{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances,  
             UndecidableInstances, RebindableSyntax,  DataKinds, 
             TypeOperators, PolyKinds, FlexibleContexts, ConstraintKinds, 
             OverlappingInstances, IncoherentInstances 

module Control.Effect.State (Set(..), get, put, State(..), (:->)(..), (:!)(..),
                                  Eff(..), Action(..), Var(..), union, UnionS, 
                                     Reads(..), Writes(..), Unionable, Sortable, SetLike, 
                                          --- may not want to export these
                                          IntersectR, Update, Sort, Split) where

import Control.Effect
import Data.Type.Set hiding (Unionable, union, SetLike, Nub, Nubable(..))
import qualified Data.Type.Set as Set

import Prelude hiding (Monad(..),reads)
import GHC.TypeLits

{-| Provides an effect-parameterised version of the state monad, which gives an 
   effect system for stateful computations with annotations that are sets of 
   variable-type-action triples. -}

{-| Distinguish reads, writes, and read-writes -}
data Eff = R | W | RW
{-| Provides a wrapper for effect actions -}
data Action (s :: Eff) = Eff

instance Show (Action R) where
    show _ = "R"
instance Show (Action W) where
    show _ = "W"
instance Show (Action RW) where
    show _ = "RW"

{-| Describes an effect action 's' on a value of type 'a' -}
data (:!) (a :: *) (s :: Eff) = a :! (Action s) 

instance (Show (Action f), Show a) => Show (a :! f) where
    show (a :! f) = show a ++ " ! " ++ show f

infixl 3 :!

type SetLike s = Nub (Sort s)
type UnionS s t = Nub (Sort (Append s t))
type Unionable s t = (Sortable (Append s t), Nubable (Sort (Append s t)) (Nub (Sort (Append s t))),
                      Split s t (Union s t))

{-| Union operation for state effects -}
union :: (Unionable s t) => Set s -> Set t -> Set (UnionS s t)
union s t = nub (quicksort (append s t))

{-| Type-level remove duplicates from a type-level list and turn different sorts into 'RW'| -}
type family Nub t where
    Nub '[]       = '[]
    Nub '[e]      = '[e]
    Nub (e ': e ': as) = Nub (e ': as)
    Nub ((k :-> a :! s) ': (k :-> a :! t) ': as) = Nub ((k :-> a :! RW) ': as)
    Nub (e ': f ': as) = e ': Nub (f ': as)

{-| Value-level remove duplicates from a type-level list and turn different sorts into 'RW'| -}
class Nubable t v where
    nub :: Set t -> Set v

instance Nubable '[] '[] where
    nub Empty = Empty

instance Nubable '[e] '[e] where
    nub (Ext e Empty) = (Ext e Empty)

instance Nubable ((k :-> b :! s) ': as) as' => 
    Nubable ((k :-> a :! s) ': (k :-> b :! s) ': as) as' where
    nub (Ext _ (Ext x xs)) = nub (Ext x xs)

instance Nubable ((k :-> a :! RW) ': as) as' => 
    Nubable ((k :-> a :! s) ': (k :-> a :! t) ': as) as' where
    nub (Ext _ (Ext (k :-> (a :! _)) xs)) = nub (Ext (k :-> (a :! (Eff::(Action RW)))) xs)

instance Nubable ((j :-> b :! t) ': as) as' => 
    Nubable ((k :-> a :! s) ': (j :-> b :! t) ': as) ((k :-> a :! s) ': as') where
    nub (Ext (k :-> (a :! s)) (Ext (j :-> (b :! t)) xs)) = Ext (k :-> (a :! s)) (nub (Ext (j :-> (b :! t)) xs))

