## general - README.md changes: - installing epubcheck if possible - less-obscure example book naming sessions - demonstration of interactive mode - encourage users to contact the developer (see below in epubname as well) - Windows binary docs: - make INSTALL more nicely worded - add information or maybe a batch file for assisting with globs and cmd - Use Paths_epub_tools version instead of hard-coded version in the Opts modules. Test this on Windows. - Would like to way to be able to insert a publishing year tag into the OPF data - like these: - `2011` - `2011` - `anthology` - Perhaps as part of epubmeta? - Perform util/win-dist.sh behavior in post-build step of Setup.hs? I think it makes sense. ## epubmeta - When a backup is made during `-e[SUF]`, make a note of it on stdout - Maybe more options for modifying metadata from the command-line - Ability to dump the actual Haskell Metadata structure out. Could be used to make unit tests for epubname. ## epubname - Switch from using awful String everywhere to nice, Unicode Text. This may alleviate some of the special typographic character problems I have from time to time. - in usage, encourage users to contact the developer - Add info in the usage about submitting metadata to me using epubmeta when there are problems. - Rethink that Publisher business, maybe get rid of it. - I'd like to see the author name formatting be more flexible so you can opt to not have it call scrubString as is mandatory now. - Can possibly parallelize book renaming, each book is an atomic operation. Look into it. - Not testing improper name instruction function arguments (such as: an index that doesn't exist in a match with `idx`) - This is tricky as we're using the stock set of rules that are deployed for the real app for all testing. Need to redesign `testsuite/EpubTools/test-epubname.main` to be able to load a different set of rules. - Why is the verbosity Opts value a Maybe Int? Couldn't it just have been an Int (0, 1 or 2) where 0 is the old Nothing? Or even better, explicit values like: `data Verbosity = Minimum | ShowFormatter | Maximum` Think about it more - Try to make tests of formatters into a conf file thing as well. This is kind of important. Not part of HUnit or QC. module hierarchy: EpubName/ Test/ Compile Test ## epubzip