-- Copied from https://github.com/haskell/containers and tweaked slithgly {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} import Data.Bits (popCount, (.&.)) import Data.EnumSet import Data.IntSet.Internal (IntSet (Bin)) import Data.List (nub, sort) import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Monoid (mempty) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Word (Word) import qualified IntSetValidity as IntSetValidity (valid) import Prelude hiding (filter, foldl, foldr, lookup, map, null) import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import Test.HUnit hiding (Test, Testable) import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.)) valid :: EnumSet k -> Property valid = IntSetValidity.valid . enumSetToIntSet main :: IO () main = defaultMain [ testCase "lookupLT" test_lookupLT , testCase "lookupGT" test_lookupGT , testCase "lookupLE" test_lookupLE , testCase "lookupGE" test_lookupGE , testCase "split" test_split , testProperty "prop_Valid" prop_Valid , testProperty "prop_EmptyValid" prop_EmptyValid , testProperty "prop_SingletonValid" prop_SingletonValid , testProperty "prop_InsertIntoEmptyValid" prop_InsertIntoEmptyValid , testProperty "prop_Single" prop_Single , testProperty "prop_Member" prop_Member , testProperty "prop_NotMember" prop_NotMember , testProperty "prop_LookupLT" prop_LookupLT , testProperty "prop_LookupGT" prop_LookupGT , testProperty "prop_LookupLE" prop_LookupLE , testProperty "prop_LookupGE" prop_LookupGE , testProperty "prop_InsertDelete" prop_InsertDelete , testProperty "prop_MemberFromList" prop_MemberFromList , testProperty "prop_UnionInsert" prop_UnionInsert , testProperty "prop_UnionAssoc" (prop_UnionAssoc :: EnumSet Ordering -> EnumSet Ordering -> EnumSet Ordering -> Bool) , testProperty "prop_UnionComm" (prop_UnionComm :: EnumSet Integer -> EnumSet Integer -> Bool) , testProperty "prop_Diff" prop_Diff , testProperty "prop_Int" prop_Int , testProperty "prop_Ordered" prop_Ordered , testProperty "prop_List" prop_List , testProperty "prop_DescList" prop_DescList , testProperty "prop_AscDescList" prop_AscDescList , testProperty "prop_fromList" prop_fromList -- , testProperty "prop_MaskPow2" prop_MaskPow2 -- , testProperty "prop_Prefix" prop_Prefix -- , testProperty "prop_LeftRight" prop_LeftRight , testProperty "prop_isProperSubsetOf" prop_isProperSubsetOf , testProperty "prop_isProperSubsetOf2" (prop_isProperSubsetOf2 :: EnumSet Double -> EnumSet Double -> Bool) , testProperty "prop_isSubsetOf" prop_isSubsetOf , testProperty "prop_isSubsetOf2" (prop_isSubsetOf2 :: EnumSet Bool -> EnumSet Bool -> Bool) -- , testProperty "prop_disjoint" prop_disjoint , testProperty "prop_size" prop_size , testProperty "prop_findMax" prop_findMax , testProperty "prop_findMin" prop_findMin , testProperty "prop_ord" prop_ord , testProperty "prop_readShow" prop_readShow , testProperty "prop_foldR" prop_foldR , testProperty "prop_foldR'" prop_foldR' , testProperty "prop_foldL" prop_foldL , testProperty "prop_foldL'" prop_foldL' , testProperty "prop_map" (prop_map :: EnumSet Char -> Bool) , testProperty "prop_maxView" prop_maxView , testProperty "prop_minView" prop_minView , testProperty "prop_split" prop_split , testProperty "prop_splitMember" prop_splitMember -- , testProperty "prop_splitRoot" prop_splitRoot , testProperty "prop_partition" prop_partition , testProperty "prop_filter" prop_filter , testProperty "prop_bitcount" prop_bitcount ] ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unit tests ---------------------------------------------------------------- test_lookupLT :: Assertion test_lookupLT = do lookupLT 3 (fromList [3, 5]) @?