{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}

{- Copyright 2014 Romain Edelmann

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-- | This modules defines types and functions for manipulating
--   finite discrete probability distributions.
module Data.Distribution.Core
    ( -- * Probability
      -- * Distribution
    , Distribution
    , toMap
    , toList
      -- ** Properties
    , size
    , support
      -- ** Creation
    , fromList
    , always
    , uniform
    , withProbability
      -- ** Transformation
    , select
    , assuming
    , observing
      -- ** Combination
    , combineWith
      -- ** Sequences
      -- *** Independant experiments
    , trials
    , times
    , iid
      -- *** Dependant experiments
    , andThen
      -- ** Utilities
    , isValid
    ) where

import Control.Arrow (second)
import qualified Data.Function as F
import Data.List (tails, groupBy, sortBy, find)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Set (Set)

-- | Probability. Should be between 0 and 1.
type Probability = Rational

-- | Distribution over values of type @a@.
--   Due to their internal representations, @Distribution@ can not have
--   @Functor@ or @Monad@ instances.
--   However, 'select' is the equivalent of @fmap@ for distributions
--   and 'always' and 'andThen' are respectively the equivalent of @return@
--   and @>>=@.
newtype Distribution a = Distribution
    { toMap :: Map a Probability
      -- ^ Converts the distribution to a mapping from values to their
      --   probability. Values with probability @0@ are not included
      --   in the resulting mapping.
    } deriving Eq

instance Show a => Show (Distribution a) where
    show d = "fromList " ++ show (toList d)

-- | A distribution @d1@ is less than some other distribution @d2@
--   if the smallest value that has a different probability
--   in @d1@ and @d2@ is more probable in @d1@.
--   By convention, empty distributions are less than
--   everything except themselves.
instance Ord a => Ord (Distribution a) where
    compare d1 d2 = case (toList d1, toList d2) of
        ([], []) -> EQ
        ([], _)  -> LT
        (_, [])  -> GT
        (xs, ys) -> case find (uncurry (/=)) $ zip xs ys of
            Nothing -> EQ
            Just ((x, p), (y, q)) -> case compare x y of
                EQ -> compare q p
                c  -> c

-- | Lifts the bounds to the distributions that return them
--   with probability one.
--   Note that the degenerate distributions of size @0@ will
--   be less than the distribution @minBound@.
--   Appart from that, all other distributions d have
--   the property that @minBound <= d <= maxBound@ if
--   this property holds on the values of the distribution.
instance Bounded a => Bounded (Distribution a) where
    minBound = always minBound
    maxBound = always maxBound

-- | Literals are interpreted as distributions that always
--   return the given value.
--   >>> 42 == always 42
--   True
--   Binary operations on distributions are defined to
--   be the binary operation on each pair of elements.
--   For this reason, @(+)@ and @(*)@ are not related in the same way
--   as they are on natural numbers.
--   For instance, it is not always the case that:
--   @3 * d == d + d + d@
--   >>> let d = uniform [0, 1]
--   >>> 3 * d
--   fromList [(0,1 % 2),(3,1 % 2)]
--   >>> d + d + d
--   fromList [(0,1 % 8),(1,3 % 8),(2,3 % 8),(3,1 % 8)]
--   For this particular behavior, see the `times` function.
instance (Ord a, Num a) => Num (Distribution a) where
    fromInteger = always . fromInteger
    abs = select abs
    signum = select signum
    negate = select negate
    d1 + d2 = combineWith (+) d1 d2
    d1 - d2 = combineWith (-) d1 d2
    d1 * d2 = combineWith (*) d1 d2

-- Binary operations on distributions are defined to
-- be the binary operation on each pair of elements.
instance (Ord a, Fractional a) => Fractional (Distribution a) where
    fromRational = always . fromRational
    d1 / d2 = combineWith (+) d1 d2
    recip = select recip

-- Binary operations on distributions are defined to
-- be the binary operation on each pair of element.
instance (Ord a, Floating a) => Floating (Distribution a) where
    pi = always pi
    exp = select exp
    sqrt = select sqrt
    log = select log
    d1 ** d2 = combineWith (**) d1 d2
    d1 `logBase` d2 = combineWith logBase d1 d2
    sin = select sin
    tan = select tan
    cos = select cos
    asin = select asin
    atan = select atan
    acos = select acos
    sinh = select sinh
    tanh = select tanh
    cosh = select cosh
    asinh = select asinh
    atanh = select atanh
    acosh = select acosh

instance (Ord a, Monoid a) => Monoid (Distribution a) where
    mempty = always mempty
    mappend d1 d2 = combineWith mappend d1 d2

