module Random ( Generator, Seed , int, float , list, pair , minInt, maxInt , generate, initialSeed ) where {-| This library helps you generate pseudo-random values. The best way to use it in your programs probably involves carrying a `Seed` in your application's state. Details: This is an implemenation of the Portable Combined Generator of L'Ecuyer for 32-bit computers. It is almost a direct translation from the [System.Random]( module. It has a period of roughly 2.30584e18. # Generators @docs int, float, pair, list # Running a Generator @docs generate, initialSeed # Constants @docs maxInt, minInt # Creating Custom Generators @docs Generator -} import Basics (..) import List import List ((::)) {-| Generate a 32-bit integer in a given range. This function will continue to produce values outside of the range [minInt, maxInt] but sufficient randomness is not guaranteed. int 0 10 -- an integer between zero and ten int -5 5 -- an integer between -5 and 5 int minInt maxInt -- an integer in the widest range feasible -} int : Int -> Int -> Generator Int int a b seed = let (lo,hi) = if a < b then (a,b) else (b,a) k = hi - lo + 1 -- 2^31 - 87 base = 2147483561 n = iLogBase base k f n acc state = case n of 0 -> (acc, state) _ -> let (x, state') = state in f (n - 1) (x + acc * base) state' (v, state') = f n 1 seed.state in (lo + v % k, { seed | state <- state' }) iLogBase : Int -> Int -> Int iLogBase b i = if i < b then 1 else 1 + iLogBase b (i // b) {-| The maximum value for randomly generated for 32-bit ints. -} maxInt : Int maxInt = 2147483647 {-| The minimum value for randomly generated for 32-bit ints. -} minInt : Int minInt = -2147483648 {-| Generate a float in a given range. -} float : Float -> Float -> Generator Float float a b seed = let (lo, hi) = if a < b then (a,b) else (b,a) (number, seed') = int minInt maxInt seed negativeOneToOne = toFloat number / toFloat (maxInt - minInt) scaled = (lo+hi)/2 + ((hi-lo) * negativeOneToOne) in (scaled, seed') -- DATA STRUCTURES {-| Create a pair of random values. A common use of this might be to generate a point in a certain 2D space. Imagine we have a collage that is 400 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall. randomPoint : Generator (Int,Int) randomPoint = pair (int -200 200) (int -100 100) -} pair : Generator a -> Generator b -> Generator (a,b) pair genLeft genRight seed = let (left , seed' ) = genLeft seed (right, seed'') = genRight seed' in ((left,right), seed'') {-| Create a list of random values using a generator function. floatList : Generator (List Float) floatList = list 10 (float 0 1) intList : Generator (List Int) intList = list 5 (int 0 100) intPairs : Generator (List (Int, Int)) intPairs = list 10 (pair int int) -} list : Int -> Generator a -> Generator (List a) list n gen = listHelp [] n gen listHelp : List a -> Int -> Generator a -> Generator (List a) listHelp list n generate seed = if n < 1 then (List.reverse list, seed) else let (value, seed') = generate seed in listHelp (value :: list) (n-1) generate seed' {-| A `Generator` is a function that takes a seed, and then returns a random value and a new seed. The new seed is used to generate new random values. You can use this to define Generators of your own. For example, here is how `pair` is implemented. pair : Generator a -> Generator b -> Generator (a,b) pair genLeft genRight seed = let (left , seed' ) = genLeft seed (right, seed'') = genRight seed' in ((left,right), seed'') -} type alias Generator a = Seed -> (a, Seed) type State = State Int Int type alias Seed = { state : State , next : State -> (Int, State) , split : State -> (State, State) , range : State -> (Int,Int) } {-| Run a random value generator with a given seed. It will give you back a random value and a new seed. seed0 = initialSeed 42 -- generate int seed0 ==> (4123, seed1) -- generate int seed1 ==> (-123, seed2) -- generate int seed2 ==> (1021, seed3) Notice that we use different seeds on each line. This is important! If you use the same seed, you get the same results. -- generate int seed0 ==> (4123, seed1) -- generate int seed0 ==> (4123, seed1) -- generate int seed0 ==> (4123, seed1) -} generate : Generator a -> Seed -> (a, Seed) generate generator seed = generator seed {-| Create a “seed” of randomness which makes it possible to generate random values. If you use the same seed many times, it will result in the same thing every time! A good way to get an unexpected seed is to use the current time. -} initialSeed : Int -> Seed initialSeed n = Seed (initState n) next split range {-| Produce the initial generator state. Distinct arguments should be likely to produce distinct generator states. -} initState : Int -> State initState s' = let s = max s' -s' q = s // (magicNum6-1) s1 = s % (magicNum6-1) s2 = q % (magicNum7-1) in State (s1+1) (s2+1) magicNum0 = 40014 magicNum1 = 53668 magicNum2 = 12211 magicNum3 = 52774 magicNum4 = 40692 magicNum5 = 3791 magicNum6 = 2147483563 magicNum7 = 2137383399 magicNum8 = 2147483562 next : State -> (Int, State) next (State s1 s2) = -- Div always rounds down and so random numbers are biased -- ideally we would use division that rounds towards zero so -- that in the negative case it rounds up and in the positive case -- it rounds down. Thus half the time it rounds up and half the time it -- rounds down let k = s1 // magicNum1 s1' = magicNum0 * (s1 - k * magicNum1) - k * magicNum2 s1'' = if s1' < 0 then s1' + magicNum6 else s1' k' = s2 // magicNum3 s2' = magicNum4 * (s2 - k' * magicNum3) - k' * magicNum5 s2'' = if s2' < 0 then s2' + magicNum7 else s2' z = s1'' - s2'' z' = if z < 1 then z + magicNum8 else z in (z', State s1'' s2'') split : State -> (State, State) split (State s1 s2 as std) = let new_s1 = if s1 == magicNum6-1 then 1 else s1 + 1 new_s2 = if s2 == 1 then magicNum7-1 else s2 - 1 (State t1 t2) = snd (next std) in (State new_s1 t2, State t1 new_s2) range : State -> (Int,Int) range _ = (0, magicNum8)