{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} import Control.Applicative ((<|>) #if (defined(MIN_VERSION_base) && MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)) #else , (<$>), (<*>) #endif ) import Control.Monad (when, unless) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Data.Char (isDigit, toLower, toUpper) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import qualified Data.Text as T import Network.HTTP.Directory import Options.Applicative (fullDesc, header, progDescDoc) import qualified Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty as P import Paths_dl_fedora (version) import SimpleCmd (cmd_, error', grep_, pipe_, pipeBool, pipeFile_) import SimpleCmdArgs import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, findExecutable, getHomeDirectory, getPermissions, listDirectory, removeFile, setCurrentDirectory, writable) import System.Environment.XDG.UserDir (getUserDir) import System.FilePath (dropFileName, joinPath, makeRelative, takeExtension, takeFileName, (<.>)) import System.Posix.Files (createSymbolicLink, fileSize, getFileStatus, readSymbolicLink) import Text.Read import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as R import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec as RP import Text.Regex.Posix {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-} data FedoraEdition = Cloud | Container | Everything | Server | Silverblue | Workstation | Cinnamon | KDE | LXDE | LXQt | MATE_Compiz | Soas | Xfce deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq) instance Read FedoraEdition where readPrec = do s <- look let e = map toLower s editionMap = map (\ ed -> (map toLower (show ed), ed)) [minBound..maxBound] res = lookup e editionMap case res of Nothing -> error' "unknown edition" >> RP.pfail Just ed -> RP.lift (R.string e) >> return ed fedoraSpins :: [FedoraEdition] fedoraSpins = [Cinnamon ..] data CheckSum = AutoCheckSum | NoCheckSum | CheckSum deriving Eq dlFpo, downloadFpo :: String dlFpo = "https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub" downloadFpo = "https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub" main :: IO () main = do let pdoc = Just $ P.vcat [ P.text "Tool for downloading Fedora iso file images.", P.text ("RELEASE = " <> intercalate ", " ["rawhide", "respin", "test", "or release number"]), P.text "EDITION = " <> P.lbrace <> P.align (P.fillCat (P.punctuate P.comma (map (P.text . map toLower . show) [(minBound :: FedoraEdition)..maxBound])) <> P.rbrace), P.text "", P.text "See ", P.text "and also ." ] simpleCmdArgsWithMods (Just version) (fullDesc <> header "Fedora iso downloader" <> progDescDoc pdoc) $ program <$> switchWith 'g' "gpg-keys" "Import Fedora GPG keys for verifying checksum file" <*> checkSumOpts <*> switchWith 'n' "dry-run" "Don't actually download anything" <*> switchWith 'r' "run" "Boot image in Qemu" <*> mirrorOpt <*> strOptionalWith 'a' "arch" "ARCH" "Architecture [default: x86_64]" "x86_64" <*> optionalWith auto 'e' "edition" "EDITION" "Fedora edition [default: workstation]" Workstation <*> strArg "RELEASE" where mirrorOpt :: Parser String mirrorOpt = flagWith' dlFpo 'd' "dl" "Use dl.fedoraproject.org" <|> strOptionalWith 'm' "mirror" "HOST" "Mirror url for /pub [default https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub]" downloadFpo checkSumOpts :: Parser CheckSum checkSumOpts = flagWith' NoCheckSum 'C' "no-checksum" "Do not check checksum" <|> flagWith AutoCheckSum CheckSum 'c' "checksum" "Do checksum even if already downloaded" program :: Bool -> CheckSum -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> String -> FedoraEdition -> String -> IO () program gpg checksum dryrun run mirror arch edition tgtrel = do home <- getHomeDirectory dlDir <- getUserDir "DOWNLOAD" setDownloadDir dlDir home mgr <- httpManager (fileurl, filenamePrefix, (masterUrl,masterSize), mchecksum, done) <- findURL mgr downloadFile done mgr fileurl (masterUrl,masterSize) >>= fileChecksum mchecksum unless dryrun $ do let localfile = takeFileName fileurl symlink = filenamePrefix <> "-latest" <.