{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}  -- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving failed.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

#if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,5,0) || MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)

-- |
-- Module:       $HEADER$
-- Description:  ApplyEndo provides easier endomorphism evaluation in cases
--               when there is an "obvious" default value.
-- Copyright:    (c) 2015-2016, Peter Trško
-- License:      BSD3
-- Maintainer:   peter.trsko@gmail.com
-- Stability:    experimental
-- Portability:  CPP, DeriveFoldable, DeriveFunctor, DeriveDataTypeable,
--               DeriveGeneric, DeriveTraversable, FlexibleInstances,
--               NoImplicitPrelude, TypeFamilies
-- 'ApplyEndo' provides easier endomorphism evaluation in cases when there is an
-- \"obvious\" default value.
module Data.Monoid.Endo.Apply
    -- * ApplyEndo
    , apply
    , applyF

    -- ** ApplyEndo Mempty
    , Mempty
    , applyMempty
    , applyMempty_
    , joinApplyMempty

    -- ** ApplyEndo Def
    -- $applyEndoDef
    , Def
    , applyDef
    , applyDef_
    , joinApplyDef

    -- ** ApplyEndo Reader
    , Reader
    , applyReader
    , applyReaderWith
    , joinApplyReader

    -- ** ApplyEndo Modify
    , Modify
    , applyModify
    , joinApplyModify

    -- ** ApplyEndo Modify'
    , Modify'
    , applyModify'
    , joinApplyModify'


import Prelude (seq)

import Control.Applicative (Applicative(pure))
import Control.Monad
    ( Monad((>>=))
    , void
    , liftM
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.Function
    ( (.)
    , ($)
    , const
import Data.Functor (Functor, (<$>))
import Data.Functor.Classes
    ( Eq1
    , Ord1
    , Read1(liftReadsPrec)
    , Show1(liftShowsPrec)
    , readsData
    , readsUnaryWith
    , showsUnaryWith
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(runIdentity))
import Data.Monoid (Endo(Endo, appEndo), Monoid(mempty))
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1)

import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)

import Control.Monad.Reader.Class (MonadReader)
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader.Class as MonadReader (asks)
import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState)
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Class as MonadState (state)

import Data.Default.Class (Default(def))

import Data.Monoid.Endo.FromEndo (FromEndo(..))

-- | There are cases when it is \"obvious\" what is the default value, which
-- should be modified by the endomorphism. This type is a result of such
-- endomorphism application and it uses phantom type @t@ as distinguishing
-- property, which decides what is the correct \"default value\".
newtype ApplyEndo t f a = ApplyEndo {applyEndo :: f a}
    ( Applicative
    , Foldable
    , Functor
    , Generic
    , Generic1
    , Monad
    , Traversable
    , Data
    , Typeable
    , Eq1
    , Ord1

instance Read1 f => Read1 (ApplyEndo t f) where
    liftReadsPrec rp rl =
        readsData $ readsUnaryWith (liftReadsPrec rp rl) "ApplyEndo" ApplyEndo

instance Show1 f => Show1 (ApplyEndo t f) where
    liftShowsPrec sp sl d (ApplyEndo x) =
        showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "ApplyEndo" d x

-- | Apply endomorphism using provided \"default\" value.
apply :: Applicative f => a -> Endo a -> ApplyEndo t f a
apply defaultValue (Endo f) = ApplyEndo . pure $ f defaultValue
{-# INLINE apply #-}

-- | Similar as 'apply', but expects 'Endo' to be wrapped by a 'Functor'.
applyF :: Functor f => a -> f (Endo a) -> ApplyEndo t f a
applyF defaultValue endo = ApplyEndo $ (`appEndo` defaultValue) <$> endo

-- {{{ ApplyEndo Mempty -------------------------------------------------------

-- | Type tag identifying usage of 'mempty' from 'Monoid'.
data Mempty
    ( Generic
    , Typeable

instance (Applicative f, Monoid a) => FromEndo (ApplyEndo Mempty f a) where
    type EndoOperatedOn (ApplyEndo Mempty f a) = a

    fromEndo = apply mempty

-- | Constrained version of 'applyEndo'. Usage example:
-- @
-- applyMempty . fromEndo :: ('Applicative' f, 'Monoid' a) => 'Endo' a -> f a
-- @
applyMempty :: Monoid a => ApplyEndo Mempty f a -> f a
applyMempty = applyEndo
{-# INLINE applyMempty #-}

