Resolving dependencies... Configuring integer-logarithms-1.0.1... Configuring primitive- Building integer-logarithms-1.0.1... Building primitive- Configuring mtl-2.2.1... Installed integer-logarithms-1.0.1 Building mtl-2.2.1... Installed mtl-2.2.1 Configuring random-1.1... Configuring stm- Installed primitive- Building random-1.1... Building stm- Configuring syb-0.7... Installed stm- Configuring transformers-compat- Installed random-1.1 Building syb-0.7... Building transformers-compat- Configuring text- Installed transformers-compat- Building text- Installed syb-0.7 Configuring tf-random-0.5... Building tf-random-0.5... Configuring vector- Installed tf-random-0.5 Building vector- Configuring exceptions-0.8.3... Installed text- Building exceptions-0.8.3... Installed exceptions-0.8.3 Configuring QuickCheck-2.9.2... Building QuickCheck-2.9.2... Configuring hashable- Installed vector- Building hashable- Configuring parsec-3.1.11... Installed hashable- Building parsec-3.1.11... Configuring scientific- Installed QuickCheck-2.9.2 Building scientific- Installed parsec-3.1.11 Configuring json-0.9.1... Installed scientific- Configuring megaparsec-5.2.0... Building json-0.9.1... Building megaparsec-5.2.0... Installed json-0.9.1 Installed megaparsec-5.2.0 Configuring elsa- Building elsa- Failed to install elsa- Build log ( /home/builder/.cabal/logs/elsa- ): cabal: Entering directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-7535/elsa-' Configuring elsa- Building elsa- Preprocessing library elsa- [1 of 6] Compiling Language.Elsa.Utils ( src/Language/Elsa/Utils.hs, dist/build/Language/Elsa/Utils.o ) [2 of 6] Compiling Language.Elsa.UX ( src/Language/Elsa/UX.hs, dist/build/Language/Elsa/UX.o ) src/Language/Elsa/UX.hs:94:20: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’ with actual type ‘Pos’ • In the expression: l1 s In the expression: (f s, l1 s, c1 s, l2 s, c2 s) In an equation for ‘spanInfo’: spanInfo s = (f s, l1 s, c1 s, l2 s, c2 s) where f = spanFile l1 = sourceLine . ssBegin c1 = sourceColumn . ssBegin l2 = sourceLine . ssEnd .... src/Language/Elsa/UX.hs:94:26: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’ with actual type ‘Pos’ • In the expression: c1 s In the expression: (f s, l1 s, c1 s, l2 s, c2 s) In an equation for ‘spanInfo’: spanInfo s = (f s, l1 s, c1 s, l2 s, c2 s) where f = spanFile l1 = sourceLine . ssBegin c1 = sourceColumn . ssBegin l2 = sourceLine . ssEnd .... src/Language/Elsa/UX.hs:94:32: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’ with actual type ‘Pos’ • In the expression: l2 s In the expression: (f s, l1 s, c1 s, l2 s, c2 s) In an equation for ‘spanInfo’: spanInfo s = (f s, l1 s, c1 s, l2 s, c2 s) where f = spanFile l1 = sourceLine . ssBegin c1 = sourceColumn . ssBegin l2 = sourceLine . ssEnd .... src/Language/Elsa/UX.hs:94:38: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’ with actual type ‘Pos’ • In the expression: c2 s In the expression: (f s, l1 s, c1 s, l2 s, c2 s) In an equation for ‘spanInfo’: spanInfo s = (f s, l1 s, c1 s, l2 s, c2 s) where f = spanFile l1 = sourceLine . ssBegin c1 = sourceColumn . ssBegin l2 = sourceLine . ssEnd .... cabal: Leaving directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-7535/elsa-' cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: elsa- failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1