{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} module Elm.Type where import Data.Map import Data.Proxy import Data.Text import Data.Time import GHC.Generics import Prelude data ElmDatatype = ElmDatatype Text ElmConstructor | ElmPrimitive ElmPrimitive deriving (Show, Eq) data ElmPrimitive = EInt | EBool | EChar | EDate | EFloat | EString | EUnit | EList ElmDatatype | EMaybe ElmDatatype | ETuple2 ElmDatatype ElmDatatype | EDict ElmPrimitive ElmDatatype deriving (Show, Eq) data ElmConstructor = NamedConstructor Text ElmValue | RecordConstructor Text ElmValue | MultipleConstructors [ElmConstructor] deriving (Show, Eq) data ElmValue = ElmRef Text | ElmEmpty | ElmPrimitiveRef ElmPrimitive | Values ElmValue ElmValue | ElmField Text ElmValue deriving (Show, Eq) ------------------------------------------------------------ class ElmType a where toElmType :: a -> ElmDatatype toElmType = genericToElmDatatype . from default toElmType :: (Generic a, GenericElmDatatype (Rep a)) => a -> ElmDatatype ------------------------------------------------------------ class GenericElmDatatype f where genericToElmDatatype :: f a -> ElmDatatype instance (Datatype d, GenericElmConstructor f) => GenericElmDatatype (D1 d f) where genericToElmDatatype datatype = ElmDatatype (pack (datatypeName datatype)) (genericToElmConstructor (unM1 datatype)) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ class GenericElmConstructor f where genericToElmConstructor :: f a -> ElmConstructor instance (Constructor c, GenericElmValue f) => GenericElmConstructor (C1 c f) where genericToElmConstructor constructor = if conIsRecord constructor then RecordConstructor name (genericToElmValue (unM1 constructor)) else NamedConstructor name (genericToElmValue (unM1 constructor)) where name = pack $ conName constructor instance (GenericElmConstructor f, GenericElmConstructor g) => GenericElmConstructor (f :+: g) where genericToElmConstructor _ = MultipleConstructors [ genericToElmConstructor (undefined :: f p) , genericToElmConstructor (undefined :: g p)] ------------------------------------------------------------ class GenericElmValue f where genericToElmValue :: f a -> ElmValue instance (Selector s, GenericElmValue a) => GenericElmValue (S1 s a) where genericToElmValue selector = case selName selector of "" -> genericToElmValue (undefined :: a p) name -> ElmField (pack name) (genericToElmValue (undefined :: a p)) instance (GenericElmValue f, GenericElmValue g) => GenericElmValue (f :*: g) where genericToElmValue _ = Values (genericToElmValue (undefined :: f p)) (genericToElmValue (undefined :: g p)) instance GenericElmValue U1 where genericToElmValue _ = ElmEmpty instance ElmType a => GenericElmValue (Rec0 a) where genericToElmValue _ = case toElmType (undefined :: a) of ElmPrimitive primitive -> ElmPrimitiveRef primitive ElmDatatype name _ -> ElmRef name instance ElmType a => ElmType [a] where toElmType _ = ElmPrimitive (EList (toElmType (undefined :: a))) instance ElmType a => ElmType (Maybe a) where toElmType _ = ElmPrimitive (EMaybe (toElmType (undefined :: a))) instance ElmType () where toElmType _ = ElmPrimitive EUnit instance ElmType Text where toElmType _ = ElmPrimitive EString instance ElmType Day where toElmType _ = ElmPrimitive EDate instance ElmType UTCTime where toElmType _ = ElmPrimitive EDate instance ElmType Float where toElmType _ = ElmPrimitive EFloat instance ElmType Double where toElmType _ = ElmPrimitive EFloat instance (ElmType a, ElmType b) => ElmType (a, b) where toElmType _ = ElmPrimitive $ ETuple2 (toElmType (undefined :: a)) (toElmType (undefined :: b)) instance (ElmType a) => ElmType (Proxy a) where toElmType _ = toElmType (undefined :: a) instance (HasElmComparable k, ElmType v) => ElmType (Map k v) where toElmType _ = ElmPrimitive $ EDict (toElmComparable (undefined :: k)) (toElmType (undefined :: v)) class HasElmComparable a where toElmComparable :: a -> ElmPrimitive instance HasElmComparable String where toElmComparable _ = EString instance ElmType Int where toElmType _ = ElmPrimitive EInt instance ElmType Char where toElmType _ = ElmPrimitive EChar instance ElmType Bool where toElmType _ = ElmPrimitive EBool