-- | Same as 'applyMempty', but 'Applicative' functor is specialized to
-- 'Identity' functor and evaluated.
-- Examples:
-- >>> fromEndoWith applyMempty_ $ foldEndo (+1) [(*10), (+42)] :: Int
-- 421
-- >>> fromEndoWith applyMempty_ $ dualFoldEndo (+1) [(*10), (+42)] :: Int
-- 52
applyMempty_ :: Monoid a => ApplyEndo Mempty Identity a -> a
applyMempty_ = runIdentity . applyMempty
{-# INLINE applyMempty_ #-}

-- | Evaluates 'ApplyEndo' in a 'Monad' by joining it with the monad it
-- contains. It can be also viewed as a variant of 'applyMempty' defined as:
-- @
-- 'joinApplyMempty' = ('>>=' 'applyMempty')
-- @
    ::  ( Monad m
        , Monoid a
        , Applicative m
    => m (ApplyEndo Mempty m a) -> m a
joinApplyMempty = (>>= applyMempty)
{-# INLINE joinApplyMempty #-}

-- }}} ApplyEndo Mempty -------------------------------------------------------

-- {{{ ApplyEndo Def ----------------------------------------------------------

-- $applyEndoDef
-- Apply endomorphism to a default value 'def' from 'Default'. See also
-- following packages:
-- * <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-default-extra data-default-extra>
-- * <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-default data-default>
-- Both of those packages provide additional instances to 'Default' type
-- class.

-- | Type tag identifying usage of 'def' from 'Default'.
data Def
    ( Generic
    , Typeable

instance (Applicative f, Default a) => FromEndo (ApplyEndo Def f a) where
    type EndoOperatedOn (ApplyEndo Def f a) = a

    fromEndo = apply def

-- | Constrained version of 'applyEndo'. Usage example:
-- @
-- applyDef . fromEndo :: ('Applicative' f, 'Default' a) => 'Endo' a -> f a
-- @
applyDef :: (Applicative f, Default a) => ApplyEndo Def f a -> f a
applyDef = applyEndo
{-# INLINE applyDef #-}

-- | Same as 'applyDef', but 'Applicative' functor is specialized to 'Identity'
-- functor and evaluated.
-- Examples:
-- >>> fromEndoWith applyDef_ $ foldEndo (+1) [(*10), (+42)] :: Int
-- 421
-- >>> fromEndoWith applyDef_ $ dualFoldEndo (+1) [(*10), (+42)] :: Int
-- 52
applyDef_ :: Default a => ApplyEndo Def Identity a -> a
applyDef_ = runIdentity . applyDef
{-# INLINE applyDef_ #-}

-- | Evaluates 'ApplyEndo' in a 'Monad' by joining it with the monad it
-- contains. It can be also viewed as a variant of 'applyDef' defined as:
-- @
-- 'joinApplyDef' = ('>>=' 'applyDef')
-- @
    ::  ( Monad m
        , Default a
        , Applicative m
    => m (ApplyEndo Def m a) -> m a
joinApplyDef = (>>= applyDef)
{-# INLINE joinApplyDef #-}

-- }}} ApplyEndo Def ----------------------------------------------------------

-- {{{ ApplyEndo Reader -------------------------------------------------------

-- | Type tag identifying usage of 'MonadReader.asks' operation in 'FromEndo'
-- instance of 'ApplyEndo'.
data Reader
    ( Generic
    , Typeable

-- | Evaluates 'ApplyEndo' in terms of 'MonadReader.asks' operation:
-- @
-- 'fromEndo' = 'ApplyEndo' . 'MonadReader.asks' . 'appEndo'
-- @
instance MonadReader r m => FromEndo (ApplyEndo Reader m r) where
    type EndoOperatedOn (ApplyEndo Reader m r) = r

    fromEndo = ApplyEndo . MonadReader.asks . appEndo

-- | Evaluates 'ApplyEndo' in terms of 'MonadReader.asks' operation.
-- This @(->) r@ is a valid 'MonadReader' instance, therefore, this is a valid
-- use case:
-- >>> (applyReader . fromEndo $ foldEndo (*10) (+1)) 0 :: Int
-- 10
applyReader :: MonadReader r m => ApplyEndo Reader m r -> m r
applyReader = applyEndo

