{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Dormouse.Uri.ParserSpec ( spec ) where import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Hedgehog import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w, w2c) import qualified Data.Char as C import Data.Either (isLeft, isRight) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import Dormouse.Generators.UriComponents import Dormouse.Uri.Types import Dormouse.Uri.Parser import Hedgehog import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range uriWithHostAndPath :: Uri uriWithHostAndPath = AbsoluteUri $ AbsUri { uriScheme = Scheme "http" , uriAuthority = Just $ Authority {authorityUserInfo = Nothing, authorityHost = Host "google.com", authorityPort = Nothing} , uriPath = Path [PathSegment "test1", PathSegment "test2"] , uriQuery = Nothing , uriFragment = Nothing } uriWithHostUsernameAndPath :: Uri uriWithHostUsernameAndPath = AbsoluteUri $ AbsUri { uriScheme = Scheme "http" , uriAuthority = Just $ Authority { authorityUserInfo = Just (UserInfo {userInfoUsername = "j.t.kirk", userInfoPassword = Nothing}) , authorityHost = Host "google.com" , authorityPort = Nothing } , uriPath = Path [PathSegment "test1", PathSegment "test2"] , uriQuery = Nothing , uriFragment = Nothing } uriWithHostUsernamePasswordAndPath :: Uri uriWithHostUsernamePasswordAndPath = AbsoluteUri $ AbsUri { uriScheme = Scheme "http" , uriAuthority = Just $ Authority { authorityUserInfo = Just (UserInfo {userInfoUsername = "j.t.kirk", userInfoPassword = Just "11a"}) , authorityHost = Host "google.com" , authorityPort = Nothing } , uriPath = Path [PathSegment "test1", PathSegment "test2"] , uriQuery = Nothing , uriFragment = Nothing } uriWithHostPathAndPort :: Uri uriWithHostPathAndPort = AbsoluteUri $ AbsUri { uriScheme = Scheme "https" , uriAuthority = Just $ Authority { authorityUserInfo = Nothing, authorityHost = "www.example.com", authorityPort = Just 123 } , uriPath = Path ["forum", "questions", ""] , uriQuery = Nothing , uriFragment = Nothing } uriWithHostPathQueryAndFragment :: Uri uriWithHostPathQueryAndFragment = AbsoluteUri $ AbsUri { uriScheme = Scheme "https" , uriAuthority = Just $ Authority { authorityUserInfo = Nothing, authorityHost = "www.example.com", authorityPort = Nothing } , uriPath = Path ["forum", "questions", ""] , uriQuery = Just $ Query "tag=networking&order=newest" , uriFragment = Just $ Fragment "top" } uriWithUnicodeInQuery :: Uri uriWithUnicodeInQuery = AbsoluteUri $ AbsUri { uriScheme = Scheme "https" , uriAuthority = Just $ Authority { authorityUserInfo = Nothing, authorityHost = "www.example.com", authorityPort = Nothing } , uriPath = Path ["forum", "questions", ""] , uriQuery = Just $ Query "tag=networking&order=newestπŸ˜€" , uriFragment = Nothing } uriWithSpacesInQuery :: Uri uriWithSpacesInQuery = AbsoluteUri $ AbsUri { uriScheme = Scheme "https" , uriAuthority = Just $ Authority { authorityUserInfo = Nothing, authorityHost = "www.example.com", authorityPort = Nothing } , uriPath = Path ["forum", "questions", ""] , uriQuery = Just $ Query "tag=with space" , uriFragment = Nothing } uriWithUnicodeInFragment :: Uri uriWithUnicodeInFragment = AbsoluteUri $ AbsUri { uriScheme = Scheme "https" , uriAuthority = Just $ Authority { authorityUserInfo = Nothing, authorityHost = "www.example.com", authorityPort = Nothing } , uriPath = Path ["forum", "questions", ""] , uriQuery = Nothing , uriFragment = Just $ "πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€" } ldapUri :: Uri ldapUri = AbsoluteUri $ AbsUri { uriScheme = Scheme "ldap" , uriAuthority = Just $ Authority { authorityUserInfo = Nothing, authorityHost = "", authorityPort = Nothing } , uriPath = Path [PathSegment "c=GB"] , uriQuery = Just $ Query "objectClass?one" , uriFragment = Nothing } telUri :: Uri telUri = AbsoluteUri $ AbsUri { uriScheme = Scheme "tel" , uriAuthority = Nothing , uriPath = Path ["+1-816-555-1212"] , uriQuery = Nothing , uriFragment = Nothing } infixr 5 :< pattern b :< bs <- (B.uncons -> Just (b, bs)) pattern Empty <- (B.uncons -> Nothing) percentDecode :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString percentDecode Empty = B.empty percentDecode (x :< Empty) = B.singleton x percentDecode (x :< y :< Empty) = B.cons x $ B.singleton y percentDecode (p :< x :< y :< xs) | p == c2w '%' = B.cons (fromIntegral $ C.digitToInt (w2c x) * 16 + C.digitToInt (w2c y)) (percentDecode xs) | otherwise = B.cons p $ percentDecode (B.cons x $ B.cons y $ xs) spec :: Spec spec = do describe "pScheme" $ do it "returns the matching scheme for all valid schemes" $ hedgehog $ do schemeText <- forAll genValidScheme let res = parseOnly (pScheme <* endOfInput) schemeText res === (Right . Scheme . T.init . T.toLower $ TE.decodeUtf8 schemeText) it "fails for invalid schemes" $ hedgehog $ do schemeText <- forAll genInvalidScheme let res = parseOnly (pScheme <* endOfInput) schemeText isLeft res === True describe "pUsername" $ do it "returns the matching username for all valid usernames" $ hedgehog $ do usernameText <- forAll genValidUsername let res = parseOnly (pUsername <* endOfInput) usernameText res === (Right . Username . TE.decodeUtf8 . percentDecode $ usernameText) it "fails for invalid usernames" $ hedgehog $ do usernameText <- forAll genInvalidUsername let res = parseOnly (pUsername <* endOfInput) usernameText isLeft res === True describe "pPassword" $ do it "returns the matching password for all valid passwords" $ hedgehog $ do passwordText <- forAll genValidPassword let res = parseOnly (pPassword <* endOfInput) passwordText res === (Right . Password . TE.decodeUtf8 . percentDecode $ passwordText) it "fails for invalid passwords" $ hedgehog $ do passwordText <- forAll genInvalidPassword let res = parseOnly (pPassword <* endOfInput) passwordText isLeft res === True describe "pUserInfo" $ do it "generates a user info for all valid user infos" $ hedgehog $ do userInfoText <- forAll genValidUserInfo let res = parseOnly (pUserInfo <* endOfInput) userInfoText isRight res === True it "fails for invalid user infos" $ hedgehog $ do userInfoText <- forAll genInvalidUserInfo let res = parseOnly (pUserInfo <* endOfInput) userInfoText isLeft res === True describe "pIPv4" $ do it "returns the matching ip address for all valid ip addresses" $ hedgehog $ do ipv4Text <- forAll genValidIPv4 let res = parseOnly (pIPv4 <* endOfInput) ipv4Text res === (Right . TE.decodeUtf8 . percentDecode $ ipv4Text) describe "pRegName" $ do it "returns the matching reg name for all valid reg names" $ hedgehog $ do regNameText <- forAll genValidRegName let res = parseOnly (pRegName <* endOfInput) regNameText res === (Right . TE.decodeUtf8 . percentDecode $ regNameText) describe "pHost" $ do it "returns the matching host for all valid hosts" $ hedgehog $ do hostText <- forAll genValidHost let res = parseOnly (pHost <* endOfInput) hostText res === (Right . Host . TE.decodeUtf8 . percentDecode $ hostText) describe "pPort" $ do it "returns the matching host for all valid ports" $ hedgehog $ do portText <- forAll genValidPort let res = parseOnly (pPort <* endOfInput) portText res === (Right . read . T.unpack . T.tail . TE.decodeUtf8 $ portText) describe "pAuthority" $ do it "generates an authority for all valid authorities" $ hedgehog $ do authorityText <- forAll genValidAuthority let res = parseOnly (pAuthority <* endOfInput) authorityText isRight