*Available in other languages: [한국어](README.ko.md).* ---- ![](cat-pow.svg) Dojang: A cross-platform dotfiles manager ========================================== [![GPL 3.0][License badge]](./LICENSE) [![GitHub Actions][GitHub Actions status badge]][GitHub Actions] [![Cirrus CI][Cirrus CI status badge]][Cirrus CI] [![Codecov][Codecov badge]][Codecov] Dojang is a cross-platform dotfiles manager. Here are some of the highlights: - Lightweight. It's built as a native executable, so it's easy to install and fast to run. - Cross-platform. It works on both the POSIX family and Windows. - Flexible. It keeps in mind that config files can be placed in different places or have different contents depending on the environment. - Safe. Every run can be previewed by simulating it in a sandbox environment with the `--dry-run` option. - Friendly. Error messages are friendly and print helpful hints or warnings. For further information, see the docs: - [English](https://dojang.dev/) - [한국어](https://dojang.dev/ko/) (Korean) Distributed under the [GPL 3.0] or later. [License badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/license/dahlia/dojang [GitHub Actions status badge]: https://github.com/dahlia/dojang/actions/workflows/build.yaml/badge.svg [GitHub Actions]: https://github.com/dahlia/dojang/actions/workflows/build.yaml [Cirrus CI status badge]: https://img.shields.io/cirrus/github/dahlia/dojang [Cirrus CI]: https://cirrus-ci.com/github/dahlia/dojang [Codecov badge]: https://codecov.io/gh/dahlia/dojang/graph/badge.svg?token=JrwY5Yt2pD [Codecov]: https://codecov.io/gh/dahlia/dojang [GPL 3.0]: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html