= Nothing lookupLT 5 (fromList [3, 5]) @?= Just 3 test_lookupGT :: Assertion test_lookupGT = do lookupGT 4 (fromList [3, 5]) @?= Just 5 lookupGT 5 (fromList [3, 5]) @?= Nothing test_lookupLE :: Assertion test_lookupLE = do lookupLE 2 (fromList [3, 5]) @?= Nothing lookupLE 4 (fromList [3, 5]) @?= Just 3 lookupLE 5 (fromList [3, 5]) @?= Just 5 test_lookupGE :: Assertion test_lookupGE = do lookupGE 3 (fromList [3, 5]) @?= Just 3 lookupGE 4 (fromList [3, 5]) @?= Just 5 lookupGE 6 (fromList [3, 5]) @?= Nothing test_split :: Assertion test_split = do split 3 (fromList [1..5]) @?= (fromList [1,2], fromList [4,5]) {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Arbitrary, reasonably balanced trees --------------------------------------------------------------------} instance (Enum k, Arbitrary k) => Arbitrary (EnumSet k) where arbitrary = do{ xs <- arbitrary ; return (fromList xs) } {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Valid IntMaps --------------------------------------------------------------------} forValid :: Testable a => (EnumSet Int -> a) -> Property forValid f = forAll arbitrary $ \t -> classify (size t == 0) "empty" $ classify (size t > 0 && size t <= 10) "small" $ classify (size t > 10 && size t <= 64) "medium" $ classify (size t > 64) "large" $ f t forValidUnitTree :: Testable a => (EnumSet Int -> a) -> Property forValidUnitTree f = forValid f prop_Valid :: Property prop_Valid = forValidUnitTree $ \t -> valid t {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Construction validity --------------------------------------------------------------------} prop_EmptyValid :: Property prop_EmptyValid = valid empty prop_SingletonValid :: Int -> Property prop_SingletonValid x = valid (singleton x) prop_InsertIntoEmptyValid :: Int -> Property prop_InsertIntoEmptyValid x = valid (insert x empty) {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Single, Member, Insert, Delete, Member, FromList --------------------------------------------------------------------} prop_Single :: Int -> Bool prop_Single x = (insert x empty == singleton x) prop_Member :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool prop_Member xs n = let m = fromList xs in all (\k -> k `member` m == (k `elem` xs)) (n : xs) prop_NotMember :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool prop_NotMember xs n = let m = fromList xs in all (\k -> k `notMember` m == (k `notElem` xs)) (n : xs) test_LookupSomething :: (Int -> EnumSet Int -> Maybe Int) -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> Bool test_LookupSomething lookup' cmp xs = let odd_sorted_xs = filter_odd $ nub $ sort xs t = fromList odd_sorted_xs test x = case List.filter (`cmp` x) odd_sorted_xs of [] -> lookup' x t == Nothing cs | 0 `cmp` 1 -> lookup' x t == Just (last cs) -- we want largest such element | otherwise -> lookup' x t == Just (head cs) -- we want smallest such element in all test xs where filter_odd [] = [] filter_odd [_] = [] filter_odd (_ : o : xs) = o : filter_odd xs prop_LookupLT :: [Int] -> Bool prop_LookupLT = test_LookupSomething lookupLT (<) prop_LookupGT :: [Int] -> Bool prop_LookupGT = test_LookupSomething lookupGT (>) prop_LookupLE :: [Int] -> Bool prop_LookupLE = test_LookupSomething lookupLE (<=) prop_LookupGE :: [Int] -> Bool prop_LookupGE = test_LookupSomething lookupGE (>=) prop_InsertDelete :: Int -> EnumSet Int -> Property prop_InsertDelete k t = not (member k t) ==> case delete k (insert k t) of t' -> valid t' .