# dnf-repo A wrapper of the dnf package manager for fine control of enabled/disabled yum repos (eg coprs). DNF is not terribly fast at handling repos partly because it likes to refresh the cached repodata frequently. So it can be advantageous to disable smaller repos by default and only enable them as needed. This tool can temporarily enable/disable repos selected by substring. Repo states can also be saved or their cache individually expired. There are options to enable/disable testing/modular repos, and also to create a repo file for a Copr or Koji repo. ## Help ```shellsession $ dnf-repo --version 0.1 $ dnf-repo --help DNF wrapper repo tool Usage: dnf-repo [--version] [-n|--dryrun] [-D|--debug] [-s|--save] [(-c|--add-copr COPR) | (-k|--add-koji REPO) | (-d|--disable REPOPAT) | (-e|--enable REPOPAT) | (-x|--expire REPOPAT) | (-E|--delete-repo REPOPAT)] [(-t|--enable-testing) | (-T|--disable-testing)] [(-m|--enable-modular) | (-M|--disable-modular)] [DNFARGS] see https://github.com/juhp/dnf-repo#readme Available options: -h,--help Show this help text --version Show version -n,--dryrun Dry run -D,--debug Debug output -s,--save Save the repo enable/disable state -c,--add-copr COPR Create repo file for copr repo -k,--add-koji REPO Create repo file for koji repo -d,--disable REPOPAT Disable repos -e,--enable REPOPAT Enable repos -x,--expire REPOPAT Expire repo cache -E,--delete-repo REPOPAT Remove unwanted .repo file -t,--enable-testing Enable testing repos -T,--disable-testing Disable testing repos -m,--enable-modular Enable modular repos -M,--disable-modular Disable modular repos ``` ## Usage List repos: ```shellsession $ dnf-repo ``` Update with --enable-testing: ```shellsession $ sudo dnf-repo -t update ``` List disabled copr repos: ```shellsession $ dnf-repo -e copr ``` Disable copr repos for update: ```shellsession $ sudo dnf-repo -d copr update ``` Disable modular repos permanently: ```shellsession $ sudo dnf-repo --disable-modular --save ```