-- | Evaluates 'ApplyEndo' in terms of 'MonadReader.asks' operation and then
-- evaluates the resalt using provided function.
-- This @(->) r@ is a valid 'MonadReader' instance, therefore, this is a valid
-- use case:
-- >>> applyReaderWith ($ 0) . fromEndo $ foldEndo (*10) (+1) :: Int
-- 10
applyReaderWith :: MonadReader r m => (m r -> a) -> ApplyEndo Reader m r -> a
applyReaderWith = (. applyEndo)

-- | Evaluates 'ApplyEndo' in a 'Monad' by joining it with the monad it
-- contains. It can be also viewed as a variant of 'applyReader' defined as:
-- @
-- 'joinApplyReader' = ('>>=' 'applyReader')
-- @
joinApplyReader :: MonadReader r m => m (ApplyEndo Reader m r) -> m r
joinApplyReader = (>>= applyEndo)

-- }}} ApplyEndo Reader -------------------------------------------------------

-- {{{ ApplyEndo Modify -------------------------------------------------------

-- | Type tag identifying usage of 'MonadState.state' operation in 'FromEndo'
-- instance of 'ApplyEndo'.
data Modify
    ( Generic
    , Typeable

-- | Evaluates 'ApplyEndo' in terms of 'MonadState.state' operation:
-- @
-- 'fromEndo' e = 'ApplyEndo' . 'MonadState.state' '$' \\s ->
--     let s' = 'appEndo' e s in (s', s')
-- @
instance MonadState s m => FromEndo (ApplyEndo Modify m s) where
    type EndoOperatedOn (ApplyEndo Modify m s) = s

    fromEndo e =
        ApplyEndo . MonadState.state $ \s -> let s' = appEndo e s in (s', s')

-- | Evaluates 'ApplyEndo' in terms of 'MonadState.state' operation.
applyModify :: MonadState s m => ApplyEndo Modify m s -> m s
applyModify = applyEndo

-- | Evaluates 'ApplyEndo' in a 'Monad' by joining it with the monad it
-- contains. It can be also viewed as a variant of 'applyModify' defined as:
-- @
-- 'joinApplyModify' = ('>>=' 'applyModify')
-- @
joinApplyModify :: MonadState s m => m (ApplyEndo Modify m s) -> m s
joinApplyModify = (>>= applyEndo)

-- | Same as 'Modify', but strictness is implied.
data Modify'
    ( Generic
    , Typeable

-- | Evaluates 'ApplyEndo' in terms of 'MonadState.state' operation:
-- @
-- 'fromEndo' ('Endo' f) = 'ApplyEndo' . 'MonadState.state' $ \\s ->
--     let s' = f s in s' \`seq\` (s', s')
-- @
instance MonadState s m => FromEndo (ApplyEndo Modify' m s) where
    type EndoOperatedOn (ApplyEndo Modify' m s) = s

    fromEndo (Endo f) =
        ApplyEndo . MonadState.state $ \s -> let s' = f s in s' `seq` (s', s')

-- | Evaluates 'ApplyEndo' in terms of 'MonadState.state' operation.
applyModify' :: MonadState r m => ApplyEndo Modify' m () -> m ()
applyModify' = void . applyEndo

-- | Evaluates 'ApplyEndo' in a 'Monad' by joining it with the monad it
-- contains. It can be also viewed as a variant of 'applyModify'' defined as:
-- @
-- 'joinApplyModify'' = ('>>=' 'applyModify'')
-- @
joinApplyModify' :: MonadState r m => m (ApplyEndo Modify' m r) -> m r
joinApplyModify' = (>>= applyEndo)

-- }}} ApplyEndo Modify -------------------------------------------------------

-- {{{ Helper functions (not exported) ----------------------------------------

void :: Monad m => m a -> m ()
void = liftM $ const ()

-- {{{ Helper functions (not exported) ----------------------------------------