{- | Pretty functions for `Types.elm` module.

The generated module should contain:

  * Type definitions for all ADT
  * @show*@ functions for Enum types
  * @read*@ functions for Enum types
  * @universe*@ functions for Enum types
  * @un*@ functions for newtypes

==== __Example__

The example of Record, Newtype and Enum generated type and functions:

type alias User =
    { id : Id
    , name : String
    , age : Age
    , status : RequestStatus

type RequestStatus
    = Approved
    | Rejected
    | Reviewing

showRequestStatus : RequestStatus -> String
showRequestStatus x = case x of
    Approved -> \"Approved\"
    Rejected -> \"Rejected\"
    Reviewing -> \"Reviewing\"

readRequestStatus : String -> Maybe RequestStatus
readRequestStatus x = case x of
    \"Approved\" -> Just Approved
    \"Rejected\" -> Just Rejected
    \"Reviewing\" -> Just Reviewing
    _ -> Nothing

universeRequestStatus : List RequestStatus
universeRequestStatus = [Approved, Rejected, Reviewing]

type Id
    = Id String

unId : Id -> String
unId (Id x) = x


module Elm.Print.Types
       ( prettyShowDefinition

         -- * Internal functions
       , elmAliasDoc
       , elmTypeDoc
       ) where

import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Doc, align, colon, comma, dquotes, emptyDoc, equals, lbrace, line,
                                  lparen, nest, parens, pipe, pretty, prettyList, rbrace, rparen,
                                  sep, space, vsep, (<+>))

import Elm.Ast (ElmAlias (..), ElmConstructor (..), ElmDefinition (..), ElmPrim (..),
                ElmRecordField (..), ElmType (..), TypeName (..), TypeRef (..), getConstructorNames,
import Elm.Print.Common (arrow, showDoc, typeWithVarsDoc, wrapParens)

import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE

{- | Pretty shows Elm types.

* See 'elmAliasDoc' for examples of generated @type alias@.
* See 'elmTypeDoc' for examples of generated @type@.
prettyShowDefinition :: ElmDefinition -> Text
prettyShowDefinition = showDoc . elmDoc

elmDoc :: ElmDefinition -> Doc ann
elmDoc = \case
    DefAlias elmAlias -> elmAliasDoc elmAlias
    DefType elmType -> elmTypeDoc elmType
    DefPrim _ -> emptyDoc

-- | Pretty printer for type reference.
elmTypeRefDoc :: TypeRef -> Doc ann
elmTypeRefDoc = \case
    RefPrim elmPrim -> elmPrimDoc elmPrim
    RefCustom (TypeName typeName) -> pretty typeName

{- | Pretty printer for primitive Elm types. This pretty printer is used only to
display types of fields.
elmPrimDoc :: ElmPrim -> Doc ann
elmPrimDoc = \case
    ElmUnit         -> "()"
    ElmNever        -> "Never"
    ElmBool         -> "Bool"
    ElmChar         -> "Char"
    ElmInt          -> "Int"
    ElmFloat        -> "Float"
    ElmString       -> "String"
    ElmTime         -> "Posix"
    ElmMaybe t      -> "Maybe" <+> elmTypeParenDoc t
    ElmResult l r   -> "Result" <+> elmTypeParenDoc l <+> elmTypeParenDoc r
    ElmPair a b     -> lparen <> elmTypeRefDoc a <> comma <+> elmTypeRefDoc b <> rparen
    ElmTriple a b c -> lparen <> elmTypeRefDoc a <> comma <+> elmTypeRefDoc b <> comma <+> elmTypeRefDoc c <> rparen
    ElmList l       -> "List" <+> elmTypeParenDoc l

{- | Pretty-printer for types. Adds parens for both sides when needed (when type
contains of multiple words).
elmTypeParenDoc :: TypeRef -> Doc ann
elmTypeParenDoc = wrapParens . elmTypeRefDoc

{- | Pretty printer for Elm aliases:

type alias User =
    { userHeh : String
    , userMeh : Int
elmAliasDoc :: ElmAlias -> Doc ann
elmAliasDoc ElmAlias{..} = nest 4 $
    vsep $ ("type alias" <+> pretty elmAliasName <+> equals)
         : fieldsDoc elmAliasFields
    fieldsDoc :: NonEmpty ElmRecordField -> [Doc ann]
    fieldsDoc (fstR :| rest) =
        lbrace <+> recordFieldDoc fstR
      : map ((comma <+>) . recordFieldDoc) rest
     ++ [rbrace]

    recordFieldDoc :: ElmRecordField -> Doc ann
    recordFieldDoc ElmRecordField{..} =
            pretty elmRecordFieldName
        <+> colon
        <+> elmTypeRefDoc elmRecordFieldType

