module Development.Duplo.Markups where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Lens hiding (Action)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Development.Duplo.Component (parseComponentId)
import Development.Duplo.FileList (collapseFileList, makeFile)
import Development.Duplo.Files (File(..), filePath, fileDir, fileName, componentId, fileContent, isRoot, ComponentId)
import Development.Duplo.Utilities (logStatus, headerPrintSetter, expandPaths, compile, createIntermediaryDirectories, CompiledContent, expandDeps, replace)
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Directory (findFile)
import System.FilePath.Posix (makeRelative, splitDirectories, joinPath)
import qualified Development.Duplo.FileList as FileList (filePath)
import qualified Development.Duplo.Types.Builder as BD
import qualified Development.Duplo.Types.Config as TC

build :: TC.BuildConfig
      -> FilePath
      -> CompiledContent ()
build config out = do
  liftIO $ logStatus headerPrintSetter "Building markups"
  -- TODO: using Jade's include system means that all files are loaded by
  -- the Jade compiler and Shake has no visibility into file state. We
  -- cannot cache anything that is Jade. Perhaps we could compile the Jade
  -- ourselves?
  lift alwaysRerun

  let cwd           = config ^. TC.cwd
  let env           = config ^. TC.env
  let buildMode   = config ^. TC.buildMode
  let utilPath      = config ^. TC.utilPath
  let devPath       = config ^. TC.devPath
  let appPath       = config ^. TC.appPath
  let testPath      = config ^. TC.testPath
  let duploPath     = config ^. TC.duploPath
  let assetsPath    = config ^. TC.assetsPath
  let targetPath    = config ^. TC.targetPath
  let defaultsPath  = config ^. TC.defaultsPath
  let refTagsPath   = defaultsPath </> "head.html"
  let devAssetsPath = devPath </> "assets"
  let devCodePath   = devPath </> "modules/index"
  let depIds        = config ^. TC.dependencies
  let inTest        = TC.isInTest config

  -- Preconditions
  lift $ createIntermediaryDirectories devCodePath

  -- Expand all paths
  let depExpander id = [ "components" </> id </> "app/modules/index" ]
  let expanded       = expandDeps depIds depExpander
  let allPaths       = "app/modules/index" : expanded
  let absPaths       = case buildMode of
                         "developmoent" -> [ devCodePath ]
                         "test"         -> [ targetPath </> "vendor/mocha" ]
                         _              -> []
                       ++ map (cwd </>) allPaths

  -- Merge both types of paths
  paths <- lift $ expandPaths cwd ".jade" absPaths []

  -- Compiler details
  let compiler = utilPath </> ""
  let preCompile files = return $ fmap (rewriteIncludes cwd files) files

  -- Compile content
  compiled <- compile config compiler [] paths preCompile return

  -- Pull index page from either dev, assets, or default otherwise, in that
  -- order.
  let possibleSources = [ devPath, appPath, defaultsPath ]
  -- We know at least one would satisfy because there's always one in
  -- the default path
  Just indexFile <- liftIO $ findFile possibleSources "index.jade"

  -- Compile the index file
  compiledIndex <- compile config compiler [] [indexFile] preCompile return

  -- Inject compiled code into the index
  let indexWithMarkup = replace "<body>" ("<body>" ++ compiled) compiledIndex

  -- Inject CSS/JS references
  refTagsInTest <- lift $ readFile' $ duploPath </> "etc/test/head.html"
  let indexWithTestRefs =
        if   inTest
        then replace "</head>" (refTagsInTest ++ "</head>") indexWithMarkup
        else indexWithMarkup

  refTags <- lift $ readFile' refTagsPath
  let indexWithRefs = replace "</head>" (refTags ++ "</head>") indexWithTestRefs

  -- Path to the minifier
  let minifier = utilPath </> ""
  -- Minify it
  let postMinify _ = return indexWithRefs
  minified <- compile config minifier [] paths return postMinify

  -- Write it to disk
  lift $ writeFileChanged out minified

-- | Rewrite paths to external files (i.e. include statements) because Jade
-- doesn't accept more than one path to look up includes. It is passed all
-- the files to be compiled and a file whose include statements are to be
-- rewritten.
                -- The current working directory
rewriteIncludes :: FilePath
                -- All the files to be compiled
                -> [File]
                -- The current file
                -> File
                -- The same file with include statements rewritten
                -> File
rewriteIncludes cwd files file =
    file & fileContent .~ rewritten
    path       = file ^. filePath
    dir        = file ^. fileDir
    name       = file ^. fileName
    id         = file ^. componentId
    content    = file ^. fileContent
    isRoot'    = file ^. isRoot
    defaultId  = if isRoot' then "" else id
    content'   = Prelude.lines content
    rewritten' = fmap (rewriteInclude defaultId) content'
    rewritten  = Prelude.unlines rewritten'

-- | Given a component ID and a content line, rewrite if it is an include
-- statement to be relative to project root
rewriteInclude :: ComponentId -> String -> String
rewriteInclude defaultId line =
    -- Find how many spaces precede the line
    padLength  = length $ takeWhile (' ' ==) line
    padding    = replicate padLength ' '
    -- The statement in tokens
    tokens     = words line
    -- Further tokenize the tokens as paths
    tokenPaths = fmap splitDirectories tokens
    case tokenPaths of
      -- Deconstruct an include statement
      (("include":_) : fullPath@(prefix:relPath) : _) ->
          padding ++ "include " ++ resolvedPath
          -- We need to figure out which component's name to use to prefix
          -- the include path. Also get the path prefix in case we're using
          -- the default ID.
          (compName, relPathBase) = case parseComponentId prefix of
                                      -- There is a component ID.
                                      Right (user, repo) -> (prefix, "")
                                      -- Use default component ID
                                      -- otherwise.
                                      Left _ -> (defaultId, prefix)
          resolvedPath = if   not (null compName)
                         -- It's referring to a file inside a component.
                         then "components" </> compName </> "app/modules" </>
                              relPathBase </> joinPath relPath
                         -- It's not referring to a file at the top-level.
                         else "app/modules" </> joinPath fullPath

      -- If it's not an include statement, just pass it thru
      _ -> line