{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# Language TypeFamilies #-} {-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# Language TypeOperators #-} {-# Language DeriveGeneric #-} {-# Language FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} module Dyno.DirectCollocation.Robust ( CovarianceSensitivities(..) , CovTraj(..) , mkComputeSensitivities , mkComputeCovariances , mkRobustifyFunction , continuousToDiscreetNoiseApprox ) where import GHC.Generics ( Generic, Generic1 ) import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) ) import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified Data.Traversable as T import Linear.V import Casadi.MX ( MX ) import Casadi.SX ( SX ) import Casadi.DMatrix ( DMatrix ) import qualified Dyno.View.Unsafe.M as M ( mkM, blockSplit ) import Dyno.SXElement ( SXElement, sxSplitJV, sxCatJV ) import Dyno.Ocp import Dyno.View.View ( View(..), J, JNone(..), JTuple(..), fromDMatrix ) import Dyno.View.JV ( JV, catJV', splitJV' ) import Dyno.View.HList ( (:*:)(..) ) import Dyno.View.Cov ( Cov, toMat, fromMat ) import Dyno.View.Fun import Dyno.View.Viewable ( Viewable ) import qualified Dyno.View.M as M import Dyno.View.M ( M ) import Dyno.View.JVec ( JVec(..) ) import Dyno.View.FunJac import Dyno.View.Scheme ( Scheme ) import Dyno.Vectorize ( Vectorize(..), Id(..), vzipWith4 ) import Dyno.TypeVecs ( Vec ) import qualified Dyno.TypeVecs as TV import Dyno.LagrangePolynomials ( lagrangeDerivCoeffs ) import Dyno.DirectCollocation.Types import Dyno.DirectCollocation.Quadratures ( QuadratureRoots(..), mkTaus, interpolate ) data CovTraj sx n a = CovTraj { ctAllButLast :: J (JVec n (Cov (JV sx))) a , ctLast :: J (Cov (JV sx)) a } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Generic1) instance (Vectorize sx, Dim n) => View (CovTraj sx n) data CovarianceSensitivities xe we n a = CovarianceSensitivities { csFs :: M (JVec n xe) xe a , csWs :: M (JVec n xe) we a } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Generic1) instance (View xe, View we, Dim n) => Scheme (CovarianceSensitivities xe we n) type Sxe = SXElement mkComputeSensitivities :: forall x z u p sx sz sw sr deg n . ( Dim deg, Dim n, Vectorize x, Vectorize p, Vectorize u, Vectorize z , Vectorize sr, Vectorize sw, Vectorize sz, Vectorize sx ) => QuadratureRoots -> (x Sxe -> x Sxe -> z Sxe -> u Sxe -> p Sxe -> Sxe -> sx Sxe -> sx Sxe -> sz Sxe -> sw Sxe -> sr Sxe) -> IO (J (CollTraj x z u p n deg) MX -> CovarianceSensitivities (JV sx) (JV sw) n MX) mkComputeSensitivities roots covDae = do let -- the collocation points taus :: Vec deg Double taus = mkTaus roots -- coefficients for getting xdot by lagrange interpolating polynomials cijs :: Vec (TV.Succ deg) (Vec (TV.Succ deg) Double) cijs = lagrangeDerivCoeffs (0 TV.