# eros-client This is a command line interface to the [eros library](https://github.com/pharpend/eros). # Usage - v. This is a usage guide for version There will be more up-to-date usage guides as more versions come, hopefully. To install, run `cabal install eros-client-`. The only way to interact with the library, for the time being is through the client I built, `erosc`. It accepts input in Javascript Object Notation (JSON) through `stdin`. Here is the schema for the input: ```json { "name": "erosc-input", "type": "object", "description": "The schema for the input to erosc.", "properties": { "text": { "type": "string", "description": "The text you want to be checked against the phraselists.", "required": true }, "eros-lists": { "type": "array", "description": "The phraselists provided by eros you want \"text\" to be checked against.", "required": true, "items": { "type": "string" } }, } } ``` That is the up-to-date schema, as of version . It is liable to change. If the version you downloaded is greater than, make sure to check the schema (it is distributed with the package) to make sure it is up to date. The schema is located in `res/schemata/erosc-input.json`. `erosc` will take that input, and send back output in JSON, in accordance with the schema found in `res/schemata/erosc-output.json`. ```json { "name": "erosc-output", "type": "array", "description": "The output of erosc.", "items": { "type": "object", "description": "The phraselist name, along with the score for that phraselist.", "properties": { "eros-list": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the phraselist corresponding to this object." }, "score": { "type": "number", "description": "The score corresponding to this phraselist." } } } } ``` ## Example This is the example input from `res/erosc-dummy-inputs/input0.json`. ```json { "text": "Fuck you, you fucking fuck! Fucking bitch tits milf sex sluts!", "eros-lists": [ "gambling", "pornography" ] } ``` Running `erosc < res/erosc-dummy-inputs/input0.json` yields ```json [ { "score": 0, "eros-list": "gambling" }, { "score": 11394, "eros-list": "pornography" } ] ``` # Contributing I would love if people would contribute. This client is BSD-licensed, so you can pretty much do whatever you want with it. If you have any ideas, don't hesitate to contact me. ## Planned features ### `erosc` ⟶ `eros-server` As it stands, `erosc` is tedious and a bit difficult to use. I plan on rewriting `erosc` to act as an HTTP[s] server, using Happstack, using acid-state as a RAM cloud. This will be the fastest and easiest to maintain solution. I will still include an offline client, but it won't be the focus of development. ### More options I need to add more filtering options, such as phraselist-specific thresholds, custom phraselists, and, well, just more stuff. # Contact The best way to contact me is via IRC. I hang out a lot on `#archlinux` and `#haskell` on the FreeNode network. My nicks are `l0cust` and `isomorpheous`. You can also email me at , although I'm not great at checking that email address.