{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Store (Store, getConstraints, getVersions, initialStore, readVersionCache) where import Control.Monad.Error (MonadError, throwError) import Control.Monad.RWS (MonadIO, liftIO, MonadReader, asks, MonadState, gets, modify) import qualified Data.Binary as Binary import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time import qualified System.Directory as Dir import System.FilePath (()) import qualified Catalog import qualified Elm.Package.Constraint as C import qualified Elm.Package.Description as Desc import qualified Elm.Package.Name as N import qualified Elm.Package.Version as V import qualified Manager -- STORE data Store = Store { constraintCache :: ConstraintCache , versionCache :: VersionCache } type ConstraintCache = Map.Map (N.Name, V.Version) [(N.Name, C.Constraint)] type VersionCache = Map.Map N.Name [V.Version] initialStore :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Manager.Environment m, MonadError String m) => m Store initialStore = do versionCache <- readVersionCache return (Store Map.empty versionCache) readVersionCache :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Manager.Environment m, MonadError String m) => m VersionCache readVersionCache = do cacheDirectory <- asks Manager.cacheDirectory let versionsFile = cacheDirectory "versions.json" let lastUpdatedPath = cacheDirectory "last-updated" now <- liftIO Time.getCurrentTime exists <- liftIO (Dir.doesFileExist lastUpdatedPath) maybeTime <- case exists of False -> return Nothing True -> do rawTime <- liftIO (readFile lastUpdatedPath) return $ Just (read rawTime) maybePackages <- Catalog.allPackages maybeTime case maybePackages of Nothing -> do exists <- liftIO (Dir.doesFileExist versionsFile) case exists of False -> return Map.empty True -> do binary <- liftIO (BS.readFile versionsFile) return (Binary.decode binary) Just packages -> let cache :: VersionCache cache = Map.fromList packages in do liftIO $ BS.writeFile versionsFile (Binary.encode cache) liftIO $ writeFile lastUpdatedPath (show now) return cache -- CONSTRAINTS getConstraints :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Manager.Environment m, MonadState Store m, MonadError String m) => N.Name -> V.Version -> m [(N.Name, C.Constraint)] getConstraints name version = do cache <- gets constraintCache case Map.lookup (name, version) cache of Just constraints -> return constraints Nothing -> do desc <- Catalog.description name version let constraints = Desc.dependencies desc modify $ \store -> store { constraintCache = Map.insert (name, version) constraints (constraintCache store) } return constraints -- VERSIONS getVersions :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m, MonadState Store m) => N.Name -> m [V.Version] getVersions name = do cache <- gets versionCache case Map.lookup name cache of Just versions -> return versions Nothing -> throwError noLocalVersions where noLocalVersions = "There are no versions of package '" ++ N.toString name ++ "' on your computer."