<| taus) errorDynFun <- toSXFun "error dynamics" $ errorDynamicsFunction $ \x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 -> let r = covDae (sxSplitJV x0) (sxSplitJV x1) (sxSplitJV x2) (sxSplitJV x3) (sxSplitJV x4) (unId (sxSplitJV x5)) (sxSplitJV x6) (sxSplitJV x7) (sxSplitJV x8) (sxSplitJV x9) in sxCatJV r edscf <- toMXFun "errorDynamicsStageCon" (errorDynStageConstraints cijs taus errorDynFun) errorDynStageConFunJac <- toFunJac edscf sensitivityStageFun' <- toMXFun "sensitivity stage function" $ sensitivityStageFunction (call errorDynStageConFunJac) sensitivityStageFun <- expandMXFun sensitivityStageFun' let sens :: J (JV Id) MX -> J (JV p) MX -> J (JVec deg (JV Id)) MX -> J (JV x) MX -> J (JVec deg (CollPoint (JV x) (JV z) (JV u))) MX -> (M (JV sx) (JV sx) MX, M (JV sx) (JV sw) MX) sens dt p stagetimes x0 xzus = (y0,y1) where y0 :*: y1 = call sensitivityStageFun (dt :*: p :*: stagetimes :*: x0 :*: xzus) let computeAllSensitivities :: J (CollTraj x z u p n deg) MX -> CovarianceSensitivities (JV sx) (JV sw) n MX computeAllSensitivities collTraj = CovarianceSensitivities (M.vcat' fs) (M.vcat' ws) where -- split up the design vars CollTraj tf parm stages' _ = split collTraj stages = unJVec (split stages') :: Vec n (J (CollStage (JV x) (JV z) (JV u) deg) MX) spstages = fmap split stages :: Vec n (CollStage (JV x) (JV z) (JV u) deg MX) -- timestep dt = tf / fromIntegral n n = reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n) -- initial time at each collocation stage t0s :: Vec n (J (JV Id) MX) t0s = TV.mkVec' $ take n [dt * fromIntegral k | k <- [(0::Int)..]] -- times at each collocation point times :: Vec n (Vec deg (J (JV Id) MX)) times = fmap (\t0 -> fmap (\tau -> t0 + realToFrac tau * dt) taus) t0s times' :: Vec n (J (JVec deg (JV Id)) MX) times' = fmap (cat . JVec) times fs :: Vec n (M (JV sx) (JV sx) MX) ws :: Vec n (M (JV sx) (JV sw) MX) (fs, ws) = TV.tvunzip $ TV.tvzipWith mkFw times' spstages mkFw stagetimes (CollStage x0' xzus') = sens dt parm stagetimes x0' xzus' return computeAllSensitivities -- toMXFun "compute all sensitivities" computeAllSensitivities -- todo: calculate by first multiplying all the Fs mkComputeCovariances :: forall ocp x z u p sx sw n deg . ( Dim deg, Dim n , Vectorize x, Vectorize z, Vectorize u, Vectorize p , Vectorize sx, Vectorize sw , X ocp ~ x , Z ocp ~ z , U ocp ~ u , P ocp ~ p ) => (M (JV sx) (JV sx) MX -> M (JV sx) (JV sw) MX -> J (Cov (JV sw)) MX -> J (JV Id) MX -> M (JV sx) (JV sx) MX) -> (J (CollTraj x z u p n deg) MX -> CovarianceSensitivities (JV sx) (JV sw) n MX) -> J (Cov (JV sw)) DMatrix -> IO (J (CollTrajCov sx ocp n deg) MX -> J (CovTraj sx n) MX) mkComputeCovariances c2d computeSens qc' = do propOneCovFun <- toMXFun "propogate one covariance" (propOneCov c2d) let computeCovs :: J (CollTrajCov sx ocp n deg) MX -> J (CovTraj sx n) MX computeCovs collTrajCov = cat covTraj where CollTrajCov p0 collTraj = split collTrajCov sensitivities = computeSens collTraj covTraj = CovTraj { ctAllButLast = cat (JVec covs) , ctLast = pF } covs :: Vec n (J (Cov (JV sx)) MX) -- all but last covariances pF :: J (Cov (JV sx)) MX -- last covariances (pF, covs) = T.mapAccumL ffs p0 $ TV.tvzip (M.vsplit' (csFs sensitivities)) (M.vsplit' (csWs sensitivities)) qc :: J (Cov (JV sw)) MX qc = fromDMatrix qc' ffs :: J (Cov (JV sx)) MX -> (M (JV sx) (JV sx) MX, M (JV sx) (JV sw) MX) -> (J (Cov (JV sx)) MX, J (Cov (JV sx)) MX) ffs p0' (f, g) = (p1', p0') where p1' = call propOneCovFun (f :*: g :*: p0' :*: qc :*: