-- -- Matrices -- def M.* %s %t := withSymbols [i, j, k] s~i~j . t_j def M.*' %s %t := withSymbols [i, j, k] s~i~j .' t_j def M.power %t n := foldl M.* t (take (n - 1) (repeat1 t)) --M.power %m n := repeatedSquaring M.* m n def M.comm %m1 %m2 := withSymbols [i, j, k] m1~i~j . m2_j_k - m2~i~j . m1_j_k def M.inverse %m := let d := M.det m in generateTensor (\[i, j] -> match m as matrix with | cons #j #i _ $A $B $C $D -> if isEven (i + j) then M.det (M.join A B C D) / d else - (M.det (M.join A B C D) / d)) (tensorShape m) def trace %t := withSymbols [i] sum (contract t~i_i) def matrix := matcher | quadCons $ $ $ $ as (mathExpr, matrix, matrix, matrix) with | $tgt -> match tensorShape tgt as list integer with | $m :: $n :: _ -> [(tgt_1_1, tgt_1_(2, n), tgt_(2, m)_1, tgt_(2, m)_(2, n))] | _ -> [] | cons #$i #$j $ $ $ $ $ as (mathExpr, matrix, matrix, matrix, matrix) with | $tgt -> let ns := tensorShape tgt m := nth 1 ns n := nth 2 ns in [ ( tgt_i_j , tgt_(1, i - 1)_(1, j - 1) , tgt_(1, i - 1)_(j + 1, n) , tgt_(i + 1, m)_(1, j - 1) , tgt_(i + 1, m)_(j + 1, n) ) ] | #$val as () with | $tgt -> if val = tgt then [()] else [] | $ as (something) with | $tgt -> [tgt] def M.join %A %B %C %D := let ashape := tensorShape A a1 := nth 1 ashape a2 := nth 2 ashape bshape := tensorShape B b1 := nth 1 bshape b2 := nth 2 bshape cshape := tensorShape C c1 := nth 1 cshape c2 := nth 2 cshape dshape := tensorShape D d1 := nth 1 dshape d2 := nth 2 dshape m1 := max a1 b1 m2 := max a2 c2 n1 := max c1 d1 n2 := max b2 d2 in generateTensor (\match as list integer with | [$i & ?(<= a1), $j & ?(<= a2)] -> A_i_j | [$i & ?(<= m1), $j] -> B_i_(j - a2) | [$i, $j & ?(<= m2)] -> C_(i - a1)_j | [$i, $j] -> D_(i - m1)_(j - m2)) [m1 + n1, m2 + n2] -- -- Determinant -- def evenAndOddPermutations n := let (es, os) := evenAndOddPermutations' n in (map 1#(\i -> nth i %1) es, map 1#(\i -> nth i %1) os) def evenAndOddPermutations0 n := let (es, os) := evenAndOddPermutations' n in ( map 1#(\i -> nth (i + 1) (map 1#(%1 - 1) %1)) es , map 1#(\i -> nth (i + 1) (map 1#(%1 - 1) %1)) os ) def evenAndOddPermutations' n := match n as integer with | #1 -> ([[1]], []) | #2 -> ([[1, 2]], [[2, 1]]) | _ -> let (es, os) := evenAndOddPermutations' (n - 1) es' := map (++ [n]) es os' := map (++ [n]) os in ( es' ++ concat (map (\i -> map (permutate i n) os') (between 1 (n - 1))) , os' ++ concat (map (\i -> map (permutate i n) es') (between 1 (n - 1))) ) def permutate x y xs := match xs as list eq with | $hs ++ #x :: $ms ++ #y :: $ts -> hs ++ y :: ms ++ x :: ts | $hs ++ #y :: $ms ++ #x :: $ts -> hs ++ x :: ms ++ y :: ts def M.determinant %m := match tensorShape m as list integer with | [#0, #0] -> 1 | [$n, #n] -> let (es, os) := evenAndOddPermutations' n in sum (map (\e -> product (map2 (\i j -> m_i_j) (between 1 n) e)) es) - sum (map (\o -> product (map2 (\i j -> m_i_j) (between 1 n) o)) os) | _ -> undefined def M.det := M.determinant -- -- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors -- def M.eigenvalues %m := match tensorShape m as list integer with | [#2, #2] -> let (e1, e2) := qF (M.det (T.- m (scalarToTensor x [2, 2]))) x in [e1, e2] | _ -> undefined def M.eigenvectors %m := match tensorShape m as list integer with | [#2, #2] -> let (e1, e2) := qF (M.det (T.- m (scalarToTensor x [2, 2]))) x in [ (e1, clearIndex (T.- m (scalarToTensor e1 [2, 2]))_i_1) , (e2, clearIndex (T.- m (scalarToTensor e2 [2, 2]))_i_1) ] | _ -> undefined -- -- LU decomposition -- def M.LU %x := match tensorShape x as list integer with | [#2, #2] -> let L := generateTensor (\[i, j] -> match compare i j as ordering with | less -> 0 | equal -> 1 | greater -> b_i_j) [2, 2] U := generateTensor (\[i, j] -> match compare i j as ordering with | greater -> 0 | _ -> c_i_j) [2, 2] m := M.* L U ret := solve [ (m_1_1, x_1_1, c_1_1) , (m_1_2, x_1_2, c_1_2) , (m_2_1, x_2_1, b_2_1) , (m_2_2, x_2_2, c_2_2) ] in (substitute ret L, substitute ret U) | [#3, #3] -> let L := generateTensor (\[i, j] -> match compare i j as ordering with | less -> 0 | equal -> 1 | greater -> b_i_j) [3, 3] U := generateTensor (\[i, j] -> match compare i j as ordering with | greater -> 0 | _ -> c_i_j) [3, 3] m := M.* L U ret := solve [ (m_1_1, x_1_1, c_1_1) , (m_1_2, x_1_2, c_1_2) , (m_1_3, x_1_3, c_1_3) , (m_2_1, x_2_1, b_2_1) , (m_2_2, x_2_2, c_2_2) , (m_2_3, x_2_3, c_2_3) , (m_3_1, x_3_1, b_3_1) , (m_3_2, x_3_2, b_3_2) , (m_3_3, x_3_3, c_3_3) ] in (substitute ret L, substitute ret U) | _ -> undefined -- -- Utility -- def generateMatrixFromQuadraticExpr f xs := generateTensor (\[i, j] -> coefficient2 f (nth i xs) (nth j xs)) [length xs, length xs]