distributive ============ [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/distributive.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/distributive) [![Build Status](https://github.com/ekmett/distributive/workflows/Haskell-CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/ekmett/distributive/actions?query=workflow%3AHaskell-CI) This package provides the notion that is categorically dual to `Traversable`. A `Distributive` `Functor` is one that you can push any functor inside of. ```haskell distribute :: (Functor f, Distributive g) => f (g a) -> g (f a) ``` Compare this with the corresponding Traversable notion, `sequenceA`. ```haskell sequenceA :: (Applicative f, Traversable g) => g (f a) -> f (g a) ``` This package includes instances for common types, and includes other methods similar to `traverse` which fuse the use of `fmap`. We only require `Functor` rather than some dual notion to `Applicative`, because the latter cannot meaningfully exist in Haskell since all comonoids there are trivial. Contact Information ------------------- Contributions and bug reports are welcome! Please feel free to contact me through github or on the #haskell IRC channel on irc.freenode.net. -Edward Kmett