res === True describe "pPathAbsAuth" $ do it "generates a path for all valid absolute authority paths" $ hedgehog $ do pathText <- forAll genValidPathAbsAuth let res = parseOnly (pPathAbsAuth <* endOfInput) pathText isRight res === True describe "pPathAbsNoAuth" $ do it "generates a path for all valid absolute no authority paths" $ hedgehog $ do pathText <- forAll genValidPathAbsNoAuth let res = parseOnly (pPathAbsNoAuth <* endOfInput) pathText isRight res === True describe "pPathRel" $ do it "generates a path for all valid relative paths" $ hedgehog $ do pathText <- forAll genValidPathRel let res = parseOnly (pPathRel <* endOfInput) pathText isRight res === True describe "pQuery" $ do it "returns the matching query for all valid queries" $ hedgehog $ do queryText <- forAll genValidQuery let res = parseOnly (pQuery <* endOfInput) queryText res === (Right . Query . T.tail . TE.decodeUtf8 . percentDecode $ queryText) describe "pFragment" $ do it "returns the matching fragment for all valid fragments" $ hedgehog $ do fragmentText <- forAll genValidFragment let res = parseOnly (pFragment <* endOfInput) fragmentText res === (Right . Fragment . T.tail . TE.decodeUtf8 . percentDecode $ fragmentText) describe "pAbsoluteUri" $ do it "generates an absolute uri for all valid absolute uris" $ hedgehog $ do uriText <- forAll genValidAbsoluteUri let res = parseOnly (pAbsoluteUri <* endOfInput) uriText isRight res === True describe "parseURI" $ do it "generates uri components correctly for uri with scheme, host and path" $ do let res = parseOnly pUri "http://google.com/test1/test2" res `shouldBe` (Right uriWithHostAndPath) it "generates uri components correctly for uri with upper case scheme, host and path" $ do let res = parseOnly pUri "HTTP://google.com/test1/test2" res `shouldBe` (Right uriWithHostAndPath) it "generates uri components correctly for uri with host, username and path" $ do let res = parseOnly pUri "http://j.t.kirk@google.com/test1/test2" res `shouldBe` (Right uriWithHostUsernameAndPath) it "generates uri components correctly for uri with host, username and path" $ do let res = parseOnly pUri "http://j.t.kirk:11a@google.com/test1/test2" res `shouldBe` (Right uriWithHostUsernamePasswordAndPath) it "generates uri components correctly for uri with host, username, path and port" $ do let res = parseOnly pUri "https://www.example.com:123/forum/questions/" res `shouldBe` (Right uriWithHostPathAndPort) it "generates uri components correctly for uri with host, username, path, port, query and fragment" $ do let res = parseOnly pUri "https://www.example.com/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest#top" res `shouldBe` (Right uriWithHostPathQueryAndFragment) it "generates uri components correctly when there is percent encoded unicode in the query" $ do let res = parseOnly pUri "https://www.example.com/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest%F0%9F%98%80" res `shouldBe` (Right uriWithUnicodeInQuery) it "generates uri components correctly when there are spaces in the query" $ do let res = parseOnly pUri "https://www.example.com/forum/questions/?tag=with%20space" res `shouldBe` (Right uriWithSpacesInQuery) it "generates uri components correctly when there is percent encoded unicode in the fragment" $ do let res = parseOnly pUri "https://www.example.com/forum/questions/#%F0%9F%98%80%F0%9F%98%80%F0%9F%98%80" res `shouldBe` (Right uriWithUnicodeInFragment) it "generates uri components correctly for ldap uri" $ do let res = parseOnly pUri "ldap://" res `shouldBe` (Right ldapUri) it "generates uri components correctly for tel uri" $ do let res = parseOnly pUri "tel:+1-816-555-1212" res `shouldBe` (Right telUri)