> takeExtension fileurl showdestdir = "~" makeRelative home dlDir updateSymlink localfile symlink showdestdir when run $ bootImage localfile where setDownloadDir dlDir home = do dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist dlDir unless (dryrun || dirExists) $ when (home == dlDir) $ error' "HOME directory does not exist!" unless (dirExists || dryrun) $ createDirectoryIfMissing False dlDir dirExists' <- if dirExists then return True else doesDirectoryExist dlDir when dirExists' $ setCurrentDirectory dlDir -- urlpath, fileprefix, (master,size), checksum, downloaded findURL :: Manager -> IO (String, String, (String,Maybe Integer), Maybe String, Bool) findURL mgr = do (path,mrelease) <- urlPathMRel mgr -- use http-directory trailing (0.1.6) let masterDir = dlFpo path <> "/" hrefs <- httpDirectory mgr masterDir let prefixPat = makeFilePrefix mrelease selector = if '*' `elem` prefixPat then (=~ prefixPat) else (prefixPat `isPrefixOf`) mfile = listToMaybe $ filter selector $ map T.unpack hrefs mchecksum = listToMaybe $ filter ((if tgtrel == "respin" then T.isPrefixOf else T.isSuffixOf) (T.pack "CHECKSUM")) hrefs case mfile of Nothing -> error' $ "no match for " <> prefixPat <> " in " <> masterDir Just file -> do let prefix = if '*' `elem` prefixPat then file =~ prefixPat else prefixPat masterUrl = masterDir file masterSize <- httpFileSize mgr masterUrl (finalurl, already) <- do let localfile = takeFileName masterUrl exists <- doesFileExist localfile if exists then do done <- checkLocalFileSize localfile masterSize if done then return (masterUrl,True) else do canwrite <- writable <$> getPermissions localfile unless canwrite $ error' $ localfile <> " does have write permission, aborting!" findMirror masterUrl path file else do maybe (return ()) (\ s -> putStrLn $ "size " <> show s) masterSize findMirror masterUrl path file let finalDir = dropFileName finalurl putStrLn finalurl return (finalurl, prefix, (masterUrl,masterSize), (finalDir ) . T.unpack <$> mchecksum, already) where findMirror masterUrl path file = do url <- if mirror == dlFpo then return masterUrl else if mirror /= downloadFpo then return $ mirror path else do redir <- httpRedirect mgr $ mirror path file case redir of Nothing -> error' $ mirror path file <> " redirect failed" Just u -> do let url = B.unpack u exists <- httpExists mgr url if exists then return url else return masterUrl return (url,False) checkLocalFileSize localfile masterSize = do localsize <- toInteger . fileSize <$> getFileStatus localfile if Just localsize == masterSize then do putStrLn "File already fully downloaded" return True else do let showsize = case masterSize of Nothing -> show localsize Just ms -> show (100 * localsize `div` ms) <> "%" putStrLn $ "File " <> showsize <> " downloaded" return False urlPathMRel :: Manager -> IO (String, Maybe String) urlPathMRel mgr = do let subdir = if edition `elem` fedoraSpins then joinPath ["Spins", arch, "iso"] else joinPath [show edition, arch, editionMedia edition] case tgtrel of "respin" -> return ("alt/live-respins", Nothing) "rawhide" -> return ("fedora/linux/development/rawhide" subdir, Just "Rawhide") "test" -> checkTestRel mgr subdir rel | all isDigit rel -> checkReleased mgr rel subdir _ -> error' "Unknown release" checkTestRel :: Manager -> FilePath -> IO (FilePath, Maybe String) checkTestRel mgr subdir = do let path = "fedora/linux" "releases/test" url = dlFpo path -- use http-directory-0.1.6 removeTrailing rels <- map (T.unpack . T.dropWhileEnd (== '/')) <$> httpDirectory mgr url let mrel = listToMaybe rels return (path fromMaybe (error' ("test release not found in " <> url)) mrel subdir, mrel) checkReleased :: Manager -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (FilePath, Maybe