module Matrix.QR.Householder (
   decompose, solve, det,
   Reflection, reflectMatrix, reflectVector,
   Upper, matrixFromUpper, solveUpper, detUpper,
   ) where

import Matrix.Matrix (mv_mult, m_trans, getRow, getColumn, inner, outer)
import Matrix.Vector (sub, scale, norm)
import DSP.Basic (toMaybe)

import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Array
         (Array, Ix, bounds, elems, range, rangeSize,
          accum, accumArray, assocs, ixmap, listArray, (!), (//), )

decompose :: (Ix i, Enum i, Ix j, Enum j, RealFloat a) =>
      Array (i,j) a -- ^ A
   -> ([Reflection i a], Upper i j a) -- ^ QR(A)
decompose a =
   (\(qs,rows) -> (qs, Upper (bounds a) rows)) .
   unzip .
      (\a0 ->
         let bnds@((m0,_), _) = bounds a0
         in  toMaybe (not $ emptyRange bnds) $
               let (q,a1) = step a0
               in  ((q, getRow m0 a1), submatrix a1))
    $ a

emptyRange :: (Ix i) => (i,i) -> Bool
emptyRange = null . range

step ::
   (Ix i, Ix j, RealFloat a) =>
   Array (i,j) a -> (Reflection i a, Array (i,j) a)
step a =
   let (m0,n0) = fst $ bounds a
       z = getColumn n0 a
       sign x = if x<0 then -1 else 1
       q = reflection $ accum (+) z [(m0, sign(z!m0) * norm z)]
   in  (q, reflectMatrix q a)

Submatrices with only Ix constrained indices would not work,
because we cannot reduce a two-dimensional array by only one element.
submatrix :: (Ix i, Enum i, Ix j, Enum j) => Array (i,j) e -> Array (i,j) e
submatrix a =
   let ((m0,n0), (m1,n1)) = bounds a
   in  ixmap ((succ m0, succ n0), (m1,n1)) id a

data Upper i j a = Upper ((i,j), (i,j)) [Array j a]

matrixFromUpper :: (Ix i, Ix j, Num a) => Upper i j a -> Array (i,j) a
matrixFromUpper (Upper bnds@((m0,_n0), (m1,_n1)) rows) =
   accumArray (const id) 0 bnds $ concat $
   zipWith (\k -> map (\(j,a) -> ((k,j),a)) . assocs) (range (m0,m1)) rows

newtype Reflection i a = Reflection (Array i a)

reflection :: (Ix i, Floating a) => Array i a -> Reflection i a
reflection v =
   let normv = norm v
   in  Reflection $ fmap (/ ((1-signum normv) + normv)) v

reflectMatrixFull ::
   (Ix i, Ix j, Num a) => Reflection i a -> Array (i,j) a -> Array (i,j) a
reflectMatrixFull (Reflection v) a =
   sub a $ scale 2 $ outer v $ mv_mult (m_trans a) v

reflectMatrix ::
   (Ix i, Ix j, Num a) => Reflection i a -> Array (i,j) a -> Array (i,j) a
reflectMatrix q@(Reflection v) a =
   let (k0,k1) = bounds v
       ((m0,n0), (m1,n1)) = bounds a
       bnds = ((k0,n0),(k1,n1))
   in  case (compare k0 m0, compare k1 m1) of
         (EQ,EQ) -> reflectMatrixFull q a
         (LT,_) -> error "reflectMatrix: lower reflection dimension too small"
         (_,GT) -> error "reflectMatrix: upper reflection dimension too big"
         _ -> replaceSubArray a $ reflectMatrixFull q $ subArray bnds a

reflectVectorFull :: (Ix i, Num a) => Reflection i a -> Array i a -> Array i a
reflectVectorFull (Reflection v) a = sub a $ scale (2 * inner v a) v

reflectVector :: (Ix i, Num a) => Reflection i a -> Array i a -> Array i a
reflectVector q@(Reflection v) a =
   let bnds@(k0,k1) = bounds v
       (m0,m1) = bounds a
   in  case (compare k0 m0, compare k1 m1) of
         (EQ,EQ) -> reflectVectorFull q a
         (LT,_) -> error "reflectVector: lower reflection dimension too small"
         (_,GT) -> error "reflectVector: upper reflection dimension too big"
         _ -> replaceSubArray a $ reflectVectorFull q $ subArray bnds a

subArray :: (Ix i) => (i,i) -> Array i a -> Array i a
subArray bnds = ixmap bnds id

replaceSubArray :: (Ix i) => Array i a -> Array i a -> Array i a
replaceSubArray x y = x // assocs y

{- |
Assumes that 'Upper' matrix is at least as high as wide
and that it has full rank.
solveUpper ::
   (Ix i, Ix j, Fractional a) => Upper i j a -> Array i a -> Array j a
solveUpper (Upper ((m0,n0), (m1,n1)) rs0) b =
   if bounds b == (m0,m1)
         listArray (n0,n1) $
            (\(r,bi) xs ->
               let (a:as) = elems r
               in  (bi - sum (zipWith (*) as xs)) / a : xs)
            (zip rs0 (elems b))
     else error "solveUpper: vertical bounds mismatch"

solve ::
   (Ix i, Ix j, Fractional a) =>
   ([Reflection i a], Upper i j a) -> Array i a -> Array j a
solve (qs, u) b = solveUpper u $ foldl (flip reflectVector) b qs

{- |
Solve an overconstrained linear problem, i.e. minimize @||Ax-b||@.
@A@ must have dimensions @m x n@ with @m>=n@ and it must have full-rank.
None of these conditions is checked.
leastSquares ::
   (Ix i, Enum i, Ix j, Enum j, RealFloat a) =>
   Array (i,j) a -> Array i a -> Array j a
leastSquares = solve . decompose

detUpper :: (Ix i, Ix j, Fractional a) => Upper i j a -> a
detUpper (Upper ((_m0,n0), (_m1,n1)) rs) =
   if rangeSize (n0,n1) == length rs
     then product $ map (head . elems) rs
     else 0

det :: (Ix i, Enum i, Ix j, Enum j, RealFloat a) => Array (i,j) a -> a
det a =
   let (qs,u) = decompose a
   in  (if even (length qs) then 1 else -1) * detUpper u