dt) -- split up the design vars CollTraj tf _ _ _ = split collTraj -- timestep dt = tf / fromIntegral n n = reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n) return computeCovs -- toMXFun "compute all covariances" computeCovs -- todo: code duplication dot :: forall x deg a b. (Fractional (J x a), Real b, Dim deg) => Vec deg b -> Vec deg (J x a) -> J x a dot cks xs = F.sum $ TV.unVec elemwise where elemwise :: Vec deg (J x a) elemwise = TV.tvzipWith smul cks xs smul :: b -> J x a -> J x a smul x y = realToFrac x * y -- todo: code duplication interpolateXDots' :: (Real b, Fractional (J x a), Dim deg) => Vec deg (Vec deg b) -> Vec deg (J x a) -> Vec deg (J x a) interpolateXDots' cjks xs = fmap (`dot` xs) cjks interpolateXDots :: (Real b, Dim deg, Fractional (J x a)) => Vec (TV.Succ deg) (Vec (TV.Succ deg) b) -> Vec (TV.Succ deg) (J x a) -> Vec deg (J x a) interpolateXDots cjks xs = TV.tvtail $ interpolateXDots' cjks xs -- dynamics residual and outputs errorDynamicsFunction :: forall x z u p r sx sz sw a . (View x, View z, View u, View r, View sx, View sz, View sw, Viewable a) => (J x a -> J x a -> J z a -> J u a -> J p a -> J (JV Id) a -> J sx a -> J sx a -> J sz a -> J sw a -> J r a) -> (J (JV Id) :*: J p :*: J x :*: J (CollPoint x z u) :*: J sx :*: J sx :*: J sz :*: J sw) a -> J r a errorDynamicsFunction dae (t :*: parm :*: x' :*: collPoint :*: sx' :*: sx :*: sz :*: sw) = r where CollPoint x z u = split collPoint r = dae x' x z u parm t sx' sx sz sw data ErrorIn0 x z u p deg a = ErrorIn0 (J x a) (J (JVec deg (CollPoint x z u)) a) (J (JV Id) a) (J p a) (J (JVec deg (JV Id)) a) deriving Generic data ErrorInD sx sw sz deg a = ErrorInD (J sx a) (J sw a) (J (JVec deg (JTuple sx sz)) a) deriving Generic data ErrorOut sr sx deg a = ErrorOut (J (JVec deg sr) a) (J sx a) deriving Generic instance (View x, View z, View u, View p, Dim deg) => Scheme (ErrorIn0 x z u p deg) instance (View sx, View sw, View sz, Dim deg) => View (ErrorInD sx sw sz deg) instance (View sr, View sx, Dim deg) => View (ErrorOut sr sx deg) -- return error dynamics constraints and interpolated state errorDynStageConstraints :: forall x z u p sx sz sw sr deg . (Dim deg, View x, View z, View u, View p, View sr, View sw, View sz, View sx) => Vec (TV.Succ deg) (Vec (TV.Succ deg) Double) -> Vec deg Double -> SXFun (J (JV Id) :*: J p :*: J x :*: J (CollPoint x z u) :*: J sx :*: J sx :*: J sz :*: J sw) (J sr) -> JacIn (ErrorInD sx sw sz deg) (ErrorIn0 x z u p deg) MX -> JacOut (ErrorOut sr sx deg) (J JNone) MX errorDynStageConstraints cijs taus dynFun (JacIn errorInD (ErrorIn0 x0 xzus' h p stageTimes')) = JacOut (cat (ErrorOut (cat (JVec dynConstrs)) sxnext)) (cat JNone) where ErrorInD sx0 sw0 sxzs' = split errorInD xzus = unJVec (split xzus') xs :: Vec deg (J x MX) xs = fmap ((\(CollPoint x _ _) -> x) . split) xzus xdots :: Vec deg (J x MX) xdots = fmap (`M.vs` (1 / h)) $ interpolateXDots cijs (x0 TV.