{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}

module Text.Docvim.Printer.Vim (vimHelp) where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Tuple
import Text.Docvim.AST
import Text.Docvim.Parse
import Text.Docvim.Visitor.Plugin

-- TODO: add indentation here (using local, or just stick it in Context)

-- Instead of building up a [Char], we build up a list of operations, which
-- allows us a mechanism of implementing rollback and therefore hard-wrapping
-- (eg. append whitespace " ", then on next node, realize that we will exceed
-- line length limit, so rollback the " " and instead append "\n" etc).
data Operation = Append String
               | Delete Int -- unconditional delete count of Char
               | Slurp String -- delete string if present
data Metadata = Metadata { pluginName :: Maybe String }
data Context = Context { lineBreak :: String
                       , partialLine :: String
type Env = ReaderT Metadata (State Context) [Operation]

textwidth :: Int
textwidth = 78

vimHelp :: Node -> String
vimHelp n = if null suppressTrailingWhitespace
            then ""
            else suppressTrailingWhitespace ++ "\n"
  where metadata = Metadata (getPluginName n)
        context = Context defaultLineBreak ""
        operations = evalState (runReaderT (node n) metadata) context
        output = foldl reduce "" operations
        reduce acc (Append atom) = acc ++ atom
        reduce acc (Delete count) = take (length acc - count) acc
        reduce acc (Slurp atom) = if atom `isSuffixOf` acc
                                  then take (length acc - length atom) acc
                                  else acc
        suppressTrailingWhitespace = rstrip $ intercalate "\n" (map rstrip (splitOn "\n" output))

-- | Helper function that appends and updates `partialLine` context,
-- hard-wrapping if necessary to remain under `textwidth`.
append :: String -> Env
append string = append' string textwidth

-- | Helper function that appends and updates `partialLine` context
-- uncontitionally (no hard-wrapping).
appendNoWrap :: String -> Env
appendNoWrap string = append' string (maxBound :: Int)

append' :: String -> Int -> Env
append' string width = do
  context <- get
  -- TODO obviously tidy this up
  let (ops, line) = if renderedWidth (partialLine context) + renderedWidth leading >= width
                    then ( [ Delete (length $ snd $ hardwrap $ partialLine context)
                           , Slurp " "
                           , Append (lineBreak context)
                           , Append (snd $ hardwrap $ partialLine context)
                           , Append string
                         , lineBreak context ++ snd (hardwrap $ partialLine context) ++ string
                    else ([Append string], partialLine context ++ string)
  put (Context (lineBreak context) (end line))
  return ops
    leading = takeWhile (/= '\n') string
    end l = reverse $ takeWhile (/= '\n') (reverse l)

-- http://stackoverflow.com/a/9723976/2103996
mapTuple :: (b -> c) -> (b, b) -> (c, c)
mapTuple = join (***)

-- Given a string, hardwraps it into two parts by splitting it at the rightmost
-- whitespace.
hardwrap :: String -> (String, String)
hardwrap str = swap $ mapTuple reverse split'
    split' = break isSpace (reverse str)

-- Helper function to conditionally remove a string if it appears at the end of
-- the output.
slurp :: String -> Env
slurp str = do
  context <- get
  put (Context (lineBreak context) (partial context))
  return [Slurp str]
    -- eg. (partialLine context) | str        | result
    --     ----------------------|------------|-------
    --     ""                    | "\n"       | ""
    --     "foo"                 | "\n"       | "foo"
    --     "foo"                 | "bar"      | "foo"
    --     "abc"                 | "bc"       | "a"
    --     "abc"                 | "foo\nabc" | ""
    -- Note: That last one is unsafe, because we can't guarantee that "foo" is
    -- there. Caveat emptor!
    partial context = if str `isSuffixOf` partialLine context
                      then take (length (partialLine context) - length str) (partialLine context)
                      else partialLine context

defaultLineBreak :: String
defaultLineBreak = "\n"

nodes :: [Node] -> Env
nodes ns = concat <$> mapM node ns

node :: Node -> Env
node n = case n of
  Blockquote b               -> blockquote b >>= nl >>= nl
  BreakTag                   -> breaktag
  Code c                     -> append $ "`" ++ c ++ "`"
  CommandAnnotation {}       -> command n
  CommandsAnnotation         -> heading "commands"
  DocBlock d                 -> nodes d
  Fenced f                   -> fenced f
  FunctionsAnnotation        -> heading "functions"
  FunctionDeclaration {}     -> nodes $ functionBody n
  HeadingAnnotation h        -> heading h
  Link l                     -> append $ link l
  LinkTargets l              -> linkTargets l True
  List ls                    -> nodes ls >>= nl
  ListItem l                 -> listitem l
  MappingAnnotation m        -> mapping m
  MappingsAnnotation         -> heading "mappings"
  OptionAnnotation {}        -> option n
  OptionsAnnotation          -> heading "options"
  Paragraph p                -> nodes p >>= nl >>= nl
  Plaintext p                -> plaintext p
  PluginAnnotation name desc -> plugin name desc
  Project p                  -> nodes p
  Separator                  -> append $ "---" ++ "\n\n"
  SubheadingAnnotation s     -> append $ s ++ " ~\n\n"
  TOC t                      -> toc t
  Unit u                     -> nodes u
  Whitespace                 -> whitespace
  _                          -> append ""

plugin :: String -> String -> Env
plugin name desc = appendNoWrap $
    center filename desc (target normalized) " " " " ++ "\n\n"
    filename = "*" ++ normalized ++ ".txt*"
    normalized = map toLower name
    center a b c s1 s2 =
        if | renderedWidth str >= textwidth -> str
           | odd $ renderedWidth str        -> center a b c (s1 ++ " ") s2
           | otherwise                      -> center a b c s1 (s2 ++ " ")
        str = a ++ s1 ++ b ++ s2 ++ c

