epub3 epub2 metadata metadata + identifier + identifier ? id ? id ?m identifier-type ?m scheme ? scheme + title + title ? lang ? lang ?m title-type ?m display-seq + language + language * contributor * contributor ?m role ? role ?m file-as ? file-as ?m display-seq * creator * creator ?m role ? role ?m file-as ? file-as ?m display-seq ? date * date [simpler than it used to be 1] ? event m modified [this one is special 2] ? source * source ? type * type * coverage * coverage * description * description * format * format * publisher * publisher * relation * relation * rights * rights * subject * subject [1] date is simpler than it used to be, I believe it means "when this book was originally written or created", and looks like this: 2012 [2] modified metadata looks like this: 2011-01-01T12:00:00Z