<| xs) -- -- interpolated final state -- xnext :: J x MX -- xnext = interpolate taus x0 xs -- interpolated final state sxnext :: J sx MX sxnext = interpolate taus sx0 sxs stageTimes = unJVec $ split stageTimes' -- dae constraints (dynamics) dynConstrs :: Vec deg (J sr MX) dynConstrs = TV.tvzipWith6 applyDae sxdots sxs szs xdots xzus stageTimes applyDae :: J sx MX -> J sx MX -> J sz MX -> J x MX -> J (CollPoint x z u) MX -> J (JV Id) MX -> J sr MX applyDae sx' sx sz x' xzu t = call dynFun (t :*: p :*: x' :*: xzu :*: sx' :*: sx :*: sz :*: sw0) -- error state derivatives sxdots :: Vec deg (J sx MX) sxdots = fmap (`M.vs` (1/h)) $ interpolateXDots cijs (sx0 TV.<| sxs) sxs :: Vec deg (J sx MX) szs :: Vec deg (J sz MX) (sxs, szs) = TV.tvunzip $ fmap ((\(JTuple sx sz) -> (sx,sz)) . split) $ unJVec $ split sxzs' continuousToDiscreetNoiseApprox :: (View sx, View sw) => M sx sx MX -> M sx sw MX -> J (Cov sw) MX -> J (JV Id) MX -> M sx sx MX continuousToDiscreetNoiseApprox _dsx1_dsx0 dsx1_dsw0 qs h = qd where -- Qs' = G * Qs * G.T qs' = dsx1_dsw0 `M.mm` (toMat qs) `M.mm` M.trans dsx1_dsw0 qd = qs' `M.ms` (1/h) -- + (dsx1_dsx0 `M.mm` qs' + qs' `M.mm` (M.trans dsx1_dsx0)) `M.ms` (h*h/2) -- + (dsx1_dsx0 `M.mm` qs' `M.mm` (M.trans dsx1_dsx0)) `M.ms` (h*h*h/3) propOneCov :: forall sx sw . (View sx, View sw) => (M sx sx MX -> M sx sw MX -> J (Cov sw) MX -> J (JV Id) MX -> M sx sx MX) -> (M sx sx :*: M sx sw :*: J (Cov sx) :*: J (Cov sw) :*: J (JV Id)) MX -> J (Cov sx) MX propOneCov c2d (dsx1_dsx0 :*: dsx1_dsw0 :*: p0 :*: qs :*: h) = fromMat p1 where qd = c2d dsx1_dsx0 dsx1_dsw0 qs h p1 :: M sx sx MX p1 = dsx1_dsx0 `M.mm` (toMat p0) `M.mm` M.trans dsx1_dsx0 + qd sensitivityStageFunction :: forall x z u p sx sz sw deg sr . (Dim deg, View x, View z, View u, View p, View sx, View sz, View sw, View sr) => (JacIn (ErrorInD sx sw sz deg) (ErrorIn0 x z u p deg) MX -> Jac (ErrorInD sx sw sz deg) (ErrorOut sr sx deg) (J JNone) MX) -> (J (JV Id) :*: J p :*: J (JVec deg (JV Id)) :*: J x :*: J (JVec deg (CollPoint x z u))) MX -> (M sx sx :*: M sx sw) MX sensitivityStageFunction dynStageConJac (dt :*: parm :*: stageTimes :*: x0' :*: xzus') = dsx1_dsx0 :*: dsx1_dsw0 where sx0 :: J sx MX sx0 = M.uncol M.zeros sw0 :: J sw MX sw0 = M.uncol M.zeros sxzs :: J (JVec deg (JTuple sx sz)) MX sxzs = M.uncol M.zeros mat :: M.M (ErrorOut sr sx deg) (ErrorInD sx sw sz deg) MX Jac mat _ _ = dynStageConJac $ JacIn (cat (ErrorInD sx0 sw0 sxzs)) (ErrorIn0 x0' xzus' dt parm stageTimes) df_dsx0 :: M (JVec deg sr) sx MX df_dsw0 :: M (JVec deg sr) sw MX df_dsxz :: M (JVec deg sr) (JVec deg (JTuple sx sz)) MX dg_dsx0 :: M sx sx MX dg_dsw0 :: M sx sw MX dg_dsxz :: M sx (JVec deg (JTuple sx sz)) MX ((df_dsx0, df_dsw0, df_dsxz), (dg_dsx0, dg_dsw0, dg_dsxz)) = case fmap F.toList (F.toList (M.blockSplit mat)) of [[x00,x01,x02],[x10,x11,x12]] -> ((M.mkM x00, M.mkM x01, M.mkM x02), (M.mkM x10, M.mkM x11, M.mkM x12)) _ -> error "stageFunction: got wrong number of elements in jacobian" -- TODO: this should be much simpler for radau -- TODO: check these next 4 lines dsxz_dsx0 = - (M.solve df_dsxz df_dsx0) :: M (JVec deg (JTuple sx sz)) sx MX dsxz_dsw0 = - (M.solve df_dsxz df_dsw0) :: M (JVec deg (JTuple sx sz)) sw MX dsx1_dsx0 = dg_dsx0 + dg_dsxz `M.mm` dsxz_dsx0 :: M sx sx MX dsx1_dsw0 = dg_dsw0 + dg_dsxz `M.mm` dsxz_dsw0 :: M sx sw MX mkRobustifyFunction :: forall x sx shr p . (Vectorize