Cabal-Version: 2.2 Name: doctest-extract Version: 0.0 License: BSD-3-Clause License-File: LICENSE Author: Henning Thielemann Maintainer: Henning Thielemann Homepage: Category: Testing Synopsis: Alternative doctest implementation that extracts comments to modules Description: Alternative doctest implementation that extracts comments to modules. . Pros: . * Package versions for tests are consistent with tested library . * Tests run much faster, especially QuickCheck property tests . * No dependency on GHCi or GHC-as-library . * QuickCheck properties do not cause confusing type error messages when actually only identifiers are missing. . * You can inspect extracted modules . * @doctest@ collects tests from the transitive hull of imports of the specified modules. This might help you to keep the list of modules short. @doctest-extract@ only processes the specified modules and thus allows you to focus on a module for development of tests. . * With option @--verbose@ format test source path and line number such that Emacs allows you to click and jump to the test definition. . * Report success only of real tests. @doctest@ reports successful imports and definition of helper types and functions as successful tests. This makes it hard to monitor the number of real tests, e.g. whether some tests have been dropped by accident. . Cons: . * Cannot test for output of IO functions or error messages from partial functions. . * All free variables in QuickCheck properties must be all-quantified using lambda. (Could be even seen as an advantage for the reader of your doctests.) . * No support for a single-line 'let' as an example. . * The Test module does not automatically import modules that the tested module imports. Thus, you usually have to add a setup section with required imports. . * You need tools additional to Cabal, e.g. Makefile, in order generate test modules. Tested-With: GHC==7.4.2, GHC==8.6.5 Build-Type: Simple Source-Repository this Tag: 0.0 Type: darcs Location: Source-Repository head Type: darcs Location: Executable doctest-extract Build-Depends: -- pretty-show, doctest-lib >=0.0 && <0.1, optparse-applicative >=0.11 && <0.16, pathtype >=0.8 && <0.9, transformers >=0.5.6 && <0.6, non-empty >=0.3.3 && <0.4, semigroups >=0.18.5 && <0.20, utility-ht >=0.0.16 && <0.1, base >=4.5 && <5 GHC-Options: -Wall Hs-Source-Dirs: src Default-Language: Haskell98 Main-Is: Main.hs Other-Modules: Format Parse Option ModuleName