&&. t' === t prop_MemberFromList :: [Int] -> Bool prop_MemberFromList xs = all (`member` t) abs_xs && all ((`notMember` t) . negate) abs_xs where abs_xs = [abs x | x <- xs, x /= 0] t = fromList abs_xs {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Union, Difference and Intersection --------------------------------------------------------------------} prop_UnionInsert :: Int -> EnumSet Int -> Property prop_UnionInsert x t = case union t (singleton x) of t' -> valid t' .&&. t' === insert x t prop_UnionAssoc :: EnumSet k -> EnumSet k -> EnumSet k -> Bool prop_UnionAssoc t1 t2 t3 = union t1 (union t2 t3) == union (union t1 t2) t3 prop_UnionComm :: EnumSet k -> EnumSet k -> Bool prop_UnionComm t1 t2 = (union t1 t2 == union t2 t1) prop_Diff :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Property prop_Diff xs ys = case difference (fromList xs) (fromList ys) of t -> valid t .&&. toAscList t === List.sort ((List.\\) (nub xs) (nub ys)) prop_Int :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Property prop_Int xs ys = case intersection (fromList xs) (fromList ys) of t -> valid t .&&. toAscList t === List.sort (nub ((List.intersect) (xs) (ys))) {- prop_disjoint :: EnumSet k -> EnumSet k -> Bool prop_disjoint a b = a `disjoint` b == null (a `intersection` b) -} {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Lists --------------------------------------------------------------------} prop_Ordered = forAll (choose (5,100)) $ \n -> let xs = concat [[i-n,i-n]|i<-[0..2*n :: Int]] in fromAscList xs == fromList xs prop_List :: [Int] -> Bool prop_List xs = (sort (nub xs) == toAscList (fromList xs)) prop_DescList :: [Int] -> Bool prop_DescList xs = (reverse (sort (nub xs)) == toDescList (fromList xs)) prop_AscDescList :: [Int] -> Bool prop_AscDescList xs = toAscList s == reverse (toDescList s) where s = fromList xs prop_fromList :: [Int] -> Property prop_fromList xs = case fromList xs of t -> valid t .&&. t === fromAscList sort_xs .&&. t === fromDistinctAscList nub_sort_xs .&&. t === List.foldr insert empty xs where sort_xs = sort xs nub_sort_xs = List.map List.head $ List.group sort_xs {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Bin invariants --------------------------------------------------------------------} powersOf2 :: EnumSet Int powersOf2 = fromList [2^i | i <- [0..63]] {- -- Check the invariant that the mask is a power of 2. prop_MaskPow2 :: EnumSet k -> Bool prop_MaskPow2 (Bin _ msk left right) = member msk powersOf2 && prop_MaskPow2 left && prop_MaskPow2 right prop_MaskPow2 _ = True -- Check that the prefix satisfies its invariant. prop_Prefix :: EnumSet k -> Bool prop_Prefix s@(Bin prefix msk left right) = all (\elem -> match elem prefix msk) (toList s) && prop_Prefix left && prop_Prefix right prop_Prefix _ = True -- Check that the left elements don't have the mask bit set, and the right -- ones do. prop_LeftRight :: EnumSet k -> Bool prop_LeftRight (Bin _ msk left right) = and [x .&. msk == 0 | x <- toList left] && and [x .