-- | Append a newline.
nl :: [Operation] -> Env
nl os = liftM2 (++) (return os) (append "\n")

breaktag :: Env
breaktag = do
  context <- get
  append $ lineBreak context

listitem :: [Node] -> Env
listitem l = do
  context <- get
  -- TODO: consider using lenses to modify records
  put (Context customLineBreak (partialLine context))
  item <- liftM2 (++) (append "- ") (nodes l) >>= nl
  put (Context defaultLineBreak (partialLine context))
  return item
    customLineBreak = "\n  "

toc :: [String] -> Env
toc t = do
  metadata <- ask
  toc' $ fromJust $ pluginName metadata
    toc' p = do
      h <- heading "contents"
      entries <- append $ intercalate "\n" format ++ "\n\n"
      return (h ++ entries)
        format                = map pad numbered
        longest               = maximum (map (length . snd) numbered )
        numbered              = map prefix number
        number                = zip3 [(1 :: Integer)..] t (map (\x -> normalize $ p ++ "-" ++ x) t)
        prefix (num, desc, l) = (show num ++ ". " ++ desc ++ "  ", l)
        pad (lhs, rhs)        = lhs ++ replicate (longest - length lhs) ' ' ++ link rhs
  -- TODO: consider doing this for markdown format too

command :: Node -> Env
command (CommandAnnotation name params) = do
  lhs <- append $ concat [":", name, " ", fromMaybe "" params]
  ws <- append " "
  target' <- linkTargets [":" ++ name] False
  trailing <- append "\n"
  return $ concat [lhs, ws, target', trailing]
-- TODO indent what follows until next annotation...
-- will require us to hoist it up inside CommandAnnotation
-- (and do similar for other sections)
-- once that is done, drop the extra newline above
command _ = invalidNode

mapping :: String -> Env
mapping name = linkTargets [name] True

option :: Node -> Env
option (OptionAnnotation n t d) = do
  targets <- linkTargets [n] True
  opt <- appendNoWrap $ link n
  ws <- appendNoWrap " "
  context <- get
  meta <- appendNoWrap $ aligned context
  return $ concat [targets, opt, ws, meta]
    aligned context = rightAlign context rhs
    rhs = t ++ " (default: " ++ fromMaybe "none" d ++ ")\n\n"
option _ = invalidNode

whitespace :: Env
whitespace = append " "

blockquote :: [Node] -> Env
blockquote ps = do
  context <- get
  put (Context customLineBreak (partialLine context))
  ps' <- mapM paragraph ps
  put (Context defaultLineBreak (partialLine context))
  liftM2 (++) (append "    ") (liftM2 intercalate customParagraphBreak (return ps'))
    -- Strip off trailing newlines from each paragraph.
    paragraph p = fmap trim (node p)
    trim contents = take (length contents - 2) contents
    customLineBreak = "\n    "
    customParagraphBreak = append "\n\n    "

plaintext :: String -> Env
plaintext = append

fenced :: [String] -> Env
fenced f = do
  cut <- slurp "\n"
  prefix <- append ">\n"
  body <- if null f
          then append ""
          else appendNoWrap $ "    " ++ intercalate "\n    " f ++ "\n"
  suffix <- append "<\n"
  return $ concat [cut, prefix, body, suffix]

heading :: String -> Env
heading h = do
  metadata <- ask
  heading' <- appendNoWrap $ map toUpper h ++ " "
  targ <- maybe (append "\n") (\x -> linkTargets [target' x] False) (pluginName metadata)
  trailing <- append "\n"
  return $ concat [heading', targ, trailing]
    target' x = normalize $ x ++ "-" ++ h

normalize :: String -> String
normalize = map (toLower . sanitize)

sanitize :: Char -> Char
sanitize x = if isSpace x then '-' else x

link :: String -> String
link l = "|" ++ l ++ "|"

target :: String -> String
target t = "*" ++ t ++ "*"

-- TODO: be prepared to wrap these if there are a lot of them
-- TODO: fix code smell of passing in `wrap` bool here
linkTargets :: [String] -> Bool -> Env
linkTargets ls wrap = do
  context <- get
  if wrap
  then append $ aligned context
  else appendNoWrap $ aligned context
    aligned context = rightAlign context (targets ++ "\n")
    targets = unwords (map linkify $ sort ls)
    linkify l = "*" ++ l ++ "*"

rightAlign :: Context -> String -> String
rightAlign context string = align (partialLine context)
    align used = replicate (count used string) ' ' ++ string
    count used xs = maximum [textwidth - renderedWidth xs - renderedWidth used, 0]

-- Crude approximation for calculating rendered width, that does so by not
-- counting the relatively rare |, *, ` and "\n" -- all of which usually get
-- concealed in the rendered output.
renderedWidth :: String -> Int
renderedWidth = foldr reduce 0
  where reduce char acc = if char `elem` "\n|*`"
                        then acc
                        else acc + 1