String) checkReleased mgr rel subdir = do let dir = "fedora/linux/releases" url = dlFpo dir exists <- httpExists mgr $ url rel if exists then return (dir rel subdir, Just rel) else do let dir' = "fedora/linux/development" url' = dlFpo dir' exists' <- httpExists mgr $ url' rel if exists' then return (dir' rel subdir, Just rel) else error' "release not found in releases/ or development/" makeFilePrefix :: Maybe String -> String makeFilePrefix mrelease = if tgtrel == "respin" then "F[1-9][0-9]*-" <> liveRespin edition <> "-x86_64" <> "-LIVE" else let showRel r = if last r == '/' then init r else r rel = maybeToList (showRel <$> mrelease) middle = if edition `elem` [Cloud, Container] then rel ++ [".*" <> arch] else arch : rel in intercalate "-" (["Fedora", show edition, editionType edition] ++ middle) downloadFile :: Bool -> Manager -> String -> (String, Maybe Integer) -> IO Bool downloadFile done mgr url (masterUrl,masterSize) = if done then return False else do when (url /= masterUrl) $ do mirrorSize <- httpFileSize mgr url unless (mirrorSize == masterSize) $ putStrLn "Warning! Mirror filesize differs from master file" if dryrun then return False else do cmd_ "curl" ["-C", "-", "-O", url] return True fileChecksum :: Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> IO () fileChecksum Nothing _ = return () fileChecksum (Just url) needChecksum = when ((needChecksum && checksum /= NoCheckSum) || checksum == CheckSum) $ do let checksumfile = takeFileName url exists <- doesFileExist checksumfile putStrLn "" unless exists $ cmd_ "curl" ["-C", "-", "-s", "-S", "-O", url] pgp <- grep_ "PGP" checksumfile when (gpg && pgp) $ do havekey <- checkForFedoraKeys unless havekey $ do putStrLn "Importing Fedora GPG keys:\n" -- https://fedoramagazine.org/verify-fedora-iso-file/ pipe_ ("curl",["-s", "-S", "https://getfedora.org/static/fedora.gpg"]) ("gpg",["--import"]) putStrLn "" chkgpg <- if pgp then checkForFedoraKeys else return False let shasum = if "CHECKSUM512" `isPrefixOf` checksumfile then "sha512sum" else "sha256sum" if chkgpg then do putStrLn $ "Running gpg verify and " <> shasum <> ":" pipeFile_ checksumfile ("gpg",["-q"]) (shasum, ["-c", "--ignore-missing"]) else do putStrLn $ "Running " <> shasum <> ":" cmd_ shasum ["-c", "--ignore-missing", checksumfile] checkForFedoraKeys :: IO Bool checkForFedoraKeys = pipeBool ("gpg",["--list-keys"]) ("grep", ["-q", " Fedora .*(" <> tgtrel <> ").*@fedoraproject.org>"]) updateSymlink :: FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> IO () updateSymlink target symlink showdestdir = do symExists <- do havefile <- doesFileExist symlink if havefile then return True else do -- check for broken symlink dirfiles <- listDirectory "." return $ symlink `elem` dirfiles if symExists then do linktarget <- readSymbolicLink symlink when (linktarget /= target) $ do removeFile symlink makeSymlink else makeSymlink where makeSymlink = do putStrLn "" createSymbolicLink target symlink putStrLn $ unwords [showdestdir symlink, "->", target] editionType :: FedoraEdition -> String editionType Server = "dvd" editionType Silverblue = "ostree" editionType Everything = "netinst" editionType Cloud = "Base" editionType Container = "Base" editionType _ = "Live" editionMedia :: FedoraEdition -> String editionMedia Cloud = "images" editionMedia Container = "images" editionMedia _ = "iso" liveRespin :: FedoraEdition -> String liveRespin = take 4 . map toUpper . show infixr 5 () :: String -> String -> String "" s = s s "" = s s t | last s == '/' = init s t | head t == '/' = s tail t s t = s <> "/" <> t bootImage :: FilePath -> IO () bootImage img = do let fileopts = case takeExtension img of ".iso" -> ["-boot", "d", "-cdrom"] _ -> [] mQemu <- findExecutable "qemu-kvm" case mQemu of Just qemu -> cmd_ qemu (["-m", "2048", "-usb", "-rtc", "base=localtime"] ++ fileopts ++ [img]) Nothing -> error' "Need qemu to run image"