x, Vectorize sx, Vectorize shr, Vectorize p) => (x Sxe -> sx Sxe -> x Sxe) -> (x Sxe -> sx Sxe -> p Sxe -> shr Sxe) -> IO (J (JV shr) MX -> J (JV p) MX -> J (JV x) MX -> J (Cov (JV sx)) MX -> J (JV shr) MX) mkRobustifyFunction project robustifyPathC = do proj <- toSXFun "errorSpaceProjection" $ \(JacIn x0 x1) -> JacOut (sxCatJV (project (sxSplitJV x1) (sxSplitJV x0))) (cat JNone) let _ = proj :: SXFun (JacIn (JV sx) (J (JV x))) (JacOut (JV x) (J JNone)) projJac <- toFunJac proj let _ = projJac :: SXFun (JacIn (JV sx) (J (JV x))) (Jac (JV sx) (JV x) (J JNone)) let zerosx = (M.uncol M.zeros) :: J (JV sx) SX simplifiedPropJac <- toSXFun "simplified error space projection jacobian" $ \x0 -> (\(Jac j0 _ _) -> j0) (callSX projJac (JacIn zerosx x0)) let _ = simplifiedPropJac :: SXFun (J (JV x)) (M.M (JV x) (JV sx)) let rpc (JacIn xe parm) = JacOut (sxCatJV lol) (cat JNone) where lol = robustifyPathC (sxSplitJV x) (sxSplitJV e) (sxSplitJV parm) JTuple x e = split xe robustH <- toSXFun "robust constraint" rpc let _ = robustH :: SXFun (JacIn (JTuple (JV x) (JV sx)) (J (JV p))) (JacOut (JV shr) (J JNone)) robustHJac <- toFunJac robustH let _ = robustHJac :: SXFun (JacIn (JTuple (JV x) (JV sx)) (J (JV p))) (Jac (JTuple (JV x) (JV sx)) (JV shr) (J JNone)) srh :: (J (JV x) :*: J (JV p)) SX -> Jac (JTuple (JV x) (JV sx)) (JV shr) (J JNone) SX srh (x :*: p) = ret where xe = M.uncol M.zeros :: J (JV sx) SX xxe = cat (JTuple x xe) :: J (JTuple (JV x) (JV sx)) SX ret :: Jac (JTuple (JV x) (JV sx)) (JV shr) (J JNone) SX ret = callSX robustHJac (JacIn xxe p) simplifiedHJac <- toSXFun "simplified robust constraint jacobian" srh let _ = simplifiedHJac :: SXFun (J (JV x) :*: J (JV p)) (Jac (JTuple (JV x) (JV sx)) (JV shr) (J JNone)) let gogo :: J (JV shr) MX -> J (JV p) MX -> J (JV x) MX -> J (Cov (JV sx)) MX -> J (JV shr) MX gogo gammas' theta x pe' = rcs' where gammas = splitJV' gammas' :: shr (J (JV Id) MX) jHx :: M (JV shr) (JV x) MX jHe :: M (JV shr) (JV sx) MX (jHx, jHe) = M.hsplitTup jacH' jacH' :: M (JV shr) (JTuple (JV x) (JV sx)) MX h0vec :: J (JV shr) MX Jac jacH' h0vec _ = call simplifiedHJac (x :*: theta) f :: M.M (JV x) (JV sx) MX f = call simplifiedPropJac x pe :: M.M (JV sx) (JV sx) MX pe = toMat pe' fpef :: M.M (JV x) (JV x) MX fpef = fpe `M.mm` (M.trans f) fpe :: M.M (JV x) (JV sx) MX fpe = f `M.mm` pe jHxs :: shr (M.M (JV Id) (JV x) MX) jHxs = M.vsplit jHx jHes :: shr (M.M (JV Id) (JV sx) MX) jHes = M.vsplit jHe shr' = splitJV' h0vec :: shr (J (JV Id) MX) rcs' :: J (JV shr) MX rcs' = catJV' rcs rcs :: shr (J (JV Id) MX) rcs = vzipWith4 robustify gammas shr' jHxs jHes robustify :: J (JV Id) MX -> J (JV Id) MX -> M.M (JV Id) (JV x) MX -> M.M (JV Id) (JV sx) MX -> J (JV Id) MX robustify gamma h0 gHx gHe = h0 + gamma * sqrt (M.uncol sigma2) where sigma2 :: M.M (JV Id) (JV Id) MX sigma2 = gHx `M.mm` fpef `M.mm` (M.trans gHx) + 2 * gHx `M.mm` fpe `M.mm` (M.trans gHe) + gHe `M.mm` pe `M.mm` (M.trans gHe) :: M.M (JV Id) (JV Id) MX retFun <- toMXFun "robust constraint violations" (\(x0 :*: x1 :*: x2 :*: x3) -> gogo x0 x1 x2 x3) -- >>= expandMXFun return (\x y z w -> call retFun (x :*: y :*: z :*: w))