name: effect-monad version: synopsis: Embeds effect systems and program logics into Haskell using graded monads and parameterised monads description: Provides the graded monad structure to Haskell via Control.Effect with a number of analogs of familiar monads and some new things: Reader, Writer, State, Maybe, Counter, Update and a wrapper over normal monads (Control.Effect.Monad). This provides a way to embed effect systems into Haskell. For more information see the paper \"Embedding effect systems in Haskell\" by Orchard and Petricek (Haskell, 2014) Also provides the parameterised monad structure due to Atkey in Control.Effect.Parameterised along with some instances: AtomicState, SafeFiles, ExtensibleState and the examples in . (note, this package was previously called 'ixmonad' until September 2014). license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE category: Control, Monads copyright: 2013-18 University of Kent author: Dominic Orchard maintainer: Dominic Orchard stability: experimental build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.6 tested-with: GHC == 7.10.3, GHC == 8.0.1, GHC == 8.2.2 extra-source-files: examples/*.hs source-repository head type: git location: library hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Control.Coeffect Control.Coeffect.Coreader Control.Effect Control.Effect.Cond Control.Effect.Counter Control.Effect.CounterNat Control.Effect.Maybe Control.Effect.Monad Control.Effect.ParameterisedAsGraded Control.Effect.Reader Control.Effect.ReadOnceReader Control.Effect.State Control.Effect.Update Control.Effect.Vector Control.Effect.WriteOnceWriter Control.Effect.Writer Control.Effect.Helpers.List Control.Effect.Parameterised Control.Effect.Parameterised.AtomicState Control.Effect.Parameterised.ExtensibleState Control.Effect.Parameterised.SafeFiles Control.Effect.Parameterised.State build-depends: base < 5, type-level-sets >=