module Text.Email.Parser
( addrSpec
, localPart
, domainPart
, EmailAddress
, unsafeEmailAddress
, toByteString
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (guard, void, when)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Text.Read as Read
data EmailAddress = EmailAddress ByteString ByteString
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic)
unsafeEmailAddress :: ByteString -> ByteString -> EmailAddress
unsafeEmailAddress = EmailAddress
instance Show EmailAddress where
show = show . toByteString
instance Read EmailAddress where
readListPrec = Read.readListPrecDefault
readPrec = Read.parens (do
bs <- Read.readPrec
case parseOnly (addrSpec <* endOfInput) bs of
Left _ -> Read.pfail
Right a -> return a)
toByteString :: EmailAddress -> ByteString
toByteString (EmailAddress l d) = BS.concat [l, BS.singleton '@', d]
localPart :: EmailAddress -> ByteString
localPart (EmailAddress l _) = l
domainPart :: EmailAddress -> ByteString
domainPart (EmailAddress _ d) = d
addrSpec :: Parser EmailAddress
addrSpec = do
l <- local
when (BS.length l > 64) (fail "local-part of email is too long (more than 64 octets)")
_ <- char '@' <?> "at sign"
d <- domain
when (BS.length l + BS.length d + 1 > 254) (fail "email address is too long (more than 254 octets)")
return (unsafeEmailAddress l d)
local :: Parser ByteString
local = dottedAtoms
domain :: Parser ByteString
domain = domainName <|> domainLiteral
domainName :: Parser ByteString
domainName = do
parsedDomain <- BS.intercalate (BS.singleton '.') <$>
domainLabel `sepBy1` char '.' <* optional (char '.')
guard (BS.length parsedDomain <= 253)
return parsedDomain
domainLabel :: Parser ByteString
domainLabel = do
content <- between1 (optional cfws) (fst <$> match (alphaNum >> skipWhile isAlphaNumHyphen))
guard (BS.length content <= 63 && BS.last content /= '-')
return content
alphaNum :: Parser Char
alphaNum = satisfy isAlphaNum
isAlphaNumHyphen :: Char -> Bool
isAlphaNumHyphen x = isDigit x || isAlpha_ascii x || x == '-'
dottedAtoms :: Parser ByteString
dottedAtoms = BS.intercalate (BS.singleton '.') <$>
between1 (optional cfws)
(atom <|> quotedString) `sepBy1` char '.'
atom :: Parser ByteString
atom = takeWhile1 isAtomText
isAtomText :: Char -> Bool
isAtomText x = isAlphaNum x || inClass "!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-" x
domainLiteral :: Parser ByteString
domainLiteral =
(BS.cons '[' . flip BS.snoc ']' . BS.concat) <$>
between (optional cfws *> char '[') (char ']' <* optional cfws)
(many (optional fws >> takeWhile1 isDomainText) <* optional fws)
isDomainText :: Char -> Bool
isDomainText x = inClass "\33-\90\94-\126" x || isObsNoWsCtl x
quotedString :: Parser ByteString
quotedString =
(BS.cons '"' . flip BS.snoc '"' . BS.concat) <$>
between1 (char '"')
(many (optional fws >> quotedContent) <* optional fws)
quotedContent :: Parser ByteString
quotedContent = takeWhile1 isQuotedText <|> quotedPair
isQuotedText :: Char -> Bool
isQuotedText x = inClass "\33\35-\91\93-\126" x || isObsNoWsCtl x
quotedPair :: Parser ByteString
quotedPair = (BS.cons '\\' . BS.singleton) <$> (char '\\' *> (vchar <|> wsp <|> lf <|> cr <|> obsNoWsCtl <|> nullChar))
cfws :: Parser ()
cfws = skipMany (comment <|> fws)
fws :: Parser ()
fws = void (wsp1 >> optional (crlf >> wsp1)) <|> (skipMany1 (crlf >> wsp1))
between :: Applicative f => f l -> f r -> f a -> f a
between l r x = l *> x <* r
between1 :: Applicative f => f lr -> f a -> f a
between1 lr x = lr *> x <* lr
comment :: Parser ()
comment = between (char '(') (char ')') $ skipMany (void commentContent <|> fws)
commentContent :: Parser ()
commentContent = skipWhile1 isCommentText <|> void quotedPair <|> comment
isCommentText :: Char -> Bool
isCommentText x = inClass "\33-\39\42-\91\93-\126" x || isObsNoWsCtl x
nullChar :: Parser Char
nullChar = char '\0'
skipWhile1 :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser()
skipWhile1 x = satisfy x >> skipWhile x
wsp1 :: Parser ()
wsp1 = skipWhile1 isWsp
wsp :: Parser Char
wsp = satisfy isWsp
isWsp :: Char -> Bool
isWsp x = x == ' ' || x == '\t'
isAlphaNum :: Char -> Bool
isAlphaNum x = isDigit x || isAlpha_ascii x
cr :: Parser Char
cr = char '\r'
lf :: Parser Char
lf = char '\n'
crlf :: Parser ()
crlf = void $ cr >> lf
isVchar :: Char -> Bool
isVchar = inClass "\x21-\x7e"
vchar :: Parser Char
vchar = satisfy isVchar
isObsNoWsCtl :: Char -> Bool
isObsNoWsCtl = inClass "\1-\8\11-\12\14-\31\127"
obsNoWsCtl :: Parser Char
obsNoWsCtl = satisfy isObsNoWsCtl