{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} module Language.EO.Rules.PhiPaperSpec where import Control.Monad (forM_, guard) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON) import Data.Data (Data (toConstr)) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.List qualified as List import Data.Yaml qualified as Yaml import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Language.EO.Phi.Rules.Common (ApplicationLimits (..), NamedRule, applyOneRule, defaultApplicationLimits, defaultContext, equalObject, intToBytes, objectSize) import Language.EO.Phi.Rules.Yaml (convertRuleNamed, parseRuleSetFromFile, rules) import Language.EO.Phi.Syntax (printTree) import Language.EO.Phi.Syntax.Abs as Phi import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck arbitraryNonEmptyString :: Gen String arbitraryNonEmptyString = do x <- elements ['a' .. 'z'] n <- choose (1, 9 :: Int) return (x : show n) instance Arbitrary Attribute where arbitrary = oneof [ pure Phi , pure Rho , pure Sigma , pure VTX , Label <$> arbitrary ] instance Arbitrary LabelId where arbitrary = LabelId <$> arbitraryNonEmptyString shrink = genericShrink instance Arbitrary AlphaIndex where arbitrary = AlphaIndex <$> arbitraryNonEmptyString instance Arbitrary Bytes where arbitrary = intToBytes <$> arbitrarySizedNatural instance Arbitrary Phi.Function where arbitrary = Phi.Function <$> arbitraryNonEmptyString instance Arbitrary Phi.MetaId where arbitrary = Phi.MetaId . ("!" ++) <$> arbitraryNonEmptyString instance Arbitrary Phi.MetaFunctionName where arbitrary = Phi.MetaFunctionName . ("@" ++) <$> arbitraryNonEmptyString instance Arbitrary Binding where arbitrary = oneof [ EmptyBinding . Label <$> arbitrary , do attr <- arbitrary obj <- case attr of VTX -> Formation <$> do bytes <- arbitrary return [DeltaBinding bytes] _ -> arbitrary return (AlphaBinding attr obj) , DeltaBinding <$> arbitrary , LambdaBinding <$> arbitrary , pure DeltaEmptyBinding ] shrink (AlphaBinding VTX _) = [] -- do not shrink vertex bindings shrink (AlphaBinding attr obj) = AlphaBinding attr <$> shrink obj shrink _ = [] -- do not shrink deltas and lambdas instance Arbitrary Object where arbitrary = sized $ \n -> do let arbitraryBinding = resize (n `div` 2) arbitrary arbitraryAttr = resize (n `div` 2) arbitrary arbitraryObj = resize (n `div` 2) arbitrary sameAttr (AlphaBinding attr1 _) (AlphaBinding attr2 _) = attr1 == attr2 sameAttr (EmptyBinding attr1) (EmptyBinding attr2) = attr1 == attr2 sameAttr b1 b2 = toConstr b1 == toConstr b2 arbitraryBindings = List.nubBy sameAttr <$> listOf arbitraryBinding arbitraryAlphaLabelBinding = resize (n `div` 2) $ AlphaBinding <$> (Label <$> arbitrary) <*> arbitrary arbitraryAlphaLabelBindings = List.nubBy sameAttr <$> listOf arbitraryAlphaLabelBinding if n > 0 then oneof [ Formation <$> arbitraryBindings , liftA2 Application arbitraryObj arbitraryAlphaLabelBindings , liftA2 ObjectDispatch arbitraryObj arbitraryAttr , ObjectDispatch GlobalObject <$> arbitraryAttr , pure ThisObject , pure Termination ] else pure $ Formation [] shrink = genericShrink data CriticalPair = CriticalPair { sourceTerm :: Object , criticalPair :: (Object, Object) , rulesApplied :: (String, String) } genCriticalPair :: [NamedRule] -> Gen CriticalPair genCriticalPair rules = do (sourceTerm, results) <- fan `suchThat` \(_, rs) -> length rs > 1 case results of (rule1, x) : (rule2, y) : _ -> return CriticalPair { sourceTerm = sourceTerm , criticalPair = (x, y) , rulesApplied = (rule1, rule2) } _ -> error "IMPOSSIBLE HAPPENED" where fan = do obj <- Formation . List.nubBy sameAttr <$> listOf arbitrary return (obj, applyOneRule (defaultContext rules obj) obj) sameAttr (AlphaBinding attr1 _) (AlphaBinding attr2 _) = attr1 == attr2 sameAttr (EmptyBinding attr1) (EmptyBinding attr2) = attr1 == attr2 sameAttr b1 b2 = toConstr b1 == toConstr b2 findCriticalPairs :: [NamedRule] -> Object -> [CriticalPair] findCriticalPairs rules obj = do let ctx = defaultContext rules obj let results = applyOneRule ctx obj guard (length results > 1) case results of (rule1, x) : (rule2, y) : _ -> return CriticalPair { sourceTerm = obj , criticalPair = (x, y) , rulesApplied = (rule1, rule2) } _ -> error "IMPOSSIBLE HAPPENED" shrinkCriticalPair :: [NamedRule] -> CriticalPair -> [CriticalPair] shrinkCriticalPair rules CriticalPair{..