{-# OPTIONS -XScopedTypeVariables -XCPP -XMagicHash -XBangPatterns #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Control.Parallel.Eden.ParPrimConcHs
-- Copyright   :  (c) Philipps Universitaet Marburg 2005-2010
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  eden@mathematik.uni-marburg.de
-- Stability   :  beta
-- Portability :  not portable
-- Provides primitive functions for explicit distributed functional programming.
-- This version: simulates primitives by Concurrent Haskell
-- (can serve as specification of primitives semantics)
-- Depends on GHC.
-- Eden Group Marburg ( http:\/\/www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~eden )

module Control.Parallel.Eden.ParPrimConcHs
    (noPe, selfPe     -- system information    :: Int
     , ChanName'      -- primitive channels (abstract in Eden module and outside)
     , fork           -- forking conc. threads :: IO () -> IO ()
     , createC        -- creating placeholders :: IO (ChanName' a, a)
     , connectToPort  -- set thread's receiver :: ChanName' a -> IO ()
     , sendData       -- sending data to recv. :: Mode -> a -> IO ()
     , Mode(..)       -- send modes:  implemented: 
                      --      1 - connect (no graph needed)
                      --      2 - stream  (list element)
                      --      3 - single  (single value)
                      --      4 - rFork   (receiver creates a thread, different ports)
                      -- additional payload (currently only for rFork) in high bits
     , simInitPes

import GHC.Base(unsafeCoerce# )

import qualified Data.Map as Map -- collides with prelude functions
import Data.Map(Map)

import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Concurrent
import GHC.Conc(numCapabilities)
import Control.DeepSeq

-- Concurrent-Haskell simulation of Eden PrimOps
-- tracing
trace :: String -> IO ()
#ifdef TRACE
trace msg = do me <- myThreadId
	       (pe,p,_) <- myInfo
	       putStrLn (show (pe,p,me) ++ msg)
trace _ = return ()

-- (*) unsafe type casts. cannot use dynamics, missing type context.

toIO :: a -> IO ()
toIO x = case cast x of
           Nothing -> error "IO? wrong cast"
           Just io -> io

cast :: a -> Maybe b
cast x = Just (unsafeCoerce# x)
toDyn :: a -> Untyped
toDyn x = unsafeCoerce# x
fromDyn :: a -> Untyped -> a
fromDyn _ unit = unsafeCoerce# unit


---- Simulation specials ----

-- global ID supply for process IDs and Channel IDs: 
--    (CAF trick, evaluated, i.e. created, by first usage)
{-# NOINLINE idSupply #-}
idSupply :: MVar Int
idSupply = unsafePerformIO (newMVar 1)

-- pulling a fresh channel/process ID:
freshId :: IO Int
freshId = do i <- takeMVar idSupply
	     putMVar idSupply (i+1)
	     return i

-- process and thread book-keeping:

-- (PE, processID, Maybe connected channel)
type ThreadInfo = (Int,Int,Maybe Int) 

-- global thread table: ID -> ThreadInfo
--    (first time called: created with first thread as an entry)
{-# NOINLINE thrs #-}
thrs :: MVar (Map ThreadId (Int,Int,Maybe Int))
thrs = unsafePerformIO (myThreadId >>= \id -> 
          newMVar (Map.insert id (1,1,Nothing) Map.empty ))

-- retrieving own thread information
myInfo :: IO ThreadInfo
myInfo = do tid        <- myThreadId 
            thrMap     <- readMVar thrs
	    case Map.lookup tid thrMap of 
              Nothing -> error (show tid ++ " not found!")
	      Just x  -> return x

-- retrieving the channel a thread has connected to
myChan :: IO Int
myChan = do (_,_,c) <- myInfo 
            case c of 
              Nothing -> do tid <- myThreadId 
			    error (show tid ++ " not connected!")
              Just x  -> return x

-- when thread finished:
removeThread :: ThreadId -> IO ()
removeThread id = do trace ("Kill " ++ show id)
		     thrMap <- takeMVar thrs
		     putMVar thrs (Map.delete id thrMap)

-- table of open channels, and channel lookup
-- (channels are MVars, but for values of various types, we use unsafeCoerce)
-- ( to test the 1:1 restriction, we save past senders for stream comm.)
type Untyped = ()

{-# NOINLINE chs #-}
chs :: MVar (Map Int (Maybe ThreadId, MVar Untyped))
chs = unsafePerformIO (newMVar Map.empty)

-- for Connect messages: only register the calling thread as the sender
registerSender :: Int -> IO ()
registerSender id 
    = do cMap <- takeMVar chs
	 tid  <- myThreadId
	 case Map.lookup id cMap of
	    Nothing      -> error $ "missing MVar for Id " ++ show id
	    Just (t,var) -> if (t == Nothing || t == Just tid)
			      then do putMVar chs 
				        (Map.insert id (Just tid,var) cMap)
			      else error ("duplicate connect message: "
					  ++ show tid ++ "->" 
					  ++ show id)

-- for receiving messages, removes the channel (Data message)
getRemoveCVar :: Int -> IO (MVar Untyped)
getRemoveCVar id = do cMap <- takeMVar chs
                      case Map.lookup id cMap of
		        Nothing       -> error ("missing MVar for Id " 
					           ++ show id)
			Just (_,var)  -> do putMVar chs (Map.delete id cMap)
					    return var

