import Test.Hspec import Foreign.Erlang -- In order to run correctly this needs to have an erlang node running at `test@` -- and having a process registered as `:p` that can receive and send messages back -- Elixir one liner to start the given process: -- `fn -> receive do {from, 'Hello, Erlang!', from_name} -> send from, "Hello, #{from_name}! I got your message." end end |> spawn |> Process.register(:p)` main = hspec $ runIO $ do self <- createSelf "haskell@localhost" mbox <- createMBox self mboxSend mbox (Long "test" "") (Right "p") (mboxSelf mbox, "Hello, Erlang!" :: [Char], "Haskell Test") answer <- mboxRecv mbox (fromErlang answer) `shouldBe` "Hello, Haskell Test! I got your message."