAT s => s -> Set IntSet
satClauses s = Set.map clauseSet (formulaSet (s^.formula))