{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StaticPointers #-}

-- | Private internals. You should not use this module unless you are determined
-- to monkey with the internals. This module comes with no API stability
-- guarantees whatsoever. Use at your own risks.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- for binary < 0.7.6 compat.

module Control.Distributed.Closure.Internal
  ( Serializable
  , Closure(..)
  , closure
  , unclosure
  , cpure
  , cap
  , cmap
  ) where

import Data.Binary (Binary(..), Get, Put, decode, encode)
import Data.Binary.Put (putWord8)
import Data.Binary.Get (getWord8)
import Data.Constraint (Dict(..))
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import GHC.Base (Any)
import GHC.Fingerprint
import GHC.StaticPtr
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) -- for dynClosureApply
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

-- | Values that can be sent across the network.
type Serializable a = (Binary a, Typeable a)

-- | Type of serializable closures. Abstractly speaking, a closure is a code
-- reference paired together with an environment. A serializable closure
-- includes a /shareable/ code reference (i.e. a 'StaticPtr'). Closures can be
-- serialized only if all expressions captured in the environment are
-- serializable.
data Closure a where
  StaticPtr :: !(StaticPtr a) -> Closure a
  Encoded :: !ByteString -> Closure ByteString
  Ap :: !(Closure (a -> b)) -> !(Closure a) -> Closure b
  -- Cache the value a closure resolves to.
  Closure :: a -> !(Closure a) -> Closure a

-- Will be obsoleted by https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Typeable. We use
-- our own datatype instead of Dynamic in order to support dynClosureApply.
newtype DynClosure = DynClosure Any -- invariant: only values of type Closure.

-- | Until GHC.StaticPtr can give us a proper TypeRep upon decoding, we have to
-- pretend that this function doesn't need a 'Typeable' constraint to be safe.
toDynClosure :: Closure a -> DynClosure
toDynClosure = DynClosure . unsafeCoerce

fromDynClosure :: Typeable a => DynClosure -> Closure a
fromDynClosure (DynClosure x) = unsafeCoerce x

dynClosureApply :: DynClosure -> DynClosure -> DynClosure
dynClosureApply (DynClosure x1) (DynClosure x2) =
    case unsafeCoerce x1 of
      (clos1 :: Closure (a -> b)) -> case unsafeCoerce x2 of
        (clos2 :: Closure a) -> DynClosure $ unsafeCoerce $ Ap clos1 clos2

-- | Until GHC.StaticPtr can give us a proper TypeRep upon decoding, we have to
-- pretend that serializing/deserializing a @'Closure' a@ without a @'Typeable'
-- a@ constraint, i.e. for /any/ @a@, is safe.
putClosure :: Closure a -> Put
putClosure (StaticPtr sptr) = putWord8 0 >> put (staticKey sptr)
putClosure (Encoded bs) = putWord8 1 >> put bs
putClosure (Ap clos1 clos2) = putWord8 2 >> putClosure clos1 >> putClosure clos2
putClosure (Closure _ clos) = putClosure clos

getDynClosure :: Get DynClosure
getDynClosure = getWord8 >>= \case
    0 -> get >>= \key -> case unsafePerformIO (unsafeLookupStaticPtr key) of
           Just sptr -> return $ toDynClosure $ StaticPtr sptr
           Nothing -> fail $ "Static pointer lookup failed: " ++ show key
    1 -> toDynClosure . Encoded <$> get
    2 -> dynClosureApply <$> getDynClosure <*> getDynClosure
    _ -> fail "Binary.get(Closure): unrecognized tag."

#if !MIN_VERSION_binary(0,7,6)
-- Orphan instance
instance Binary Fingerprint where
  put (Fingerprint x1 x2) = do
      put x1
      put x2
  get = do
      x1 <- get
      x2 <- get
      return $! Fingerprint x1 x2

instance Typeable a => Binary (Closure a) where
  put = putClosure
  get = do
      clos <- fromDynClosure <$> getDynClosure
      return $ Closure (unclosure clos) clos

-- | Lift a Static pointer to a closure with an empty environment.
closure :: StaticPtr a -> Closure a
closure sptr = Closure (deRefStaticPtr sptr) (StaticPtr sptr)

-- | Resolve a 'Closure' to the value that it represents. Calling 'unclosure'
-- multiple times on the same closure is efficient: for most argument values the
-- result is memoized.
unclosure :: Closure a -> a
unclosure (StaticPtr sptr) = deRefStaticPtr sptr
unclosure (Encoded x) = x
unclosure (Ap cf cx) = (unclosure cf) (unclosure cx)
unclosure (Closure x _) = x

decodeD :: Dict (Serializable a) -> ByteString -> a
decodeD Dict = decode

-- | A closure can be created from any serializable value. 'cpure' corresponds
-- to "Control.Applicative"'s 'Control.Applicative.pure', but restricted to
-- lifting serializable values only.
cpure :: Closure (Dict (Serializable a)) -> a -> Closure a
cpure cdict x | Dict <- unclosure cdict =
    Closure x $
    StaticPtr (static decodeD) `cap`
    cdict `cap`
    Encoded (encode x)

-- | Closure application. Note that 'Closure' is not a functor, let alone an
-- applicative functor, even if it too has a meaningful notion of application.
cap :: Typeable a          -- XXX 'Typeable' constraint only for forward compat.
    => Closure (a -> b)
    -> Closure a
    -> Closure b
cap (Closure f closf) (Closure x closx) = Closure (f x) (Ap closf closx)
cap closf closx = Ap closf closx

-- | 'Closure' is not a 'Functor', in that we cannot map arbitrary functions
-- over it. That is, we cannot define 'fmap'. However, we can map a static
-- pointer to a function over a 'Closure'.
cmap :: Typeable a => StaticPtr (a -> b) -> Closure a -> Closure b
cmap sptr = cap (Closure (deRefStaticPtr sptr) (StaticPtr sptr))