# dr-cabal [![GitHub CI](https://github.com/chshersh/dr-cabal/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/chshersh/dr-cabal/actions) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/dr-cabal.svg?logo=haskell)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/dr-cabal) [![MPL-2.0 license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MPL--2.0-blue.svg)](LICENSE) `dr-cabal` is a CLI tool for profiling Haskell dependencies build times. ![dr-cabal demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chshersh/dr-cabal/main/images/dr-cabal-demo.gif) > ℹ️ **DISCLAIMER:** This project is developed and maintained in > free time by volunteers. The development may continue for decades or > may stop tomorrow. You can use > [GitHub Sponsorship](https://github.com/sponsors/chshersh) to support > the development of this project. ## Install `dr-cabal` is a CLI tool written in Haskell and can be installed either from Hackage or from this repository. ### Prerequisites To start using `dr-cabal`, make sure you have the required version of `cabal-install` (a Haskell build tool) and GHC (a Haskell compiler) installed: * [Cabal ⩾](https://www.haskell.org/cabal/) * [GHC ⩾ 9.0.2](https://www.haskell.org/downloads/) ### Hackage To install the latest version of `dr-cabal` from [Hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/dr-cabal), follow these steps: 1. Update Hackage index: ```shell cabal update ``` 2. Build `dr-cabal` from Hackage and copy the resulting executable into the desired location (e.g. `$HOME/.local/bin`): ```shell cabal install dr-cabal \ --install-method=copy \ --overwrite-policy=always \ --installdir=$HOME/.local/bin ``` > ℹ️ **NOTE:** Make sure the `$HOME/.local/bin` directory or the > directory of your choice is listed in `$PATH`. ### Sources To build the latest version of `dr-cabal` from sources, follow these steps: 1. Clone this repository: ```shell git clone https://github.com/chshersh/dr-cabal.git cd dr-cabal ``` 2. Build the package: ```shell cabal build ``` 3. Copy executable to the desired location: ```shell cp $(cabal list-bin exe:dr-cabal) ~/.local/bin/dr-cabal ``` > ℹ️ **NOTE:** Make sure the `~/.local/bin` directory or the > directory of your choice is listed in `$PATH`. ## Quick start guide Run the following command to view interactive profiling report: ```shell cabal --store-dir=$(mktemp -d) build --dependencies-only all | dr-cabal profile ``` ### Explanation This section explains the above command: 1. `dr-cabal` watches the output of the `cabal build` command to produce the profiling report. Step into the directory of the Haskell project you want to profile and pipe the output of `cabal build` to `dr-cabal profile`. 2. Currently, `dr-cabal` can profile only dependencies. So you can pass the `--dependencies-only` to avoid extra wait. 3. `cabal` caches built dependencies. You can specify a custom directory for storing build artifacts using the `--store-dir` flag to build the dependencies anew. 4. The `$(mktemp -d)` command generates a temporary directory so you can run the build time profiler in an isolated location. > ⚠️ **WARNING:** To get meaningful results, including downloading > of packages, the `dr-cabal watch` command needs to be run when > none of the dependencies are build (i.e. with cold cabal > cache). If you've already build you project, including > dependencies, you can purge global Cabal cache using the > following command: > > ```shell > rm -rf ~/.cabal > ``` ## Usage > ℹ️ In this section, a more verbose `cabal-install` command from > "Quick start guide" is replaced with shorter `cabal build`. `dr-cabal` supports profiling of documentation as well, you only need to pass relevant flags to `cabal build`: ```shell cabal build --enable-documentation --haddock-all | dr-cabal profile ``` To cache the profiling results in JSON (and avoid building the project again), use the `--output` flag: ```shell cabal build | dr-cabal profile --output=my_file.json ``` Once you successfully produced a JSON file with all the recorded steps, run the following command to pretty-print the profiling output: > ⚠️ **WARNING:** For better results, make your terminal full-screen. ```shell dr-cabal profile --input=my_file.json ``` You'll see the output like on the image below: ![dr-cabal bigger example](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chshersh/dr-cabal/main/images/dr-cabal-itself.png)