} = [ CriticalPair { sourceTerm = sourceTerm' , criticalPair = (x, y) , rulesApplied = (rule1, rule2) } | sourceTerm'@Formation{} <- shrink sourceTerm , (rule1, x) : (rule2, y) : _ <- [applyOneRule (defaultContext rules sourceTerm') sourceTerm'] ] type SearchLimits = ApplicationLimits descendantsN :: SearchLimits -> [NamedRule] -> [Object] -> [[Object]] descendantsN ApplicationLimits{..} rules objs | maxDepth <= 0 = [objs] | otherwise = objs : descendantsN ApplicationLimits{maxDepth = maxDepth - 1, ..} rules [ obj' | obj <- objs , objectSize obj < maxTermSize , (_name, obj') <- applyOneRule (defaultContext rules obj) obj ] -- | Pair items from two lists with all combinations, -- but order them lexicographically according to their original indices. -- This makes sure that we check pairs that are early in both lists -- before checking pairs later. -- -- >>> pairByLevel [1..3] "abc" -- [(1,'a'),(2,'a'),(1,'b'),(2,'b'),(3,'a'),(3,'b'),(1,'c'),(2,'c'),(3,'c')] -- -- Works for infinite lists as well: -- -- >>> take 10 $ pairByLevel [1..] [1..] -- [(1,1),(2,1),(1,2),(2,2),(3,1),(3,2),(1,3),(2,3),(3,3),(4,1)] pairByLevel :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] pairByLevel = go [] [] where go :: [a] -> [b] -> [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] go _xs _ys [] _ = [] go _xs _ys _ [] = [] go xs ys (a : as) (b : bs) = map (a,) ys ++ map (,b) xs ++ (a, b) : go (xs ++ [a]) (ys ++ [b]) as bs -- | Find intersection of two lists, represented as lists of groups. -- Intersection of groups with lower indicies is considered before -- moving on to groups with larger index. intersectByLevelBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [a] intersectByLevelBy eq xs ys = concat [ List.intersectBy eq l r | (l, r) <- pairByLevel xs ys ] confluentCriticalPairN :: SearchLimits -> [NamedRule] -> CriticalPair -> Bool confluentCriticalPairN limits rules CriticalPair{..} = -- should normalize the VTXs before checking -- NOTE: we are using intersectByLevelBy to ensure that we first check -- terms generated after one rule application, then include terms after two rules applications, etc. -- This helps find the confluence points without having to compute all terms up to depth N, -- \**if** the term is confluent. -- We expect confluence to be satisfied at depth 1 in practice for most terms, -- since most critical pairs apply non-overlapping rules. -- However, if the term is NOT confluent, we will still check all options, which may take some time. not (null (intersectByLevelBy equalObject (descendantsN limits rules [x]) (descendantsN limits rules [y]))) where (x, y) = criticalPair instance Show CriticalPair where show CriticalPair{criticalPair = (x, y), rulesApplied = (rule1, rule2), ..} = intercalate "\n" [ "Source term:" , " " <> printTree sourceTerm , "Critical pair:" , " Using rule '" <> rule1 <> "': " <> printTree x , " Using rule '" <> rule2 <> "': " <> printTree y ] defaultSearchLimits :: Int -> SearchLimits defaultSearchLimits = defaultApplicationLimits confluent :: [NamedRule] -> Property confluent rulesFromYaml = withMaxSuccess 1_000 $ forAllShrink (resize 40 $ genCriticalPair rulesFromYaml) (shrinkCriticalPair rulesFromYaml) $ \pair@CriticalPair{..} -> within 100_000 $ -- 0.1 second timeout per test confluentCriticalPairN (defaultSearchLimits (objectSize sourceTerm)) rulesFromYaml pair confluentOnObject :: [NamedRule] -> Object -> Bool confluentOnObject rules obj = all (confluentCriticalPairN (defaultSearchLimits (objectSize obj)) rules) (findCriticalPairs rules obj) data ConfluenceTests = ConfluenceTests { title :: String , tests :: [Object] } deriving (Generic, FromJSON, Show) parseTests :: String -> IO ConfluenceTests parseTests = Yaml.decodeFileThrow spec :: Spec spec = do ruleset <- runIO $ parseRuleSetFromFile "./test/eo/phi/rules/yegor.yaml" let rulesFromYaml = map convertRuleNamed (rules ruleset) inputs <- runIO $ parseTests "./test/eo/phi/confluence.yaml" describe "Yegor's rules" $ do it "Are confluent (via QuickCheck)" (confluent rulesFromYaml) describe "Are confluent (regression tests)" $ forM_ (tests inputs) $ \input -> do it (printTree input) (input `shouldSatisfy` confluentOnObject rulesFromYaml)