name: entropy version: description: A mostly platform independent method to obtain cryptographically strong entropy (RDRAND, urandom, CryptAPI, and patches welcome) Users looking for cryptographically strong (number-theoretically sound) PRNGs should see the 'DRBG' package too. synopsis: A platform independent entropy source license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: Thomas DuBuisson author: Thomas DuBuisson maintainer: Thomas DuBuisson category: Data, Cryptography homepage: bug-reports: stability: stable -- build-type: Simple -- ^^ Used for HaLVM build-type: Custom -- ^^ Test for RDRAND support using 'ghc' cabal-version: >=1.10 tested-with: GHC == 8.2.2 -- data-files: extra-source-files: ./cbits/getrandom.c ./cbits/random_initialized.c ./cbits/rdrand.c, ./cbits/rdrand.h, -- Notice to compile with HaLVM the above 'build-type' must be changed -- to 'Simple' instead of 'Custom'. The current build system naively -- runs GHC to determine if the compiler supports RDRAND before proceeding. flag halvm description: Build for the HaLVM default: False custom-setup setup-depends: Cabal >= 1.10 && < 3.3 , base < 5 , filepath < 1.5 , directory < 1.4 , process < 1.7 library ghc-options: -O2 exposed-modules: System.Entropy if impl(ghcjs) || os(ghcjs) other-modules: System.EntropyGhcjs else { if os(windows) other-modules: System.EntropyWindows else { if os(halvm) other-modules: System.EntropyXen else other-modules: System.EntropyNix } } other-extensions: CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface, BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5, bytestring default-language: Haskell2010 if impl(ghcjs) || os(ghcjs) { build-depends: ghcjs-dom , jsaddle } else { if(os(halvm)) cpp-options: -DXEN -DHAVE_RDRAND cc-options: -DXEN -DHAVE_RDRAND if arch(x86_64) cpp-options: -Darch_x86_64 cc-options: -Darch_x86_64 -O2 -- gcc 4.8.2 on i386 fails to compile rdrand.c when using -fPIC! c-sources: cbits/rdrand.c include-dirs: cbits if arch(i386) cpp-options: -Darch_i386 cc-options: -Darch_i386 -O2 if os(windows) build-depends: Win32 >= 2.5 cpp-options: -DisWindows cc-options: -DisWindows extra-libraries: advapi32 else if !os(halvm) Build-Depends: unix c-sources: cbits/getrandom.c cbits/random_initialized.c } source-repository head type: git location: