{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Control.Distributed.Process hiding (call) import Control.Distributed.Process.Closure import Control.Distributed.Process.Node import Control.Distributed.Process.Async import Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Time import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Timer import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Internal.Types import Control.Distributed.Process.Serializable() import Control.Distributed.Process.Tests.Internal.Utils import Control.Distributed.Process.Task.Queue.BlockingQueue hiding (start) import qualified Control.Distributed.Process.Task.Queue.BlockingQueue as Pool (start) #if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) import Prelude hiding (catch) #endif import Test.Framework (Test, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) -- import TestUtils import Network.Transport.TCP import qualified Network.Transport as NT -- utilities sampleTask :: (TimeInterval, String) -> Process String sampleTask (t, s) = sleep t >> return s namedTask :: (String, String) -> Process String namedTask (name, result) = do self <- getSelfPid register name self () <- expect return result crashingTask :: SendPort ProcessId -> Process String crashingTask sp = getSelfPid >>= sendChan sp >> die "Boom" $(remotable ['sampleTask, 'namedTask, 'crashingTask]) -- SimplePool tests startPool :: SizeLimit -> Process ProcessId startPool sz = spawnLocal $ do Pool.start (pool sz :: Process (InitResult (BlockingQueue String))) testSimplePoolJobBlocksCaller :: TestResult (AsyncResult (Either ExitReason String)) -> Process () testSimplePoolJobBlocksCaller result = do pid <- startPool 1 -- we do a non-blocking test first job <- return $ ($(mkClosure 'sampleTask) (seconds 2, "foobar")) callAsync pid job >>= wait >>= stash result testJobQueueSizeLimiting :: TestResult (Maybe (AsyncResult (Either ExitReason String)), Maybe (AsyncResult (Either ExitReason String))) -> Process () testJobQueueSizeLimiting result = do pid <- startPool 1 job1 <- return $ ($(mkClosure 'namedTask) ("job1", "foo")) job2 <- return $ ($(mkClosure 'namedTask) ("job2", "bar")) h1 <- callAsync pid job1 :: Process (Async (Either ExitReason String)) h2 <- callAsync pid job2 :: Process (Async (Either ExitReason String)) -- despite the fact that we tell job2 to proceed first, -- the size limit (of 1) will ensure that only job1 can -- proceed successfully! nsend "job2" () AsyncPending <- poll h2 Nothing <- whereis "job2" -- we can get here *very* fast, so give the registration time to kick in sleep $ milliSeconds 250 j1p <- whereis "job1" case j1p of Nothing -> die $ "timing is out - job1 isn't registered yet" Just p -> send p () -- once job1 completes, we *should* be able to proceed with job2 -- but we allow a little time for things to catch up sleep $ milliSeconds 250 nsend "job2" () r2 <- waitTimeout (within 2 Seconds) h2 r1 <- waitTimeout (within 2 Seconds) h1 stash result (r1, r2) testExecutionErrors :: TestResult Bool -> Process () testExecutionErrors result = do pid <- startPool 1 (sp, rp) <- newChan :: Process (SendPort ProcessId, ReceivePort ProcessId) job <- return $ ($(mkClosure 'crashingTask) sp) res <- executeTask pid job rpid <- receiveChan rp -- liftIO $ putStrLn (show res) stash result (expectedErrorMessage rpid == res) where expectedErrorMessage p = Left $ ExitOther $ "DiedException \"exit-from=" ++ (show p) ++ ",reason=Boom\"" myRemoteTable :: RemoteTable myRemoteTable = Main.__remoteTable initRemoteTable tests :: NT.Transport -> IO [Test] tests transport = do localNode <- newLocalNode transport myRemoteTable return [ testGroup "Task Execution And Prioritisation" [ testCase "Each execution blocks the submitter" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to return the task outcome" localNode (AsyncDone (Right "foobar")) testSimplePoolJobBlocksCaller) , testCase "Only 'max' tasks can proceed at any time" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to block the second job until the first was released" localNode (Just (AsyncDone (Right "foo")), Just (AsyncDone (Right "bar"))) testJobQueueSizeLimiting) , testCase "Crashing Tasks are Reported Properly" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to report an error" localNode True testExecutionErrors) ] ] main :: IO () main = testMain $ tests -- | Given a @builder@ function, make and run a test suite on a single transport testMain :: (NT.Transport -> IO [Test]) -> IO () testMain builder = do Right (transport, _) <- createTransportExposeInternals "" "0" defaultTCPParameters testData <- builder transport defaultMain testData