-- | Converts the distribution to a list of increasing values whose probability
--   is greater than @0@. To each value is associated its probability.
toList :: Distribution a -> [(a, Probability)]
toList (Distribution xs) = Map.toAscList xs

-- Properties

-- | Returns the number of elements with non-zero probability
--   in the distribution.
size :: Distribution a -> Int
size = Map.size . toMap

-- | Values in the distribution with non-zero probability.
support :: Distribution a -> Set a
support = Map.keysSet . toMap

-- Creation

-- | Distribution that assigns to each @value@ from the given @(value, weight)@
--   pairs a probability proportional to @weight@.
--   >>> fromList [('A', 1), ('B', 2), ('C', 1)]
--   fromList [('A',1 % 4),('B',1 % 2),('C',1 % 4)]
--   Values may appear multiple times in the list. In this case, their total
--   weight is the sum of the different associated weights.
--   Values whose total weight is zero or negative are ignored.
fromList :: (Ord a, Real p) => [(a, p)] -> Distribution a
fromList xs = Distribution $ Map.fromDistinctAscList $ zip vs scaledPs
    as = map aggregate $ groupBy ((==) `F.on` fst) $ sortBy (comparing fst) xs
        aggregate ys = let (v : _, qs) = unzip ys in
            (v, fromRational $ toRational $ sum qs)
    (vs, ps) = unzip $ filter ((> 0) . snd) as
    t = sum ps
    scaledPs = if t /= 1 then map (/ t) ps else ps

-- | Distribution that assigns to @x@ the probability of @1@.
-- >>> always 0
-- fromList [(0,1 % 1)]
-- >>> always 42
-- fromList [(42,1 % 1)]
always :: a -> Distribution a
always x = Distribution $ Map.singleton x 1

-- | Uniform distribution over the values.
--   The probability of each element is proportional
--   to its number of appearance in the list.
--   >>> uniform [1 .. 6]
--   fromList [(1,1 % 6),(2,1 % 6),(3,1 % 6),(4,1 % 6),(5,1 % 6),(6,1 % 6)]
uniform :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Distribution a
uniform xs = fromList $ fmap (\ x -> (x, p)) xs
    p = 1 / toRational (length xs)

-- | @True@ with given probability and @False@ with complementary probability.
withProbability :: Real p => p -> Distribution Bool
withProbability p = fromList [(False, 1 - p'), (True, p')]
    p' = fromRational $ max 0 $ min 1 $ toRational p

-- Transformation

-- | Applies a function to the values in the distribution.
--   >>> select abs $ uniform [-1, 0, 1]
--   fromList [(0,1 % 3),(1,2 % 3)]
select :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> Distribution a -> Distribution b
select f (Distribution xs) = Distribution $ Map.mapKeysWith (+) f xs

-- | Returns a new distribution conditioning on the predicate holding
--   on the value.
--   >>> assuming (> 2) $ uniform [1 .. 6]
--   fromList [(3,1 % 4),(4,1 % 4),(5,1 % 4),(6,1 % 4)]
--   Note that the resulting distribution will be invalid
--   if the predicate does not hold on any of the values.
--   >>> assuming (> 7) $ uniform [1 .. 6]
--   fromList []
assuming :: (a -> Bool) -> Distribution a -> Distribution a
assuming f (Distribution xs) = Distribution $ fmap adjust filtered
    filtered = Map.filterWithKey (const . f) xs
    adjust x = x * (1 / total)
    total = sum $ Map.elems filtered

-- | Returns a new distribution using the Bayesian update rule.
-- Using this example:
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayesian_inference#Probability_of_a_hypothesis
-- > data CookieBowl = Bowl1 | Bowl2 deriving (Eq,Ord)
-- > data CookieType = Plain | ChocolateChip deriving (Eq,Ord)
-- >
-- > assumption :: Distribution CookieBowl
-- > assumption = uniform [Bowl1,Bowl2]
-- >
-- > update :: Cookie -> Distribution CookieBowl -> Distribution CookieBowl
-- > update c = observing f where
-- >   f b = case b of
-- >     -- Bowl #1 contains 10 chocolate chip cookies and 30 plain cookies
-- >     Bowl1 -> fromList [(c == ChocolateChip,10),(c == Plain,30)]
-- >     -- Bowl #2 contains 20 of each flavour of cookie
-- >     Bowl2 -> fromList [(c == ChocolateChip,20),(c == Plain,20)]
-- The "update" function in this example can be used to update the probability
-- distribution of which bowl you have based on observing a random cookie inside
-- the bowl.
observing :: (a -> Distribution Bool) -> Distribution a -> Distribution a
observing f (Distribution xs) = Distribution $ fmap adjust filtered
    filtered = Map.filter (/= 0) $ Map.mapWithKey tweak xs
    tweak x p = let
      Distribution px = f x
      pt = fromMaybe 0 $ Map.lookup True px
      in pt * p
    adjust x = x * (1 / total)
    total = sum $ Map.elems filtered

