{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# Language FlexibleContexts #-} {-# Language TypeFamilies #-} module Dvda.MultipleShooting.MSCoctave ( msCoctave , run ) where import qualified Data.HashSet as HS import Data.List ( zipWith6, transpose, elemIndex ) import Data.Maybe ( fromJust, catMaybes ) import Dvda import Dvda.Codegen ( writeSourceFile ) import Dvda.Expr ( Expr(..), Const(..), Sym(..) ) import qualified Dvda.HashMap as HM import Dvda.MultipleShooting.MSMonad import Dvda.MultipleShooting.Types import Dvda.OctaveSyntax ( toOctaveSource ) import Dvda.SymMonad ( rad ) {- min f(x) st: c(x) <= 0 ceq(x) == 0 A*x <= b Aeq*x == beq lb <= x <= ub -} --type Integrator a = ([Expr Z a] -> [Expr Z a] -> [Expr Z a] -> [Expr Z a] -- -> ([Expr Z a] -> [Expr Z a] -> [Expr Z a]) -- -> Expr Z a -> [Expr Z a]) type Integrator a = [Expr Z Double] -> [Expr Z Double] -> [Expr Z Double] -> [Expr Z Double] -> ([Expr Z Double] -> [Expr Z Double] -> [Expr Z Double]) -> Expr Z Double -> [Expr Z Double] msCoctave :: (Double ~ a) => State (Step a) b -> Integrator a -> Int -> String -> FilePath -> IO () msCoctave userStep odeError n funDir name = do _ <- writeSourceFile costSource funDir $ name ++ "_cost.m" _ <- writeSourceFile constraintsSource funDir $ name ++ "_constraints.m" _ <- writeSourceFile setupSource funDir $ name ++ "_setup.m" _ <- writeSourceFile structSource funDir $ name ++ "_struct.m" _ <- writeSourceFile unstructConstsSource funDir $ name ++ "_unstructConstants.m" _ <- writeSourceFile unstructSource funDir $ name ++ "_unstruct.m" _ <- writeSourceFile timeSource funDir $ name ++ "_time.m" _ <- writeSourceFile outputSource funDir $ name ++ "_outputs.m" _ <- writeSourceFile plotSource funDir $ name ++ "_plot.m" _ <- writeSourceFile simSource funDir $ name ++ "_sim.m" return () where steps = map (runOneStep userStep) [0..n-1] dts = map (fromJust . stepDt) steps fromLeft (Left x) = x fromLeft (Right _) = error "ERROR: fromLeft got Right" states' = map (fst . unzip . fromJust . fromLeft . stepStates ) steps -- fromJust checked in runOneStep actions' = map (fst . unzip . fromJust . fromLeft . stepActions) steps -- fromJust checked in runOneStep stateNames = map (snd . unzip . fromJust . fromLeft . stepStates ) steps -- fromJust checked in runOneStep actionNames = map (snd . unzip . fromJust . fromLeft . stepActions) steps -- fromJust checked in runOneStep -- ensure that state/action (names) are the same in all steps states = if all (head stateNames ==) stateNames then states' else error "ERROR: different states in different timesteps" actions = if all (head actionNames ==) actionNames then actions' else error "ERROR: different actions in different timesteps" params = HS.toList $ foldr HS.union HS.empty (map stepParams steps) constants = HS.toList $ foldr HS.union HS.empty (map stepConstants steps) boundMap = foldr HM.union HM.empty (map stepBounds steps) outputMap = foldl (HM.unionWith (++)) HM.empty (map stepOutputs steps) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cost = case catMaybes $ map stepCost steps of [] -> error "need to set cost function" cs -> sum cs (ceq, cineq) = foldl f ([],[]) allConstraints where f (eqs,ineqs) (Constraint x EQ y) = (eqs ++ [x - y], ineqs) f (eqs,ineqs) (Constraint x LT y) = (eqs, ineqs ++ [x - y]) f (eqs,ineqs) (Constraint x GT y) = (eqs, ineqs ++ [y - x]) dodeConstraints = map (Constraint (EConst (CSingleton Z 0)) EQ) $ concat $ zipWith6 odeError (init states) (init actions) (tail states) (tail actions) (map (execDxdt userStep) [0..]) dts allConstraints = dodeConstraints ++ (concatMap stepConstraints steps) ++ periodicConstraints periodicConstraints | HS.size notXU > 0 = error $ "ERROR: can't set periodic constraints for non states/actions:" ++ show notXU | otherwise = foldl g' [] $ map f' (transpose states ++ transpose actions) where pcSets = map stepPeriodic steps dvSet = HS.fromList (concat states ++ concat actions) notXU = HS.difference (foldl HS.union HS.empty pcSets) dvSet pc0 = head pcSets pcf = last pcSets -- match up states/actions by making sure they're in the same state/action list f' xu = (HS.toList $ HS.filter (`elem` xu) pc0, HS.toList $ HS.filter (`elem` xu) pcf) g' acc ( [], _) = acc g' acc ( _, []) = acc g' acc ([x], [y]) = acc ++ [Constraint x EQ y] g' _ ( _, _) = error "ERROR: too many matching periodic constraints" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dvs = concat states ++ concat actions ++ params costFg = runFunGraph $ do cost' <- node cost costGrad <- rad cost' dvs inputs_ (dvs :* constants) outputs_ (cost' :* costGrad) constraintsFg = runFunGraph $ do cineqJacob <- mapM (flip rad dvs) cineq ceqJacob <- mapM (flip rad dvs) ceq inputs_ (dvs :* constants) outputs_ (cineq :* ceq :* cineqJacob :* ceqJacob) timeFg = runFunGraph $ do inputs_ (dvs :* constants) outputs_ $ init $ scanl (+) (EConst (CSingleton Z 0)) dts outputFg = runFunGraph $ do inputs_ (dvs :* constants) outputs_ $ HM.elems outputMap simFg = runFunGraph $ do let x' = head states u' = head actions dxdt' = fromJust $ stepDxdt $ head steps inputs_ (x' :* u' :* constants) outputs_ dxdt' costSource = toOctaveSource costFg (name ++ "_cost") constraintsSource = toOctaveSource constraintsFg (name ++ "_constraints") outputSource = toOctaveSource outputFg (name ++ "_outputs") timeSource = toOctaveSource timeFg (name ++ "_time") simSource = toOctaveSource simFg (name ++ "_sim") (lbs, ubs, _) = unzip3 $ map getBnd dvs where getBnd dv = case HM.lookup dv boundMap of Nothing -> error $ "please set bounds for " ++ show dv Just bnd -> bnd setupSource = unlines $ [ "function [x0, Aineq, bineq, Aeq, beq, lb, ub] = "++ name ++"_setup()" , "" -- , "x0 = " ++ show (vectorizeDvs dvsGuess) ++ "';" , "x0 = zeros(" ++ show (length dvs) ++ ",1);" , "Aineq = [];" , "bineq = [];" , "Aeq = [];" , "beq = [];" , "lb = " ++ show lbs ++ "';" , "ub = " ++ show ubs ++ "';" ] -- take vector of design variables and vector of constants and return nice matlab struct structSource = unlines $ ["function ret = " ++ name ++ "_struct(designVars,constants)" , "" , "ret.time = " ++ name ++ "_time(designVars, constants);" , "outs = " ++ name ++ "_outputs(designVars, constants);" , concat $ zipWith (\name' k -> "ret." ++name'++ " = outs("++show k++",:);\n") (HM.keys outputMap) [(1::Int)..] ] ++ toStruct dvs "designVars" (map show params) (map (\x -> [x]) params) ++ toStruct constants "constants" (map show constants) (map (\x -> [x]) constants) where dvsToIdx dvs' = fromJust . flip HM.lookup (HM.fromList (zip dvs' [(1::Int)..])) toStruct dvs' nm = zipWith (\name' vars -> "ret." ++ name' ++ " = " ++ nm ++ "(" ++ show (map (dvsToIdx dvs') vars) ++ ");\n") -- take nice matlab structs and return vectors of design variables and constants unstructSource = unlines $ [ "function dvs = " ++ name ++ "_unstruct(dvStruct)\n" , "dvs = zeros(" ++ show (length dvs) ++ ", 1);" , "" , concatMap fromParam params , concat $ zipWith fromXUS (head stateNames) (transpose states) , concat $ zipWith fromXUS (head actionNames) (transpose actions) ] where fromParam e@(ESym _ (Sym nm)) = "dvs(" ++ show (1 + (fromJust $ e `elemIndex` dvs)) ++ ") = dvStruct." ++ nm ++ ";\n" fromParam _ = error "param not ESym" fromXU nm e k = "dvs(" ++ show (1 + (fromJust $ e `elemIndex` dvs)) ++ ") = dvStruct." ++ nm ++ "(" ++ show k ++ ");\n" fromXUS name' xs = (concat $ zipWith (fromXU name') xs [(1::Int)..]) ++ "\n" unstructConstsSource = unlines $ [ "function constants = " ++ name ++ "_unstructConstants(constStruct)\n" , "constants = zeros(" ++ show (length constants) ++ ", 1);" , "" , concatMap fromConst constants ] where fromConst e@(ESym _ (Sym nm)) = "constants(" ++ show (1 + (fromJust $ e `elemIndex` constants)) ++ ") = constStruct." ++ nm ++ ";\n" fromConst _ = error "const not ESym" plotSource = unlines $ [ "function " ++ name ++ "_plot(designVars, constants)\n" , "x = " ++ name ++ "_struct(designVars, constants);\n" , init $ unlines $ zipWith f (HM.keys outputMap) [(1::Int)..] ] where rows = ceiling $ sqrt $ (fromIntegral ::Int -> Double) $ HM.size outputMap cols = (HM.size outputMap `div` rows) + 1 f name' k = unlines $ [ "subplot(" ++ show rows ++ "," ++ show cols ++ ","++show k++");" , "plot( x.time, x." ++ name' ++ " );" , "xlabel('time');" , "ylabel('" ++ name'' ++ "');" , "title('" ++ name'' ++ "');" ] where name'' = foldl (\acc x -> if x == '_' then acc ++ "\\_" else acc ++ [x]) "" name' spring :: State (Step Double) () spring = do [x, v] <- setStates ["x","v"] [u] <- setActions ["u"] [k, b] <- addConstants ["k", "b"] setDxdt [v, -k*x - b*v + u] setDt 0.1 let cost = 2*x*x + 3*v*v + 10*u*u setCost cost addOutput cost "cost" setBound x (5,5) (TIMESTEP 0) setBound v (0,0) (TIMESTEP 0) setBound x (-5,5) ALWAYS setBound v (-10,10) ALWAYS setBound u (-200, 100) ALWAYS setBound v (0,0) (TIMESTEP (n'-1)) setPeriodic x n' :: Int n' = 20 run :: IO () run = msCoctave spring simpsonsRuleError' n' "../Documents/MATLAB/" "cartpole" --run = msCoctave spring eulerError' n' "../Documents/MATLAB/" "cartpole"