{-| Update reads, that is any writes are pushed into reads, a bit like intersection -}
class Update s t where
    update :: Set s -> Set t

instance Update xs '[] where
    update _ = Empty

instance Update '[e] '[e] where 
    update s = s

instance Update ((v :-> b :! R) ': as) as' => Update ((v :-> a :! s) ': (v :-> b :! s) ': as) as' where
    update (Ext _ (Ext (v :-> (b :! _)) xs)) = update (Ext (v :-> (b :! (Eff::(Action R)))) xs) -}

instance Update ((v :-> a :! R) ': as) as' => Update ((v :-> a :! W) ': (v :-> b :! R) ': as) as' where
    update (Ext (v :-> (a :! _)) (Ext _ xs)) = update (Ext (v :-> (a :! (Eff::(Action R)))) xs)

instance Update ((u :-> b :! s) ': as) as' => Update ((v :-> a :! W) ': (u :-> b :! s) ': as) as' where
    update (Ext _ (Ext e xs)) = update (Ext e xs)

instance Update ((u :-> b :! s) ': as) as' => Update ((v :-> a :! R) ': (u :-> b :! s) ': as) ((v :-> a :! R) ': as') where
    update (Ext e (Ext e' xs)) = Ext e $ update (Ext e' xs)

type IntersectR s t = (Sortable (Append s t), Update (Sort (Append s t)) t)

{-| Intersects a set of write effects and a set of read effects, updating any read effects with
    any corresponding write value -}
intersectR :: (Reads t ~ t, Writes s ~ s, IsSet s, IsSet t, IntersectR s t) => Set s -> Set t -> Set t
intersectR s t = update (quicksort (append s t))

{-| Parametric effect state monad -}
data State s a = State { runState :: Set (Reads s) -> (a, Set (Writes s)) }

{-| Calculate just the reader effects -}
type family Reads t where
    Reads '[]                    = '[]
    Reads ((k :-> a :! R) ': xs)  = (k :-> a :! R) ': (Reads xs)
    Reads ((k :-> a :! RW) ': xs) = (k :-> a :! R) ': (Reads xs)
    Reads ((k :-> a :! W) ': xs)  = Reads xs

{-| Calculate just the writer effects -}
type family Writes t where
    Writes '[]                     = '[]
    Writes ((k :-> a :! W) ': xs)  = (k :-> a :! W) ': (Writes xs)
    Writes ((k :-> a :! RW) ': xs) = (k :-> a :! W) ': (Writes xs)
    Writes ((k :-> a :! R) ': xs)  = Writes xs

{-| Read from a variable 'v' of type 'a'. Raise a read effect. -}
get :: Var v -> State '[v :-> a :! R] a
get _ = State $ \(Ext (v :-> (a :! _)) Empty) -> (a, Empty)

{-| Write to a variable 'v' with a value of type 'a'. Raises a write effect -}
put :: Var v -> a -> State '[k :-> a :! W] ()
put _ a = State $ \Empty -> ((), Ext (Var :-> a :! Eff) Empty)

{-| Captures what it means to be a set of state effects -}
type StateSet f = (StateSetProperties f, StateSetProperties (Reads f), StateSetProperties (Writes f))
type StateSetProperties f = (IntersectR f '[], IntersectR '[] f,
                             UnionS f '[] ~ f, Split f '[] f, 
                             UnionS '[] f ~ f, Split '[] f f, 
                             UnionS f f ~ f, Split f f f,
                             Unionable f '[], Unionable '[] f)
-- Indexed monad instance
instance Effect State where
    type Inv State s t = (IsSet s, IsSet (Reads s), IsSet (Writes s),
                          IsSet t, IsSet (Reads t), IsSet (Writes t),
                          Reads (Reads t) ~ Reads t, Writes (Writes s) ~ Writes s, 
                            Split (Reads s) (Reads t) (Reads (UnionS s t)), 
                            Unionable (Writes s) (Writes t), 
                            IntersectR (Writes s) (Reads t), 
                            Writes (UnionS s t) ~ UnionS (Writes s) (Writes t))

    {-| Pure state effect is the empty state -}
    type Unit State = '[]
    {-| Combine state effects via specialised union (which combines R and W effects on the same
      variable into RW effects -}
    type Plus State s t = UnionS s t

    return x = State $ \Empty -> (x, Empty)

    (State e) >>= k = 
        State $ \st -> let (sR, tR) = split st
                           (a, sW)  = e sR
                           (b, tW) = (runState $ k a) (sW `intersectR` tR)
                       in  (b, sW `union` tW) 

instance (Split s t (Union s t), Sub s t) => Subeffect State s t where
    sub (State e) = IxR $ \st -> let (s, t) = split st 
                                           _ = ReflP p t 
                                 in e s