-- for receiving stream messages, updates the channel, checks the sender
updateGetCVar :: MVar Untyped -> Int -> IO (MVar Untyped )
updateGetCVar newVar id 
    = do cMap <- takeMVar chs
	 tid  <- myThreadId
	 case Map.lookup id cMap of
	   Nothing      -> error $ "missing MVar for Id " ++ show id
	   Just (t,var) -> if (t == Nothing || t == Just tid) 
			     then do putMVar chs 
			               (Map.insert id (Just tid,newVar) cMap)
				     return var
			     else error "1:1 restriction violated"

-- holds number of PEs simulated (can be changed using simInitPes function
{-# NOINLINE pesVar #-}
pesVar :: MVar ([Int],())
pesVar = unsafePerformIO (newMVar (placementList,()))
    where placementList = leftrotate peNums
          peNums = if numCapabilities == 1 
                       then [1..4]  -- arbitrary default: 4 PEs
                       else [1..numCapabilities]

leftrotate :: [a] -> [a]
leftrotate [] = []
leftrotate (x:xs) = xs ++ [x]

simInitPes :: Int -> IO ()
simInitPes pes | pes < 1 = error "invalid number of PEs requested"
               | otherwise = do (_,test) <- takeMVar pesVar
		                trace ("Init. with " ++ show pes ++ " PEs.")
                                test `seq` -- protect against double init.
                                   putMVar pesVar 
                                     ([2..pes+1],error "double simInitPes")

-- round-robin placement:
choosePe :: IO Int
choosePe = do pe          <- selfPe
	      trace "choosing PE"
	      (list,test) <- takeMVar pesVar
	      let place = list!!(pe-1)
		  pes   = length list
		  new = if place == pes then 1 else place+1
		  newList = take (pe-1) list ++ new:drop pe list
              putMVar pesVar (newList,test)
	      trace "chosen"
	      return place

--------- Primitives simulation ----------

-- the following is exported:

-- system information
{-# NOINLINE noPe #-}
noPe :: IO Int
noPe = do (p,_) <- readMVar pesVar
	  return (length p)

-- place processes in round-robin manner
{-# NOINLINE selfPe #-}
selfPe :: IO Int
selfPe = do (pe,_,_) <- myInfo
	    return pe

-- abstract outside!
data ChanName' a = Chan Int Int Int 
   deriving (Show)

-- tweaking fork primop from concurrent haskell... (not returning threadID)
{-# NOINLINE fork #-}
fork :: IO () -> IO ()
fork action = do (pe,p,_) <- myInfo
		 trace ("new thread")
                 tMap <- takeMVar thrs
                 tid <- forkIO action'
                 putMVar thrs (Map.insert tid (pe,p,Nothing) tMap)
		 trace ("forked! ID=" ++ show tid)
    where action' = do id <- myThreadId
		       trace ("run thread " ++ show id)
                       removeThread id 

-- creation of one placeholder and one new inport
-- returns consistent channel type (channel of same type as data)
createC :: IO ( ChanName' a, a )
createC = do (!pe,!p,_) <- myInfo
             !id <- freshId
             -- Bang patterns make sure all components of ChanName' are
             -- evaluated when channel is demanded. We get rnf = rwhnf for
             -- ChanName' outside. The real primitive does this by nature.
             var <- newEmptyMVar
	     trace ("new channel in " ++ show (pe,p) ++ ", ID=" ++ show id)
             cList <- takeMVar chs
	     let x = unsafePerformIO $ readMVar var
		 x' = fromDyn (error "createC cast") x
             putMVar chs (Map.insert id (Nothing,var) cList)
	     trace "channel created!"
             return (Chan pe p id, x' )

-- connect a thread to a channel
connectToPort :: ChanName' a -> IO ()
connectToPort (Chan pe p cid)
                   = do id <- myThreadId
                        tlist <- takeMVar thrs
                        putMVar thrs (Map.updateWithKey newChan id tlist)
      where newChan _ (pe,proc,_) = Just (pe,proc, Just cid)

-- send modes for sendData
data Mode = Connect -- announce sender at receiver side (no graph needed)
	  | Data    -- data to send is single value
	  | Stream  -- data to send is element of a list/stream
	  | Instantiate Int -- data is IO(), receiver to create a thread for it

sendData :: Mode -> a -> IO ()
sendData Connect _ = do ch <- myChan
			registerSender ch

sendData Data d = do cd <- myChan
                     var <- getRemoveCVar cd
                     putMVar var $ toDyn d

sendData Stream d = do cd <- myChan
                       v2 <- newEmptyMVar
                       var <- updateGetCVar v2 cd
                       let x = unsafePerformIO $ readMVar v2
			   newList = d: fromDyn undefined x
                       putMVar var $ toDyn newList

sendData (Instantiate maybePe) d 
         = do newPid <- freshId
	      pes <- noPe
	      pe <- if maybePe == 0 then choosePe 
			else return (1+((maybePe-1) `mod` pes))
	      trace ("new process on PE " ++ show pe)
              tlist <- takeMVar thrs
              id <- forkIO action
              putMVar thrs (Map.insert id (pe,newPid,Nothing) tlist)
	      trace ("process,thread: " ++ show (newPid,id))
    where action = do id <- myThreadId
	              trace ("process starting")
                      toIO d
                      removeThread id