-- Combination

combineWith :: (Ord b) => (a -> a -> b) -> Distribution a -> Distribution a -> Distribution b
combineWith f (Distribution xs) (Distribution ys) = Distribution $ Map.unionsWith (+) $ do
    (x, p) <- Map.toList xs
    return $ Map.fromListWith (+) $ do
        (y, q) <- Map.toList ys
        return (f x y, p * q)

-- Sequences

-- | Binomial distribution.
--   Assigns to each number of successes its probability.
--   >>> trials 2 $ uniform [True, False]
--   fromList [(0,1 % 4),(1,1 % 2),(2,1 % 4)]
trials :: Int -> Distribution Bool -> Distribution Int
trials n d = Distribution $ Map.fromDistinctAscList $ if
    | p == 1    -> [(n, 1)]
    | p == 0    -> [(0, 1)]
    | otherwise -> zip outcomes probs
    p = fromMaybe 0 $ Map.lookup True $ toMap d
    q = 1 - p

    ps = take (n + 1) $ iterate (* p) 1
    qs = reverse $ take (n + 1) $ iterate (* q) 1

    probs = zipWith (*) pascalRow $ zipWith (*) ps qs

    outcomes = [0 .. n]

    pascalRow = fmap (fromRational . toRational) $
        scanl ( \ c k -> c * (n' + 1 - k) `div` k) 1 [1 .. n']
        n' = toInteger n

-- | Takes `n` samples from the distribution and returns the distribution
--   of their sum.
--   >>> times 2 $ uniform [1 .. 3]
--   fromList [(2,1 % 9),(3,2 % 9),(4,1 % 3),(5,2 % 9),(6,1 % 9)]
--   This function makes use of the more efficient @trials@ functions
--   for input distributions of size @2@.
--   >>> size $ times 10000 $ uniform [1, 10]
--   10001
times :: (Num a, Ord a) => Int -> Distribution a -> Distribution a
n `times` d
    | s == 0 = d
    | n <= 0 = always 0
    | s == 1 = select (* n') d
    | s == 2 = case toList d of  -- Performs Bernoulli trials. (efficiency)
        [(a, p), (b, q)] -> select (go a b) $ trials n $ withProbability p
        _ -> error "times: size seems not to be properly defined."
    |otherwise = mult n
    s = Map.size $ toMap d
    n' = fromInteger $ toInteger n
    go a b k = k' * a + (n' - k') * b
        k' = fromInteger $ toInteger k

    -- Computes @k `times` d@ using a divide and conquer approach.
    mult 1 = d
    mult k = if r == 0 then twice d' else twice d' + d
        d' = mult k'
        (k', r) = k `quotRem` 2

    -- Computes @d + d@ more efficiently.
    twice (Distribution xs) = Distribution $ Map.unionsWith (+) $ do
        (x, p) : ys <- init $ tails $ Map.toAscList xs
        return $ Map.fromDistinctAscList $ (:) (x + x, p * p) $ do
            (y, q) <- ys
            let p' = 2 * p * q
            return (y + x, p')

iid :: (Ord a) => (a -> a -> a) -> Int -> Distribution a -> Distribution a
iid f n d
    | n <= 0 = error "Called iid with a non-positive number of trials."
    | otherwise = go n
      go 1 = d
      go m =
        let (i, j) = quotRem m 2 
            sub = go i
            combined = combineWith f sub sub
        in if j == 0
          then combined
          else combineWith f combined d

-- | Computes for each value in the distribution a new distribution, and then
--   combines those distributions, giving each the weight of the original value.
--   >>> uniform [1 .. 3] `andThen` (\ n -> uniform [1 .. n])
--   fromList [(1,11 % 18),(2,5 % 18),(3,1 % 9)]
--   See the 'Experiment' data type in the 'Data.Distribution.Monadic' module
--   for a more "natural" monadic interface. 
infixl 7 `andThen`
andThen :: Ord b => Distribution a -> (a -> Distribution b) -> Distribution b
andThen (Distribution xs) f = Distribution $
    Map.unionsWith (+) $ fmap go $ Map.toList xs
    go (x, p) = fmap (* p) $ toMap $ f x

-- | Determines if a distribution is valid.
--   A distribution is valid if and only if its domain is non-empty.
--   Invalid distributions may arise from the use of 'assuming' for instance.
isValid :: Distribution a -> Bool
isValid (Distribution xs) = not $ Map.null xs