{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-} -- | -- Module: Drama.Internal -- Stability: experimental -- License: BSD-3-Clause -- Copyright: © 2021 Evan Relf -- Maintainer: evan@evanrelf.com module Drama.Internal where import Control.Applicative (Alternative) import Control.Monad (MonadPlus) import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT (..), asks) import qualified Control.Concurrent.Chan.Unagi as Unagi import qualified Ki -- | The `Actor` monad, where you can `spawn` other actors, and `send` and -- `receive` messages. -- -- @since newtype Actor msg a = Actor (ReaderT (ActorEnv msg) IO a) deriving newtype ( Functor , Applicative , Monad , MonadIO , Alternative , MonadPlus , MonadFail , MonadFix ) -- | @since runActor :: MonadIO m => ActorEnv msg -> Actor msg a -> m a runActor actorEnv (Actor m) = liftIO $ runReaderT m actorEnv -- | Environment for the `Actor` monad. -- -- @since data ActorEnv msg = ActorEnv { address :: Address msg , mailbox :: Mailbox msg , scope :: Scope } -- | The address for an actor. Returned after `spawn`ing an actor or asking for -- the current actor's address with `here`. Used to `send` messages to specific -- actors. -- -- @since newtype Address msg = Address (Unagi.InChan msg) -- | Where messages are delivered. Implicitly provided to `receive` and -- `tryReceive` by the `Actor` monad. -- -- @since newtype Mailbox msg = Mailbox (Unagi.OutChan msg) -- | @since newtype Scope = Scope (Ki.Scope) -- | Spawn a new actor. Returns the spawned actor's address. -- -- Example: -- -- > printerAddress <- spawn printer -- -- @since spawn :: Actor childMsg () -> Actor msg (Address childMsg) spawn actor = do (inChan, outChan) <- liftIO $ Unagi.newChan let address = Address inChan let mailbox = Mailbox outChan Scope kiScope <- Actor $ asks scope liftIO $ Ki.fork_ kiScope $ Ki.scoped \childKiScope -> let childScope = Scope childKiScope childEnv = ActorEnv{address, mailbox, scope = childScope} in runActor childEnv actor pure address -- | Wait for all actors spawned by the current actor to terminate. -- -- Example: -- -- > fooAddress <- spawn foo -- > barAddress <- spawn bar -- > wait -- -- @since wait :: Actor msg () wait = do Scope kiScope <- Actor $ asks scope liftIO $ Ki.wait kiScope -- | Return the current actor's own address. Useful for sending your address to -- other actors, or for sending yourself a message. -- -- @since here :: Actor msg (Address msg) here = Actor $ asks address -- | Given an actor's address, send it a message. -- -- Example: -- -- > send printerAddress "Hello, world!" -- -- @since send :: Address recipientMsg -> recipientMsg -> Actor msg () send (Address inChan) msg = liftIO $ Unagi.writeChan inChan msg -- | Receive a message sent to the actor's mailbox. This function blocks until -- a message is received. -- -- Example: -- -- > printer :: Actor String () -- > printer = forever do -- > string <- receive -- > liftIO $ putStrLn string -- -- @since receive :: Actor msg msg receive = do Mailbox outChan <- Actor $ asks mailbox liftIO $ Unagi.readChan outChan -- | Receive a message sent to the actor's mailbox. This function blocks until -- a message is received. -- -- Example: -- -- > printer :: Actor String () -- > printer = forever do -- > tryReceive >>= \case -- > Just string -> liftIO $ putStrLn string -- > Nothing -> ... -- -- @since tryReceive :: Actor msg (Maybe msg) tryReceive = do Mailbox outChan <- Actor $ asks mailbox (element, _) <- liftIO $ Unagi.tryReadChan outChan liftIO $ Unagi.tryRead element -- | Run a top-level actor. Intended to be used at the entry point of your -- program. -- -- @since run :: MonadIO m => Actor msg a -> m a run actor = do (inChan, outChan) <- liftIO $ Unagi.newChan let address = Address inChan let mailbox = Mailbox outChan liftIO $ Ki.scoped \kiScope -> do let scope = Scope kiScope runActor ActorEnv{address, mailbox, scope} actor -- | Loop indefinitely with state. Use `Control.Monad.forever` for stateless -- infinite loops. -- -- Example: -- -- > counter :: Actor () Int -- > counter = loop 10 \count -> do -- > liftIO $ print count -- > if count > 0 -- > then continue (count - 1) -- > else exit count -- -- @since loop :: s -- ^ Initial state -> (s -> Actor msg (Either s a)) -- ^ Action to perform, either returning a new state to continue looping, or -- a final value to stop looping. -> Actor msg a loop s0 k = k s0 >>= \case Left s -> loop s k Right x -> pure x -- | Continue looping with state. -- -- prop> continue s = pure (Left s) -- -- @since continue :: s -> Actor msg (Either s a) continue s = pure (Left s) -- | Exit loop with value. -- -- prop> exit x = pure (Right x) -- -- @since exit :: a -> Actor msg (Either s a) exit x = pure (Right x)