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This library loads configuration to environment variables for programs written in Haskell. ## Install In most cases you will just add `dotenv` to your cabal file. You can also install the library and executable by invoking `stack install dotenv` or you can download the dotenv binaries from our [releases](https://github.com/stackbuilders/dotenv-hs/releases) page. ## Usage Set configuration variables in a file following the format below: ``` S3_BUCKET=YOURS3BUCKET SECRET_KEY=YOURSECRETKEYGOESHERE ``` Then, calling `Dotenv.load` from your Haskell program reads the above settings into the environment: ```haskell import Configuration.Dotenv (loadFile, defaultConfig) loadFile defaultConfig ``` After calling `Dotenv.load`, you are able to read the values set in your environment using standard functions from `System.Environment` or `System.Environment.Blank` (`base` >=, such as `getEnv`. If your version of `base` is <, then setting an environment variable value to a blank string will remove the variable from the environment entirely. ### Variable substitution In order to use compound env vars use the following syntax within your env vars ${your_env_var}. For instance: ``` DATABASE=postgres://${USER}@localhost/database ``` Running it on the CLI: ``` $ dotenv "echo $DATABASE" postgres://myusername@localhost/database ``` ### Command substitution In order to use the standard output of a command in your env vars use the following syntax $(your_command). For instance: ``` DATABASE=postgres://$(whoami)@localhost/database ``` Running it on the CLI: ``` $ dotenv "echo $DATABASE" postgres://myusername@localhost/database ``` ### Configuration The first argument to `loadFile` specifies the configuration. You can use `defaultConfig` which parses the `.env` file in your current directory and doesn't override your envs. You can also define your own configuration with the `Config` type. `False` in `configOverride` means Dotenv will respect already-defined variables, and `True` means Dotenv will overwrite already-defined variables. In the `configPath` you can write a list of all the dotenv files where are envs defined (e.g `[".env", ".tokens", ".public_keys"]`). In the `configExamplePath` you can write a list of all the dotenv example files where you can specify which envs **must be defined** until running a program (e.g `[".env.example", ".tokens.example", ".public_keys.example"]`). If you don't need this functionality you can set `configExamplePath` to an empty list. A `False` in the `configVerbose` means that Dotenv will not print any message when loading the envs. A `True` means that Dotenv will print a message when a variable is loaded. A `False` on `allowDuplicates` means that Dotenv will not allow duplicate keys, and instead it will throw an error. A `True` means that Dotenv will allow duplicate keys, and it will use the last one defined in the file (default behavior). ### Advanced Dotenv File Syntax You can add comments to your Dotenv file, on separate lines or after values. Values can be wrapped in single or double quotes. Multi-line values can be specified by wrapping the value in double-quotes, and using the "\n" character to represent newlines. The [spec file](spec/Configuration/Dotenv/ParseSpec.hs) is the best place to understand the nuances of Dotenv file parsing. ### Command-Line Usage You can call dotenv from the command line in order to load settings from one or more dotenv file before invoking an executable: ```shell $ dotenv -f mydotenvfile myprogram ``` The `-f` flag is optional, by default it looks for the `.env` file in the current working directory. ```shell $ dotenv myprogram ``` Additionally, you can pass arguments and flags to the program passed to Dotenv: ```shell $ dotenv -f mydotenvfile myprogram -- --myflag myargument ``` or: ```shell $ dotenv -f mydotenvfile "myprogram --myflag myargument" ``` Also, you can use a `--example` flag to use [dotenv-safe functionality](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv-safe) so that you can have a list of strict envs that should be defined in the environment or in your dotenv files before the execution of your program. For instance: ```shell $ cat .env.example DOTENV= FOO= BAR= $ cat .env DOTENV=123 $ echo $FOO 123 ``` This will fail: ```shell $ dotenv -f .env --example .env.example "myprogram --myflag myargument" > dotenv: The following variables are present in .env.example, but not set in the current environment, or .env: BAR ``` This will succeed: ```shell $ export BAR=123 # Or you can do something like: "echo 'BAR=123' >> .env" $ dotenv -f .env --example .env.example "myprogram --myflag myargument" ``` Hint: The `env` program in most Unix-like environments prints out the current environment settings. By invoking the program `env` in place of `myprogram` above you can see what the environment will look like after evaluating multiple Dotenv files. ## License MIT, see [the LICENSE file](LICENSE). ## Contributing Do you want to contribute to this project? Please take a look at our [contributing guideline](/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) to know how you can help us build it. --- Stack Builders [Check out our libraries](https://github.com/stackbuilders/) | [Join our team](https://www.stackbuilders.com/join-us/)