module Text.Docvim.Visitor.Heading ( getHeadings
                                   , injectTOC
                                   ) where

import Control.Lens
import Text.Docvim.AST

-- | Returns a list of all headings, in the order in which they appear in the
-- AST.
getHeadings :: Node -> [String]
getHeadings = walk gather []
    gather CommandsAnnotation    = ["Commands"]
    gather FunctionsAnnotation   = ["Functions"]
    gather (HeadingAnnotation h) = [h]
    gather MappingsAnnotation    = ["Mappings"]
    gather OptionsAnnotation     = ["Options"]
    gather _                     = []

-- | Injects a table of contents immediately after any `PluginAnnotation` in an
-- AST (note: there should only be one).
-- TODO: warn or error if there is more than one.
-- or use a monadic variant of transform to do only the first...
injectTOC :: Node -> Node
injectTOC ast = transform inject ast
    inject n = case n of
      PluginAnnotation {} -> DocBlock $ n : [TOC $ getHeadings ast]
      _                   -> n