&. msk == msk | x <- toList right] prop_LeftRight _ = True -} {-------------------------------------------------------------------- EnumSet k operations are like Set operations --------------------------------------------------------------------} toSet :: EnumSet Int -> Set.Set Int toSet = Set.fromList . toList -- Check that EnumSet k.isProperSubsetOf is the same as Set.isProperSubsetOf. prop_isProperSubsetOf :: EnumSet Int -> EnumSet Int -> Bool prop_isProperSubsetOf a b = isProperSubsetOf a b == Set.isProperSubsetOf (toSet a) (toSet b) -- In the above test, isProperSubsetOf almost always returns False (since a -- random set is almost never a subset of another random set). So this second -- test checks the True case. prop_isProperSubsetOf2 :: EnumSet k -> EnumSet k -> Bool prop_isProperSubsetOf2 a b = isProperSubsetOf a c == (a /= c) where c = union a b prop_isSubsetOf :: EnumSet Int -> EnumSet Int -> Bool prop_isSubsetOf a b = isSubsetOf a b == Set.isSubsetOf (toSet a) (toSet b) prop_isSubsetOf2 :: EnumSet k -> EnumSet k -> Bool prop_isSubsetOf2 a b = isSubsetOf a (union a b) prop_size :: EnumSet Int -> Property prop_size s = sz === foldl' (\i _ -> i + 1) (0 :: Int) s .&&. sz === List.length (toList s) where sz = size s prop_findMax :: EnumSet Int -> Property prop_findMax s = not (null s) ==> findMax s == maximum (toList s) prop_findMin :: EnumSet Int -> Property prop_findMin s = not (null s) ==> findMin s == minimum (toList s) prop_ord :: EnumSet Int -> EnumSet Int -> Bool prop_ord s1 s2 = s1 `compare` s2 == toList s1 `compare` toList s2 prop_readShow :: EnumSet Int -> Bool prop_readShow s = s == read (show s) prop_foldR :: EnumSet Int -> Bool prop_foldR s = foldr (:) [] s == toList s prop_foldR' :: EnumSet Int -> Bool prop_foldR' s = foldr' (:) [] s == toList s prop_foldL :: EnumSet Int -> Bool prop_foldL s = foldl (flip (:)) [] s == List.foldl (flip (:)) [] (toList s) prop_foldL' :: EnumSet Int -> Bool prop_foldL' s = foldl' (flip (:)) [] s == List.foldl' (flip (:)) [] (toList s) prop_map :: Enum k => EnumSet k -> Bool prop_map s = map id s == s prop_maxView :: EnumSet Int -> Bool prop_maxView s = case maxView s of Nothing -> null s Just (m,s') -> m == maximum (toList s) && s == insert m s' && m `notMember` s' prop_minView :: EnumSet Int -> Bool prop_minView s = case minView s of Nothing -> null s Just (m,s') -> m == minimum (toList s) && s == insert m s' && m `notMember` s' prop_split :: EnumSet Int -> Int -> Property prop_split s i = case split i s of (s1,s2) -> valid s1 .&&. valid s2 .&&. all (<i) (toList s1) .&&. all (>i) (toList s2) .&&. i `delete` s === union s1 s2 prop_splitMember :: EnumSet Int -> Int -> Property prop_splitMember s i = case splitMember i s of (s1,t,s2) -> valid s1 .&&. valid s2 .&&. all (<i) (toList s1) .&&. all (>i) (toList s2) .&&. t === i `member` s .&&. i `delete` s === union s1 s2 {- prop_splitRoot :: EnumSet k -> Bool prop_splitRoot s = loop ls && (s == unions ls) where ls = splitRoot s loop [] = True loop (s1:rst) = List.null [ (x,y) | x <- toList s1 , y <- toList (unions rst) , x > y ] -} prop_partition :: EnumSet Int -> Int -> Property prop_partition s i = case partition odd s of (s1,s2) -> valid s1 .&&. valid s2 .&&. all odd (toList s1) .&&. all even (toList s2) .&&. s === s1 `union` s2 prop_filter :: EnumSet Int -> Int -> Property prop_filter s i = let parts = partition odd s odds = filter odd s evens = filter even s in valid odds .&&. valid evens .&&. parts === (odds, evens) prop_bitcount :: Int -> Word -> Bool prop_bitcount a w = bitcount_orig a w == bitcount_new a w where bitcount_orig a0 x0 = go a0 x0 where go a 0 = a go a x = go (a + 1) (x .&. (x-1)) bitcount_new a x = a + popCount x