{- | Pretty printer for Elm types with one or more constructors:

type Status a
    = Foo String Int
    | Bar a
    | Baz

If the type is a newtype then additionally @unTYPENAME@ function is generated:

type Id a
    = Id String

unId : Id a -> String
unId (Id x) = x

If the type is Enum this function will add enum specific functions:

type Status
    = Approved
    | Yoyoyo
    | Wow

showStatus : Status -> String
showStatus x = case x of
    Approved -> \"Approved\"
    Yoyoyo -> \"Yoyoyo\"
    Wow -> \"Wow\"

readStatus : String -> Maybe Status
readStatus x = case x of
    \"Approved\" -> Just Approved
    \"Yoyoyo\" -> Just Yoyoyo
    \"Wow\" -> Just Wow
    _ -> Nothing

universeStatus : List Status
universeStatus = [Approved, Yoyoyo, Wow]
elmTypeDoc :: ElmType -> Doc ann
elmTypeDoc t@ElmType{..} =
    nest 4 ( vsep $ ("type" <+> pretty elmTypeName <> sepVars)
                  : constructorsDoc elmTypeConstructors
    <> unFunc
    <> enumFuncs
    sepVars :: Doc ann
    sepVars = case elmTypeVars of
        []   -> emptyDoc
        vars -> space <> sep (map pretty vars)

    constructorsDoc :: NonEmpty ElmConstructor -> [Doc ann]
    constructorsDoc (fstC :| rest) =
        equals <+> constructorDoc fstC
        : map ((pipe <+>) . constructorDoc) rest

    constructorDoc :: ElmConstructor -> Doc ann
    constructorDoc ElmConstructor{..} = sep $
        pretty elmConstructorName : map elmTypeRefDoc elmConstructorFields

    -- Generates 'unTYPENAME' function for newtype
    unFunc :: Doc ann
    unFunc =
        if elmTypeIsNewtype
        then line <> elmUnFuncDoc t
        else emptyDoc

    enumFuncs :: Doc ann
    enumFuncs =
        if isEnum t
        then vsep $ map (line <>) [elmEnumShowDoc t, elmEnumReadDoc t, elmEnumUniverse t]
        else emptyDoc

elmUnFuncDoc :: ElmType -> Doc ann
elmUnFuncDoc ElmType{..} = line <> vsep
    [ unName <+> colon <+> typeWithVarsDoc elmTypeName elmTypeVars <+> arrow <+> result
    , unName <+> parens (ctorName <+> "x") <+> equals <+> "x"
    unName :: Doc ann
    unName = "un" <> pretty elmTypeName

    ctor :: ElmConstructor
    ctor = NE.head elmTypeConstructors

    result :: Doc ann
    result = case elmConstructorFields ctor of
        []      -> "ERROR"
        fld : _ -> elmTypeRefDoc fld

    ctorName :: Doc ann
    ctorName = pretty $ elmConstructorName ctor

elmEnumShowDoc :: forall ann . ElmType -> Doc ann
elmEnumShowDoc t@ElmType{..} =
    -- function type
    <> (showName <+> colon <+> pretty elmTypeName <+> arrow <+> "String")
    <> line
    -- function body
    <> nest 4
        ( vsep $ (showName <+> "x" <+> equals <+> "case x of")
        -- pattern matching
        : map patternMatch (getConstructorNames t)
    showName :: Doc ann
    showName = "show" <> pretty elmTypeName

    patternMatch :: Text -> Doc ann
    patternMatch (pretty -> c) = c <+> arrow <+> dquotes c

elmEnumReadDoc :: ElmType -> Doc ann
elmEnumReadDoc t@ElmType{..} =
    -- function type
    (readName <+> colon <+> "String" <+> arrow <+> "Maybe" <+> pretty elmTypeName)
    <> line
    -- function body
    <> nest 4
        ( vsep $ (readName <+> "x" <+> equals <+> "case x of")
        -- pattern matching
        : map patternMatch (getConstructorNames t)
       ++ ["_" <+> arrow <+> "Nothing"]
    readName :: Doc ann
    readName = "read" <> pretty elmTypeName

    patternMatch :: Text -> Doc ann
    patternMatch (pretty -> c) = dquotes c <+> arrow <+> "Just" <+> c

elmEnumUniverse :: ElmType -> Doc ann
elmEnumUniverse t@ElmType{..} = vsep
    -- function type
    [ universeName <+> colon <+> "List" <+> pretty elmTypeName
    , universeName <+> equals <+> align (prettyList $ getConstructorNames t)
    universeName :: Doc ann
    universeName = "universe" <> pretty elmTypeName